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Your eyes are telling a tale
Everywhere you go

Your steps are making rhythms
silent and slow

Your head was never high
Nor does your voice

Every tremble of your hands
Every quiver on your lips
I know.
for my lovely friend who had thought for all these years no one has seen the pain in his eyes or the anxiety on his face. I miss you. be strong.
Oh, will you ever return to me,
My wild first force, will you return
When the old madness comes to
Blacken in me and to burn
Slow in my brain like a slow fire
In a blackened brazier - dull
like a smear of blood,
Humid and hot evil, slow-sweltering
up in a flood!
Oh, will you not come back, my fierce song?
Jubilant and exultant, triumphing over
the huge wrong
of that slow fire of madness that feeds
on me - the slow mad blood
thick with its hate and evil, sweltering
up in its flood!
Oh! will you not purge it from me -
my wild lost flame?
Come and restore me, save me from the
intolerable shame
Of that huge eye that eats into my
Naked body constantly
And has no name,
Gazing upon me from the immense and
Cruel bareness of the sky
That leaves no mercy of concealment
That gives no promise of revealment
And that drives us on forever with its
lidless eye
Across a huge and houseless level of
a planetary vacancy
Oh, wild song and fury, fire and flame,
Lost magic of my youth return, defend
me from this shame!
And Oh! You golden vengeance of bright
Not cure but answer to earth's wrong
Put on a pretty smile,
Put on a pretty face,
And in a little while
I promise you'll be safe.

Hold on a little longer,
Keep on that pretty face,
Put on that perfect act,
And then it will be okay.

Don't trust a word they say,
It will never be okay,
It may get better,
And you may stay safe,

But truly,
We all have our demons to fight.

So hold on a little longer,
It will always get better,
The past won't go away.

It will make you stronger,
And then,
And only then,
Will it be okay.
I saw him in the fields as a boy
And he was smiling
Such a tender youth and full of love
For every living thing great and small

The sheep were all around him
And each he fed out of hand
One by one, smiling at his flock
With eyes full of love
And a heart ever giving

I saw him in the market square
And he was smiling
The great teacher
And all those who follow him

The people did flock to see him
And he spoke to them and told stories
He taught the masses, young and old
I saw the shepherd king
When jesus of Nazereth came to market

I saw him in his chains
Lead through the town bruised and ******
Lead by roman jailors toward death
While all around the crowd was in turmoil

He never cried out, nor begged for life
He never moaned, never complained
Even when the raised him up, and nailed him to the cross
His only words were a dying prayer
He was smiling.
roses are red
violets are blue
you ******* *****
So it seems that
The popular opinion
Is that not being desensitized is some flaw.
That when pressured to see things I hate I should just
Be quiet?
And that I should be reminded constantly that I am a terrible person
Because I am sensitive.
"It's just a movie."
It's not my fault it makes me feel horrible inside!
I want to participate
But if I say how I feel honestly, I get
"Of course."
"You're always like this!"
I know I am
I don't try to.
"You're always against everything,"
I'm sorry for my views.
That's who I am.
But I can try to change, if it's what you really want.
I hate it when I get so worked up that I am shaking.  Whatever.  I don't want to read any comments on this.  I'm sure I'll hurt someone's feelings.  I'm sorry.  I know I have issues, and I'll try to work on it...  It just isn't easy for me.
you scare me.

not like elliot scared me -
he was frightening because of the sweetness of his smile
you are frightening
because you are a sweetness that lies

your calm
the way you laugh,
call me silly pet names
puts a bad taste in my mouth
a sick feeling in my stomach
you are a wolf

it's been almost three years
since you sunk your teeth into me
i came close to forgetting
until i found an old conversation
started second guessing
even though i had made a note
that said
"never let yourself again,
and now, once more
the lamb has walked into
the lions den
i shouldn't talk to him. he took advantage of me when i was the most vulnerable. he is a ******* *******. but now i'm in trouble...
Everyone journeys to be more but stuck in the struggle
Some desire love while others chase dreams
Careers that others told them would never happen
Obsessed and determined to more
Stuck with less deep down you can be the best
Limits and held back all you want to do is breakout
Feeling good others poison the mind with doubt
Stand tall others want to see you fall
Broken within hide the pain keeping busy not lost in thought
Shattered memories remain that one wants to relive
With the good comes the bad everything will be fine
Be happy over sad moments stuck in tim
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