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Luna Montez Mar 2016
That girl who sits silent all alone in the classroom.
That girl who holds up the door for whoever it should be.
That girl who speaks rarely, but when she does her words are poetry and melodies.
That girl who always wear black nail-polish and draws in her notebook.
That girl who smiles at you in the hallway.
That girl who pukes at the girl-restroom.
That girl who have to take care of her sister when her mom are laying drunk as always on the couch.
That girl who cries herself to sleep after watching herself in the mirror.
That girl who gets beaten up by the lockers just because she is a "freak".
That girl who came to school with a black-eye, but kept her mouth shut.
That girl exist.
That girl is maybe in your life.
Do you see her now?
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Some people are mean or hateful.
They have seen only darkness for so long, they have forgotten the light.
They are blind for all that is good.
Some call them evil, but I call them misleded.
Luna Montez Sep 2015
In the classroom, every noise, every sound just dissepear.
When I get that look. That look on something, and my thoughts wander around in my brain. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same.

That look, who cancel all sound. I dissepear in my own world, and loose control over my reality. What did you say teacher? I could'nt hear you.

I got that look. I dozed off in to wonderland. I came home, with wonderful ideas, but I could'nt care less about your math.
Luna Montez Sep 2015
This is not a poem.
This is my stories, I tell through my voice, my written words who scream out loud.

How it is to bee lonely, ignored, pressured and not at least a teenager. Im sorry if I have used this microphone (page) wrong.

Because my words are not considered as poems who rhymes, or have a deep meaning.

But they rhyme with my heartbeat, these are the "deep" thoughts I have about life. So I have to scream they down on paper, use my voice. So my brain does'nt have a mess.
So. This is not a poem.
These written words on my page, are my story.
Luna Montez Sep 2015
Noises all around.
Spinning round, and round.
An endless circle with only sound.
People around me use their mouth, not to speak for a purpose.
No. They talk, move their mouths constantly. Why?
Only to make noise, chaos, and sound.
Im sitting in the birdcage. Noises all around.

My thoughts are somewhere else. But the noises are following me around.
Leave me alone! Can't I just block it all out?
Get away from the noise, all the sound. All the people who make me this miserable....
No. Im still sitting here. Trapped in the birdcage, with noises all around.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
My soul is trapped.
I don''t get out.
I have tried too scream, but I have no voice.
I will be crazy soon.

My soul is trapped behind the shadow of freedom.
Im thinking "Just a little more, just a little more time".
I can't take it anymore, all the voices in my head gets too loud and I burst into tears.

In the darkest room, farest away, is a girls soul, it screams and hitting the walls, but no one can hear her.

The question is, what will happened when she release?
Luna Montez Oct 2014
I try to be better.
I try to be prettier
I try to be healthy
I try to be smart
I try to be someone else
I try to run
I try too escape
I try too listen
I try to live
I try to die
I try everything.
Except just being me.
Everyone except so much, then too the end I don't regonize the girl in the mirror.
It isn't me.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Today I learned something maybe not everyone know.

As always I sat by myself, in the middle of the classroom, in the center of sounds.
Voices keep hitting me in the head all the time, but the meaning of the speaking sounds was nothing more than nonsense.

A group of ******'s sat in the corner, so popular they could shine. I sat with them, too observe how the populars acts.

When I was in this bird cage, I didn't understand why people would hang with people like these. All they said made no sense. It was like some children talking.

I now know that I prefer too hang with smart losers than dumb popular folks.
Luna Montez Nov 2015
If you could choose to look down on the rain or up at the sun, at the same day. What would you choose?

Probably the sun. Or maybe the rain.
It all depends on how you are looking on things.
In a negative or positive way.

With positive thinking, you may bring positivity in your life.
Why not try it?
Luna Montez Nov 2015
Finally, the day has come.
It feels as my soul has been trapped in over a decade, in this cage.
And now, finally Im free.
My body is lifted out of the prison I before called home.
I can finally look up at the moon and feel the sun behind the moon shining through, just to hit my face with warmth.
I feel so happy. Im not in the shadows, Im in the light.
The dark is gone. Forever I so hope.

And A new me is starting to wake up in this old body.
My eyes light up like sparkles, I never knew they would have in a so long time.

I feel my heart chiver as I look upon your smile.
Thanks for upon up my cage, and my heart.
To finally find me and my smile again.
Luna Montez Mar 2016
My soul keeps wandering these empty halls.
It's lost and have no meaning no path.
Wandering like a ghost haunting me about my past.
My shadow who keep letting these thoughts coming in to my mind.
My mind fille dup with chaos and nonsense.

The words I make up in my head is like knives in my soul
And when I let them go to me, my herat is puring out
My eyes start pushing sadness trhough my eyes.
My pillow gets mascara marks from my pain.
And outside of these walls everone thinks Im fine.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
It so normal too just do it obvious.
Too look with our eyes.
Have you ever tried too look at things, with your heart.
You will not just see the object you will see the feeling.
Luna Montez Oct 2015
I may not be as beautiful as a rose,
smart as a professor
have a big talent.
All  I have is my deep thoughts, deep like my soul.

And that is more than enough more me.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Im going insane.
My voices talking too me.
Driving me insane.
I won't them gone, but how.
I hate them, they get too loud.

How can I escape my mind?
I won't listen too them anymore.
They Can't control me no more.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Some have guns, some have beauty and someone have a voice.

Im gonna use my brain next time we take up our weapon
Luna Montez Jun 2015
A guy stare out in to the open sky.
Back at him shines the statrs and a whole galaxy.
He wonder.
Thoughts that he thinks are weird.
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
Cant the universe just give me a sign?
Im lost between what my parents think I should do and what I think I want my purpose to be.
So what?
Help me.
A desperate silent scream about help goes out deep in outer space.

But no answer.
Luna Montez May 2015
I look in the mirror everyday.
I beginning to forget how Im suppose to look.
Is this really me?
Im I different than yesterday?
I look deeply in my confused eyes.
They glance back at me, I see my soul staring back.
And I think to myself, that everybody else know who they are.
But not me. Im a lost case, a person who don't know what it dislike and likes.
Im just an empty soul, flying in a silent wind past your window.
This is a really weird "poem". I dont really know if my poems is poems, they are twisted stories about feelings.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Your voice is like music in my ears, like a condition too my soul.
Your eyes shine like diamonds, or stars in the sky.
Your hair shine bright like the sun.
Your skin is pale as milk and snow.
Your touch is electrifying, and it moves my heart.
Your perfume smells like a thousand roses
Your smile are white and bright as a happy little kid
You are my everything
And yet you don't see me
Because Im just me.

— The End —