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Jul 2022 · 193
Love is…
Marshall Messi Jul 2022
What is property
Is love property?
It is anarchy
Do we trust anarchy?
Do we really trust love?
Love is anarchy.

A bond bound in anarchy
There is no cheating in anarchy
For there is no property
What is love?
It lives outside of law
It lives outside of tradition
It is not PROPERTY!
Love is that moment.
You can’t define it
You don’t know it
It happens…it’s gone!
Love is not defined by time
Love is…
Love is…
Now and never again the same

Do not hold love
Do not love love
Love is four letters
Love does not exist
2 bodies is not love
Love is not exaltation
Love is not infinite
Love is here
Love is now
Love is gone
Do not find love
Love does not need you
Love is now
Love is gone
Love is now
Love is gone
Love is…
Love lives beyond us.
Just embrace
Jul 2022 · 480
Finding ______
Marshall Messi Jul 2022
Love has wasted my time
Partnership has strengthened me
I don’t think I’ve seen Love
I have seen a beautiful partner
Someone to make me stronger
Redefined happy
To convolute love
To self and us
And make love constitute us.
Jul 2021 · 164
The happiness piece.
Marshall Messi Jul 2021
Life is puzzle made of pieces all touching one another and the pieces, though multitudes, individually are minuscule. we have happy touching sad, and sorrow touching joy, anger interlocking contentment and fear with unstoppable courage. But at the edges, the edges touch nothingness. And if you stand back you can see the picture of a life full of emotion and a beautiful complex picture of what it means to be human. But if you continue to back away further and further you may find, nothingness. Not even a speck is left if you withdraw far enough. What piece of your puzzle are you on now, I’m sure it’s special.
Jun 2021 · 153
The weight of a reflection
Marshall Messi Jun 2021
My jaw is too far back
My hair is falling out
Or turning gray
I can’t grow muscles
I’ll just grow a belly
I can’t have ****** hair
I debate if this is mental illness
Can illness be self aware?
Is it an excuse for being me
Without free will,
What is this?

***** that hang from the windowsill
And fall to a vaginal mole hill

You will be what you are

You won’t…

The **** do I know?
Feb 2021 · 396
Mi mane
Marshall Messi Feb 2021
Losing my hair,
I’ve learned so much,
My head looks weird
And no more wise.
It’s no longer a conquest
But stress for happiness
And philosophical lies
That promise no demise
I’ll miss you hair.
I saw my reflection without a hat
Sep 2020 · 163
The rebirth of a poem
Marshall Messi Sep 2020
“The birth of a poem
Poetry is capturing a scene, an event, or a deed with your eyes,
Processing it in your mind and feeling it in your heart, it’s letting go and expressing it with your words.

Hussein Dekmak


Sep 2020 · 169
Cheers to my heart
Marshall Messi Sep 2020
I write this poem to the rhythm of my heart.
I have heart arrhythmia, so call it free form.
This poem is free form like the dancing of a soul.
Made up and pointless. Nothing beautiful to mourn.
We are The temperature of air and floating as unborn.
The idea is that we don’t and the dream is as afloat
We write this poem together to the rhythms of our farts
Cheers to my heart
Sep 2020 · 104
As we write we live
Marshall Messi Sep 2020
If I wake tomorrow hurray
As I woke awake today
But I forgot to say hurray
So tomorrow I will wake
And make up for my mistake today
And if I wake the next day...
I have yet to make a mistake.
And for my folly and time wasted I stay awake at the fear of time and death and tomorrow will I awake?
If I wake tomorrow hurray
As I woke awake today
But I will forget as I have forgot and so will the people I loved
So tomorrow I will wake
And make up for my mistakes today
And if I wake the next day...
I have yet to make a mistake.
Marshall Messi Dec 2018
You are like summer, hot.
You are like pizza, good.
You are like candy, sweet.
You are like similes, easy.
Marshall Messi Nov 2018
The bruise of being held to long
It isn’t blunt trauma
It’s persistent, it’s firm
And the release feels good
The memory...
It lingers on
Nov 2018 · 246
Marshall Messi Nov 2018
Do not fear death,
You’ll never remember it.

It doesn’t exist for you.
We are all memories, if a moment is never remembered is it a moment at all?
Oct 2018 · 158
You’re sad again, huh?
Marshall Messi Oct 2018
I promise I promise I promise
I’ll never be this mad again
My life is not long
And my heart is too small
To care about you or
To answer your call
The future compound
The hurt you’ve found
In love inflated by lies
And my self compromised
And a poem written too long.
Until it loses form and means nothing at all
Jun 2018 · 372
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
When did you realize you would die in a car accident?
When did you realize cancer had won the battle?
When did you realize gun shot wounds don’t heal?
When did you realize heart attacks were against you?
When did you realize everyone around you would miss you?
When did you realize death was real and it was on you?
When did you realize reality isn’t real without you?
When did you realize nothing felt real without you?
When did you realize that it doesn’t feel real to me
Why can’t I realize that death and life without real?
Jun 2018 · 1.9k
Space Chimp
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
The spiders have found the spot on your back you can’t reach
They grew into that monkey you can’t shake
But then you find The one.
There is she to identify that monkey
they all demand that piggyback ride your lower back can’t support
You thrash to frantic scramble then call them your own
We are a unit, let’s call it a family
We are now uncomfortable in our comfortability
Let’s call it love, call it what we know
Duct tape it together and say it’s fixed
Let’s call it love out of fear of the unknown
Smile for the photo, smile out of fear
Ham wasn’t happy, but we all saw his teeth.
Jun 2018 · 265
Patriot act
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
This isn’t my real name
This is my game
To write honest lines
But never confess to my crimes
Because they always watch
Your notebook is unlocked
You have no privacy
No way to unleash
Stalin would cream
At America’s “safe” Dream.

-thanks Bush
Capitalism is key!
Jun 2018 · 186
State of me
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
Like a silicone breast
We cheer
Like a bleached *******
We create
Like a ****** scene
We profit
Like a crumbling nation
We invest
Like people who care
We regress
We regress
We disappear
We are Rome
We never cared
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
The tree with the name knifed out
The regret
The passion of a new, as a knife
Let me be that blade
Let me be the dark night
Let us forget
Let us make a new
Your body is a light to see the errors
We had created in the dark
Let me be your blade
To cut through your night
And this with mine.
Jun 2018 · 168
I’ve decided to rant
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
The podcasts lock our doors
You can’t be trusted and they don’t trust you
You’re a ******* but I’m me.
I worked hard to be here
You’re trying to ****, or ******
Don’t lie!
Don’t lie!
You lie!
*******, lock the doors!
It’s true crime, it’s ****, that’s my ****!
One day three girls will **** on it
And the man on the street prefers to hear me scream.
He has been watching me.
Don’t lie
Don’t lie
You watch me Leigh
Jun 2018 · 190
We conceded
Marshall Messi Jun 2018
I’ve built a tower
I’ve built a poem
I’ve built a wall
I’ve built a community
I’ve built an account
I’ve built win
Apr 2018 · 199
Cynical night
Marshall Messi Apr 2018
We never found truth
We never really tried
We never had love
We never really tried
We never gave up
We never really tried
We never really tried
We never really tried
We always said we tried
We wish we had tried
We tried to try
Why did we lie?
There was no need to try
We knew we would die
And before us were lies
There was nothing to try.
They wanted us to comply.
Apr 2018 · 173
Filthy fighter
Marshall Messi Apr 2018
**** myself, or let cancer take me?
Same end game just perception change
Go down a fighter or become a coward
Stronger drugs come from a doctor
Let’s play this out and never answer.
Mar 2018 · 159
I bought a watch
Marshall Messi Mar 2018
Now I wear an expensive watch
It is fashion, no it’s prison.
7am...**** it, let’s sleep in...
8am...****! *******, drink coffee.
9am, **** myself? Nah, get dressed
Out and now we’re here,
My nose keeps making boogers
I guess this means I’m alive.
Let’s get some ethically approving food.
Jan 2018 · 328
Miraculously me!
Marshall Messi Jan 2018
Maybe not a miracle
Well not by your standards
I don’t want to say I’m Christ
Well maybe not by your standards
I have a capability to change wine
So maybe I say, “**** your standards”
But I did convert wine to ****
So I ******* **** on your standards.
I am my own **** Christ!
So ******* the standard.
Nov 2017 · 208
She has a bucket
Marshall Messi Nov 2017
To undo your fly
Music plays
You look to the sky.
There’s always that other guy.
It’s alright.
We have our pens
And the question why.
It’s always alright.
My friend we’re alright
Tell me, we’re alright!
I’ll sleep tonight and be just fine.
Nov 2017 · 348
Season Transition
Marshall Messi Nov 2017
No fire burnt out, it was doused
Because winter came, souls froze
She was up the stairs but out the door
Cold like no winter before
And trust were the words told
Will I follow or go alone
Certain of my uncertainty
I step out with you on ice
Flailing, deep I plunge
Oxygen has left my lungs
Never again will I trust
Foolish enough to rush
Believing that you’re more
And I stretch for your hand
You leave me by the shore
Thankful,  to have feet on land
Slow to dry but cold to the core.
Oct 2017 · 362
Love (a poem)
Marshall Messi Oct 2017
I have always wondered, “what if the sun exploded at night?”
Would we miss it when expecting morning’s clean sunshine?
Or is it a gift to the lovers who own passionate squalor at two,
To see the explosion happen behind, then reflected off the moon
The night tonight has been as warm as summer’s light.
Condemns the older couple lying on opposite sides
Love as hot as ever, yet colder than our future.
And blinded by the darkness that eternity resides.
this ones kind of a mess. fix or use as notes.
line 2 fix
after line 4, scrap or make its own.
Sep 2017 · 252
This is a poem
Marshall Messi Sep 2017
To be honest on paper
To write it in order
To cut a line shorter,
To give it some rhymes
And count out in time

To be honest on Paper
To edit a stanza
To have it in line,
To have it be cleaver
And have it be signed

To be honest on paper
It’s not a poem.
It’s an ugly letter.
That looks like your soul
And for no one to know.
Sep 2017 · 218
I'm All I Know
Marshall Messi Sep 2017
I write with the letter I
I look into the mirror
I write what's inside
Though I never look into my own eyes
Do I lie?
Do I like what I like?
I should replace You
You should replace I
But I cry
I lie
I sigh
and I try
I I  Aye Aye Yikes
You've said that its true
"No one makes money on I's"
So I sink low and sing
"A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P"
Something feels missing
And I know it's me.
It all feels unfinished
Aug 2017 · 255
Do you have the time?
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
Can you write?
Or better,
Do you have the time?
We can sit and talk?
Or again,
Do you have the time?
Can I at least ask?
Or Plead,
Do you have the time?
Aug 2017 · 233
Go For It!!!
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
Never Untrue to oneself
Gold Plastic man on the shelf
Praise be to no boastful pride
Hasn’t everyone else  tried?
Convinced no metric can serve
To prove what effort is worth
we know what we hold inside
and pointless as if since birth
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
What if I told you I cannot breathe
For I know one day I will not
would you understand me?

Let me explain...

I get out of bed and sigh
I make my bed and laugh
I return to bed on time
I get out of bed and sigh
I make my bed and laugh
I return to bed on time
I get out of bed and sigh
I make my bed and laugh
I return to bed on time

For I know one day I will not
Aug 2017 · 287
Romance. Ah, I Tried.
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
I see that spark in your eye
That sets fire to my heart
Rib Cage spread, kindling to start
The world is not set ablaze
Just slightly warmed
as is my...Liver?
Ah, Good night.
I'm not a huge fan o fake romantic poems. Most the time when we try we fall flat on our face. No Editors or post-production here
Aug 2017 · 458
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
You should write more
Not so contrived
Just under florescent light
Be honest with yourself
A pen name unsaved
Write a song
recite a sonnet
Start on haiku
Just tell them it’s you
Good rhyme
Maybe stay unnamed
Its easier this way
Focus on your book
Finish those lyrics
Find who you are
Forget all your friends
Fight all those demons
Or just stay you.
stream of thoughts
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
You haven’t
So we sing.
Off key
Out of tune
You and me
Swing dancing
To the sound of me
The sound of you
Fine, the sound of we
Swing dancing to our heart beat
There’s beauty here
Spin and dip
And our eyes lock
The microwave beeps
Aug 2017 · 345
Transient in the Boxcar
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
The hobo in the boxcar,
The love inside your heart.
Just a moment of shelter,
In search of a fresh start.
Did this have a meaning,
Or just along for the ride?
The armadillo built skin,
And The tear in his eye.
Aug 2017 · 233
But Regardless
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
The forest is on fire
Not the actual forest
of course
But I mean
I can't  tell them apart
it caught fire
Aug 2017 · 209
More are born
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
They have left their bodies
Im not sad for them
Im uncomfortable
But not forlorn
Children come watch
They are taught
Life it was not lost
Aug 2017 · 272
Look At Me
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
Talking out loud for my feet that make no sound
Universally I could draw no crowd
She cries till my knees hit the ground
I set my liver on fire but learn from my father

Nothing you can do will ever matter
Aug 2017 · 251
Theory of Love
Marshall Messi Aug 2017
Particle or wave
Theory or fact
Love or lust
A list of things that don’t matter
In no particular order
Aug 2017 · 193
Poem 1
Marshall Messi Aug 2017



— The End —