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Mar 2020 · 163
Caught by Sunset
And the sky is blazing
The breath is pulled out
God is in a sky like that

A sky like that strips you
You're small and happier for it
So big it doesn't even stare back

A sky like that puts fire in your chest
The world below alive at its behest
And how could we dare hope to touch it
Mar 2020 · 803
Amongst Moss
To a wood of Ash and Oak I'll go
And in shade of ancient canopy lie
Amongst Moss I'll make my bed

In this mossy sleep I'll die
And on the grass will lay my head
My final ending sight the sky

The Foxes over me will tread
And of a meal they'll make my eye
But on this fact I have no dread

For I will not be there to spy

— The End —