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Aug 2020 · 283
Please save me.
Lye Aug 2020
I feel like I’m stuck on a train car,
Dangling over the edge of a cliff.
At this very moment, I am not falling.
I am simply waiting in anticipation, my stomach prepared for the drop at all times.
I can’t see the bottom of the valley,
And the train car is rocking.
Back and forth, back and forth
Ever so slightly moving forward, closer to its demise.
My demise.
Until one day, I’ll fall.
And there no way I can survive.
Aug 2020 · 203
Lye Aug 2020
I sit here on the floor of my bedroom,
And I fantasize about what the future holds.

Maybe I’ll get to see my friends again
Or go to after school clubs
Maybe I’ll grow more confident
And dress how I truly want
Maybe I’ll tell the world
The reality of who I am
Maybe I’ll be myself more often
But I’m scared they won’t understand...
Hi, it’s been a while :)
Apr 2020 · 255
Colorless, Feelingless Days
Lye Apr 2020
She’s numb
Looking for something, anything
To make her feel something.
Every day feels the same,
There’s no variety,
No excitement,
She’s just living for the day she will finally feel alive again.
Or maybe just living for the day that she won’t live anymore.
Either way, she lives.
She lives for her family,
She lives for her friends,
She lives so that others will too.
She lives.
I really hope she lives.

This means nothing to her anymore,
This waking up,
And repeating.
It’s all just an instinct for her
It no longer feels like each day is new.
It no longer feels like she can live her life to the fullest.
It no longer feels like she can really be truly happy.
It feels like nothingness
There is nothing for her here

She no longer cries
For it does nothing but make her feel worse
She feels less anxious because what’s the point in thinking about things
Nothing is real if you think about it
Your brain is just playing a realistic game
A game of survival
A game of love and loss
The game of life is tough because nobody ever wins.
Mar 2020 · 194
Lye Mar 2020
They ask.
They’re so different from the others
What’s the difference?
Gender is a social construct,
What’s the difference between girls and boys?
Why does there need to be such a means of separation?
Why can’t we all just be human?
They want to be normal
They don’t know where they belong
With the boys?
With the girls?
But, really, they feel best
When they’re with those who are neither.
Not a boy nor a girl,
Just a person
They want to be seen as just a person
Not a girl, a human being.
Because really, what’s the difference?
A poem written in the third person about myself. I recently identified as agender and sometimes I prefer they/them pronouns, and other times I prefer she/her. Sorry I haven’t been on for a while! <3
Feb 2020 · 216
Lye Feb 2020
Stalking in the shadows.
Whispering false truths.
Flaunting their dignified beauty,
Socialites against a wallflower backdrop.
They scratch without leaving a mark,
And stab you in the back without breaking the skin.
Admired, but nobody really knows them
They’re heroic villains.
Humanoid looking, but they’re really ghosts.
Really, creatures of the dark and the bad can still shine in the light if they’re mean enough.
Was told to use the word “glamour” in a piece and this is what came of it :)
Feb 2020 · 141
This is Me
Lye Feb 2020
L | oving girls
E | ven if people object
S | taring into each other’s eyes
B | eing together
I  | n a world where love is love
A| nd you’re accepted for who you are
N| obody can tell you to be someone else
Acrostic poem
Feb 2020 · 115
a sad poem
Lye Feb 2020
without you
a cloudy day
raining on other parades
a dark shadow
shedding black thoughts
on the pure and light
a sad poem
waiting for someone
to make me happy again
Inspired by the song “Sad Song” by We The Kings and Elena Coats.
Feb 2020 · 127
Lye Feb 2020

Feeling sappy today.
Feb 2020 · 106
Fire Days
Lye Feb 2020
Those days you feel on fire.
But.....good fire.........
Being with friends,
Laughing until my stomach hurts,
And just being myself without consequences.
Joking with my mom in the kitchen,
Being silly and never saying anything correctly.
Days where I go outside
And I feel alive.
Like I could run forever into the woods that I know will end.
These are my fire days,
What are yours?
Feb 2020 · 111
Run Away
Lye Feb 2020
Eyes dancing with excitement
Skin tingling with heightened senses
She ran into the night with swift strides
Never to be seen by my eyes again
Feb 2020 · 114
Lye Feb 2020
Her heart is golden,
But covered in soot.

She wants to find her purpose,
But doesn’t know where to look.

She has a personality,
But it’s buried deep inside.

For her emotions and sadness,
Have cast it aside.

She has a good life,
But can’t figure out how to live it.

She needs to take a step,
But all she can do is pivot.

She’s frozen in time,
Her destiny sitting dusty on a shelf.

Her existence is a mystery,
Afraid of unraveling itself.
Feb 2020 · 124
Lye Feb 2020
He sits with his head in his hands,
He needs somebody,
To talk to him.
To be there for him.
But nobody will.
He’s tired of life
But too scared of death
He wants to know people
But he’s too scared of getting hurt
He wants to be accepted
But he’s worried that he won’t.
He’s stuck.
Stuck with this life
Stuck with this mind
Stuck with this endless desire to be heard by those who don’t want to listen.
He needs to move forward.
One foot, then the other.
And soon, he’ll be running off into the light of day.
Feb 2020 · 145
Lye Feb 2020

Born from expectations
Born for expectations
Born with expectations

Expectations rule us
They rule you

Don’t let them.
Lye Feb 2020
She used to make me smile
But now, all she does is make me cry
It’s my fault, I’m to blame
I’m starting to crumble inside.
Feb 2020 · 97
L+R Is No More
Lye Feb 2020

In the beginning, you and I were like two stars in a cloudless sky
Staring at each other with such awe that we forgot that anything else existed
Holding hands and laughing and being together
Like two young people in love
But then we began to drift away
Stars with different goals in different places
You and I were like two shooting stars flying in opposite directions
Shooting across the sky in our own way, not thinking about each other
Not talking, not laughing, not holding hands
Just silence, and sadness, and disappointment
We weren’t meant to be
Not written in the stars like we thought we were
Just two people who thought it was love
Two people with everything
And nothing at the same time
We didn’t give each other what we needed
It was sad, but it had to happen
So I left her

i’m sorry
I broke up with my girlfriend of almost 4 months a few days ago, and I feel bad but it was the best thing to do for myself. It’s been making me sad though, so I decided to write about it.
Jan 2020 · 114
My Words
Lye Jan 2020

Love, Beautiful, Life, Girl, Eyes, Sky, Light,
Hope, Will, Strong, Color, Power, Stealth,
World, Pain, Darkness, Greed, Red, Abyss.


I got some inspiration from how drastically the tone and meaning of the words I use change on the “my words” page. Some of these were taken from that list, and some I came up with on my own.
Jan 2020 · 298
Lye Jan 2020
Forevermore, I will speak
For myself and others in need

Forevermore, I will walk
This Earth without you shaming me

Forevermore, I will love
And I don’t care if you don’t want to see

Forevermore, I will be myself
To my heart, only I have to key
Wrote this in 5 minutes because I thought of the word “forevermore” and I thought it sounded nice.
Lye Dec 2019
My life is a rollercoaster
If ups and downs,
Happiness and despair,
Love and hate,
Contentment and wanting another life.
I never know when the mood will change
From one to the other
It all can happen in a matter of minutes.
And I’ll never see it coming...
Dec 2019 · 142
Lye Dec 2019
Around 2 o’clock
I’m going to head into madness
Anything could happen
And for 5 hours, my older brother
Will be in hell
And he really doesn’t want to go
But my father is making him.

I’ll be alright,
I think.
But I’m worried about him.

I just don’t want this to ruin Christmas for me.

Please don’t let this ruin Christmas for me.

Dec 2019 · 165
Merry Christmas
Lye Dec 2019
Merry Christmas, to all who may care
Joy and fun are in the air
It’s a time for family, a time for love
A time to not push nor to shove
Just be grateful for the things that you have
A home, food, and all these laughs
So a Merry Christmas to all who may know
That Santa Claus is coming, presents in tow
Belting a jolly “**, **, **!”
Merry Christmas my friends, and to those of you who do not celebrate, happy holidays!
Dec 2019 · 173
For N #3
Lye Dec 2019

Happy birthday,
To my beautiful best friend.
Please know that I’ll love you until my end.

You are the most incredible human being
And I hope that you’ll see,
Oh, how much you mean to me.

I know you’ll be with me,
Through this year new,
And my happiness now is all because of

Love her so much. Thank you.
Dec 2019 · 146
Now We Wait
Lye Dec 2019
Silvery light cascades into a deep abyss

Like a shimmering waterfall of jewels

Illuminating the creatures of the dark

Showing them the way out of there despair.

They attempt to climb the slippery walls

But they fail, sliding down with a squeak

After every few inches gained.

They give up,

And the only way for them to escape,

Is for them to adapt themselves

And in time, they will

But for now, they will remain in the abyss

Waiting for an answer

That will never come.

Slowly, they’ll adapt to their surroundings

And get out of their own darkness

Emerging into the light of day.

So now....

We wait.
It may not totally make sense but in the end I’m trying to convey that the creatures in the darkness are us.
Dec 2019 · 130
Lye Dec 2019
Some people say that nobody is perfect
And with their definition of the word,
It’s true.
What if we redefine perfection?
What if perfection meant
Just being true to somethings self.

My definition of perfection:
One being true to oneself and not denying it in any way.
This contrasts a bit from my last poem but I’ve though about this one for a while and thought I should post it.
Lye Dec 2019
These people with lives of gold,
And bodies of finely carved diamond.
Living with their perfect friends
And concrete families
They’re beautiful,
But they’re living a lie.
Because although they may be flawless
And sculpted with unbelievable expertise
On the inside, they are nothing but dirt
Ugly and easily destroyed
And with one simple touch,
They will break.

Because nothing is perfect
And though they may want to be it,
They never will.
Lye Dec 2019
It feels so late
And I feel as if
I should be in bed
In a false dreamland
But really,
It’s 7:44 pm
And I have loads of time
But I may go to sleep anyways
Because there’s nothing else for me to do.
The title was inspired by the Panic! At The Disco song “Nine In The Afternoon“
Dec 2019 · 146
I’m not sure
Lye Dec 2019
“My ******* lawyers.”
I don’t know.
My mom just said that
On the phone with her boyfriend.
She’s trying to figure out the divorce and my father is not complying.

This is the stuff I want to ignore.
I don’t really know why I wrote this it doesn’t make sense but it’s fine
Dec 2019 · 439
Ignorance is Bliss
Lye Dec 2019
Music is the sound that fills the gaps in my knowledge with beautiful lullabies to lull me into ignorance.
Sometimes I just want to ignore everything and pretend everything is okay because I’ve learned that ignorance truly is bliss.
Dec 2019 · 1.9k
strong girl
Lye Dec 2019

as she trudged up the mountain
      / \
    /     \
  /         \
/             \
victory pulsing through her veins

badum badum badum badum

her eyes set intently on the peak

a deathly stare

she knew she could do anything

anything at all

she was anything but meek

this world is not for the meek
The line “this world is not from the meek” I took from a poem I wrote last school year called “Story of a Lonely Bird”.
Dec 2019 · 133
For N #2
Lye Dec 2019

I stared into her eyes
And I knew everything was alright
Dec 2019 · 139
Something Random
Lye Dec 2019
A wise person once said,
“It takes more muscles to frown than to smile”
That person was a scientist.
Scientists are correct.
Flat Earthers are stupid.
The moon landing was real.
Vaccines help you.
Being LGBTQ+ cannot be cured.

I rest my case.
Dec 2019 · 214
Lye Dec 2019
Love is the only reason I am here today.
But sometimes,
It makes things so much harder.
Lye Dec 2019
I have an amazing best friend,
Who helps me through all of my highs and lows,
And has never left my side .

I have a beautiful girlfriend who sticks by me always and is so understanding

I have a loving and caring mother who is always there for me

They all love me for me.

What have I done to deserve such incredible people????
I’m so lucky and I don’t know why but I’m inexplicably grateful for it.
Dec 2019 · 125
Lye Dec 2019
It’s been about a year and a half
Since I moved out of my old house
Because of my parents divorce.
And I just recently started to realize...
I’m forgetting it.
I’m forgetting what it looked like
The memories that happened there.
And even though many of them were bad,
So many others were good.
And I don’t want to forget...
I just want to move on.
But I can’t.
I wish I could go back
But I can’t.
I wish I could get my parents back together again
But I can’t.

I can’t do anything.
Dec 2019 · 162
For N
Lye Dec 2019

Being with you is the most contentment I’ve ever felt.
Dec 2019 · 315
Lye Dec 2019
It’s still snowing.
It’s been snowing since Sunday.
Helppppppp meeeeeeeee

But at least there’s no school!

Yes, it has been snowing basically non-stop since Sunday.
Dec 2019 · 148
who the hell knows
Lye Dec 2019
I’m school smart, not life smart.
I can write a **** good essay.
And get A’s on most assignments.
But when it comes to life,
I can only say one thing....

How the **** does life work?
Dec 2019 · 126
A stream of consciousness.
Lye Dec 2019
Life is beautiful.
A beautiful disaster.

I feel content.
Contentment is impossible.

I have so many people that love me.
But others have more.

I want to do nothing.
But my legs yearn to stretch.

I want to stay home from school tomorrow.
But I miss my friends.

I want to be with my girlfriend.
But I would rather be with my best friend.

I want to meet my mom’s boyfriend’s daughters.
But I’m scared that they won’t like me.

I want to like my dad’s girlfriend.
But I’m scared that they won’t last long.

I want so many things.
But I don’t.
Like the last one, I really don’t know.
Dec 2019 · 129
A Contradictory Evening
Lye Dec 2019
I’m sitting here and I don’t know who I am

But at the same time I know exactly who I am.
I don’t really know
Dec 2019 · 585
I don’t do winter
Lye Dec 2019
It’s snowing, and I’m happy
It’s beautiful,
And easy.

But I know tomorrow I’m not going to be happy about it because COLD
I don’t do the cold. I just don’t.
Lye Dec 2019
What really is love?
I don’t know.
Could somebody tell me?
I love my mom,
And my best friend.

But my girlfriend....
I don’t know.
I like her,
But is that love?

She says “I love you”
And I don’t say it back
And I worry that she thinks,
I don’t like her,
Because I do.
I just don’t think I love her yet....
Dec 2019 · 152
Lye Dec 2019
People are vampires
They **** the life out of me,
But I still go back for more.

I love people and being with them,
But after a while,
I just want to be by myself.

Because people are vampires....

But maybe I am too.
Nov 2019 · 148
I Can’t Express You
Lye Nov 2019
I want to write about you, my dear
But I simply can’t find the words
You make me feel things I can’t verbalize,
I like you so much it hurts.

Everything about you is perfect,
But I cannot put it into a clear thought
I want to write your whole being
And your smile, I want to draw.

But alas, the words will not come,
And my drawing skills are far from fine
So I guess I’ll just have to remember you
And hope you don’t slip my mind
For Rujul
Nov 2019 · 130
For Worrier to Warrior
Lye Nov 2019
The girl with her head down on the desk
Everyone else playing games with friends
She hides her face with a curtain of hair
Bright dyed red but ever so dark
Her feelings, she never learned to share
She has some friends, yes,
But few really know her
She’s broken, but there’s another girl buried
She’s always been there, and the sad girl never realized that she was hidden
But soon, that beautiful, happy, talkative girl emerged.
Her short, dyed blonde hair showing off her spotty, but smiling face
Her eyes a sparkling blue
She makes friends with the people in her class,
And more people really know her for her
That sad girl still comes out now and again,
But she retreats when the happy girl tells her too
Because the happy girl has taken over
Hopefully, for good.
This is my story, from the beginning of 6th grade, August 2018, to the beginning of 7th grade, August 2019. The change happened over the summer in between the two grades.
Nov 2019 · 159
My Girlfriend
Lye Nov 2019
I have a girlfriend.....
It’s really true!
She’d liked me for a long time
And I never reciprocated
But then one day,
Out of the blue.....
I needed her to be mine.
So I waited for a bit
To make sure my feelings were true
And one day....
I asked her.
It was awkward, and silly, but beautiful and perfect.
We smiled and hugged and talked about how we couldn’t believe the other was our girlfriend
She makes me so happy.
I’m so happy
My life is perfect!
But nothing is ever perfect......
Sorry for that little twist at the end, but I couldn’t let it go unsaid.
Oct 2019 · 144
Don’t Drown
Lye Oct 2019
Broken pieces
Broken hearts
Demolished homes
Intangible scars

A non-essential necessity
Ripped away from you by a friend
She means well, but it hurts deep inside
I don’t know how it will end

Laughter and life
Are but a whisper of the past
The girl you wish to hold
And secrets of clouded glass

The life you used to know
Now a far gone dream
You must adjust, but you can’t let go
Alone, it’s a challenge to swim upstream
The title doesn’t make sense until you read the last line.

Inspired by the book “Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter To The World” by Ashley Herring Blake.
Sep 2019 · 217
Like She Does
Lye Sep 2019

I want to sit close to you

like she does

I want to put my arm around you

like she does

I want to whisper I love you
In your ear when you’re hurting

like she does

But the thing is...
I don’t love you.
I like you
There’s a difference.
I just hope one day that I do, and you will reciprocate.

I’m sorry I can’t stop thinking about you I just want you to think about me too and I really should just give it up I know I’m trying but it’s so hard it’s so hard it’s so hard I want you and all of you but you’ll never want any piece of me.

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry

Sep 2019 · 112
just get over it
Lye Sep 2019
I like you.
But I’ll get over it soon.
I sit with you at lunch every day,
Which may make this hard,
But I need to get over you.
Nothing is ever going to happen
Between us
So I should start realizing
That I need to find someone new.
It’s just so hard
Because no matter how much I tell myself,
That I’ll never have you,
I can’t stop myself from fantasizing,
About if you were mine
And I were yours.
Sep 2019 · 125
Lye Sep 2019
You’re cute.
I know it.
But I don’t know if you know it.
My friend told you that you’re cute
Last week at the party
And I laughed
But I wish it were me
That you knew
Thought you were cute.
Because I really like you.
But nothing will ever happen.
A multitude of things set us apart
Our age
My awkwardness
And her
I wish I could have you but I can’t.
I’m sorry.
I like this guy but he has a girlfriend and I’m too awkward to start a conversation with him. My friend and his friend are dating and we sit with him every day at lunch but I barely say a word.
Sep 2019 · 135
Lye Sep 2019
I don’t know,
If I’m hard to read,
Or an open book.
My friends tell me I’m a really bad liar,
But I can lie easily to people I don’t know.
So to the people I don’t know,
I guess I’m a mystery.
But only a few decide they actually want
To figure me out.
Sep 2019 · 222
Lye Sep 2019
I just realized
I have 99 followers!
That means that 99 wonderful people
On this wonderful cite
Have decided they like my poetry enough
To have it show up on their page
Whenever I post!
That’s fricken awesome!
99 friends.
I love you all my beautiful and valid and amazing friends!!!
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