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 Feb 11 Lucky bansal
 Feb 11 Lucky bansal
I don’t need your time.
I have you in my head, heart, and soul.
But if you have nothing better to do,
I would never mind your time.
“If only… in some other universe, we had every waking minute for one another.”
When you don’t want to disturb your busy loved-ones.
 Feb 11 Lucky bansal
I am allowing you to believe
everything is fine,
but to me, it is not.
Our dynamic is irrevocably changed,
never to be the same.
Over-politeness strikes our conversations,
but truly, it was never normal.
You planted a seed of dislike,
and it grew—
A tree.
It has been chopped,
but the stump remains,
roots tangled deep beneath.
Our cycle is over,
thank God.
And you—
you will now be left in the past.
 Feb 11 Lucky bansal
The earth will burn,
the seas will rise.
The stars will fade,
from empty skies.

The Alps will crumble,
time will bend.
Yet my love for you,
will never end.

— The End —