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Louise May 2014
He often lays around all day
I glance at him, he's got nothing to say
and does not return the caress I gave

I know he loves me but can't say the words
When he's asleep, I dare not disturb
whispering to him, I think I'm heard

He never takes 'me' out
And quite often makes me shout
What's this love all about?

Dogs!!   Who'd 'ave 'em?

; )
just a silly write!
Louise Apr 2014
I want to whisper words
so sweet
so softly in your ear
I'll want to stand so close
so only you can hear

I'd tell you of a love
that I'm holding
just for you
I'm whispering because
these words
they will be few

The time it will be quick
but the words
whispered quite slow
I want to stay with you
but I know I have to go

Soon I will return
to again whisper
words so pure
you will feel
my whisper again
of that
you can be sure
Louise Jul 2014

Why does my heart pause
when I read your words
I strain to listen
yet there's no sound to be heard

My heart feels pulled
it's trying to take me too
not knowing the direction
but it's heading for you

Beautiful phrases
sensually stir a hollow inside
I fight to ignore it
desperately try to hide

I turn and look away
yet I insist on returning
your words fill a void
but have created a yearning

Louise May 2014
I write
in the hope
it will save
my soul
Louise May 2014
Standing alone on this wild shore
experiencing sensual sand between my toes
the coolness, comforting, caressing
A warmth securely surrounds me
My eyes, not seeing
My body absorbing all

I was aware of you before me, so close
devoid of sound like an old movie
except I could hear us breathing
The wind felt firm and warm,
it was creating movement around us

Seeing you and your smile lifted everything in me
yet I wanted to let forgotten tears fall
My heart was beating with exhilaration
so close to one another
but without an embrace or caress

Iridescent sparkles coloured your eyes
they bore deep, paralysing me
I couldn't have left you if I'd wanted to
Why couldn't we stay this way?
Forever on this wild shore
Louise May 2014
If I just keep on writing
will it 'let it all out'
releasing all the feelings
describing each and every doubt

If I just continue daily
will I find my 'inner peace'
and clear my haunted mind
to keep at bay, that ugly beast

If I promise each jaded day
to create some space in my head
to get rid of things unwanted
and put an end to words unsaid

If I repeat this pattern each time
would it really make a difference
or will I always find something hidden
just over the horizon, in the murky distance
Louise Jun 2014
So another depressing Fathers Day is here
different thoughts in my head appear
Confusion about where I went wrong
no father for me for so very long
The same conversation each and every time
explaining to myself, his issues were not mine
Push away the feelings that I so fear
and worry about it again, this time next year
getting it out of my system today before tomorrow lol
Louise Apr 2014
Be cautious with those words
they flow far too easily
the distance travelled is absurd
there's confusion now without secrecy
Once released you cannot be responsible
for the individual letters seem to change
the same meaning is unreliable
in another's mind they could simply
The significance of the intention
has now been transformed
without safeguard and prevention
with regard to thoughts that will be formed
This is the daunting moment
the pressure, highly intense
channel your mind and stay focused
pray your written creation makes sense
Louise May 2014
Words speak the truth
    but then,
    are just
Louise Jul 2014

They speak the things
I am unable to speak
cry the pain for me
that I can no longer take,
shout loudly in anger
when I'm just too weak

Words ..

Give comfort to me
when no one is
Help to soothe me
to sleep
with the gentlest
of sounds,
offer me confidence
when mine
cannot be found

Words ..

Let me write of a love
that I've not always known
and of a romance
that I want to be shown
a love that's so magical
it feels just like home

Louise Apr 2014
I fantasise when awake
and dream of you when asleep
Thinking of all the promises
we didn't have a chance to keep
You don't even know I still miss you
how could you realise what you meant
I often reminisce
about those fleeting moments spent
absorbed in each other
wrapped in delicious dreams
lover of my mind
only you could see
But these dreams don't happen
frequently enough for me
I'm still lacking all that you took
even now, it seems
Wishing as I sleep
for just a glimpse of you
my dreams are then paradise
and you are the man that I knew
Louise Mar 2015

Please don't wrap your words around her
direct them straight to her heart
point them in her direction
bounce them off each shining star

She'll beg you not to mention
words of longing or of lust
enticing her to look your way
words wrapped in cotton wool and trust

Never write words for a woman
as she'll take them to her soul
breathing them in like air
not noticing she's about to fall

Her heart is so very fragile
feelings, just ready to explode
fraying quickly around the edges
when she reads your first 'Hello'

Daniel Bedingfield inspired
Louise Apr 2014
I only write from the heart.
The characters in my words
   and the words in my thoughts
    are nestled there.
     This is not
       where I intend to store them
         they accumulate over time
           consistently they gather there,

                 ready to form phrases
                describing events

               that touch me

             I am stirred
            so deeply at times
           that my insides 'feel' and 'pull'
          It can stop me in my tracks,

         that feeling

      almost like a physical pain

        So my thoughts are written
          from there

            that place

              not my mind

                interlaced and intermingled ..

                  with a soul ..

                    that fills me.
Louise Jun 2014
I wrote a poem about you
that I didn't want to keep
so I wrote it by the ocean
in the sand beneath my feet

I sat there by it silently
listening to the waves
just watching the tide come in
at the end of this pensive day

As the sea gently rolled in
and washed away the words
salty tears began to fall
as the ocean took away the hurt

I will never share with you
the words written in the sand
I'll never kiss those lips I long to
or feel the gentle caress of your hands

I remain seated here alone
the poem just a memory in my mind
a pain still lingers within my heart
a mixture of loss and longing combined

One day I'll retrace the words again
in the glorious golden sand
maybe you'll see them this time
and just maybe you'll understand
This came from a conversation about my fear of being stranded without pen and paper.   It went a completely different way, but I followed my heart
: )
Louise Aug 2014

What if the stars in the heavens above
all blinked out at the same time
Would I lose all the wishes I've wished
of having your heart close to mine

Each and every twinkling light
represents a memory from our lives
If they completely disappeared right now
Who's to say we'd even realise!

Was our love nothing but a satellite
circling distant galaxies
going from one dying star to another
out of a desperate need

It's like we're light years away
becoming scattered in cosmic dust
We're clinging in the hopes of becoming a cluster
but was there ever really, an 'us'

With outer space being the space between us
in our now lost universe
Who will show us pity
as our love blinks out, like the stars

Mike had an 'out of this world' idea with this one!
Louise Apr 2014
I think I'm still
My body desperate

yearning ..

for you

I'm sure you're
I reach out but I'm

falling ..

for you

I move towards
the warmth
Longing for the

strength ..

in you

Many times I've tried
to run
My thoughts always

return ..

to you

Louise Jan 2015
You are the warm sun
upon my face

the gentle breeze
that caresses my curls

the reflection in my eyes
mapping out the entire world

You are the wondrous whispers
gently calling my name

the memories that linger,
I wish to delve into you once again

You are not here
it, now, I,
am not the same
One I found tucked away written a few months ago!
Louise Mar 2015
(Paul Weller inspired)

You do something to me
yet my ignorance is bliss
grasping this wonderful feeling
floating in a warm and scented mist

You do something wonderful
that stops my heavy heart ache
Look a little closer
to see my winding path to fate

You do something to me
I'm hoping there will be a time
to become a little closer
I'll wait here for a sign

You do something wonderful**
and 'take me there' with you
wanting so badly to fall deeper
heart and soul, through and through
Louise Apr 2013
I knew you before we met
Missed you before you were present
Dreamt about you while awake

I'd heard your words before you spoke
Walked with you while we were apart
Held your hand before you gave it

I felt your warmth before we touched
Caressed your skin before you felt it
Tasted your lips before we kissed

When you find me

You'll know me
Louise Oct 2014

The warmth from your body
is no longer here.
It cooled so quickly
after you left

The flavour of you
on my lips
I can no longer taste
since you've been gone

Your scent lingers
but only in a memory,
so distant
now you're not here

Your voice,
I only hear in a far off place,
in tormented dreams
why did you leave me,  wanting?

Louise Apr 2014
I turn to you my friend
when I feel alone and down
'every time' and 'now and then'
you listen without making a sound

You're reliable, my closest comfort
you'll forever stand by me
not judging my trivial thoughts
you're just 'there', you let me breathe

I run to you in those many moments
when I can't take it anymore
you're the only thing that makes sense
we know we've been here before

I'll return to you again and again
I trust you with my heart
my sole and solitary haven
we'll never be far apart

You rid me of my demons
and shed my many fears
helping me to confront them
and the soak up all my tears

I know I'll never leave you
you're my most supportive friend
you know my intent is true
and accept always, the love I send

So, dear poetry, I give my all to you
you helped to set me free
opened my eyes to the world of words
let me be, let me breathe and just be me
Louise May 2014
I wish to delve into your poetry
and weave among the words,
walk silently between the lines
sit by pauses incase I'm heard

I want to immerse myself in your phrases
stand tall with the titles you choose,
hide behind the metaphors
myself, I want to lose

I need to lay among the romance
rest my head upon your heart,
listen to your soft whispers
and just watch as you pen your art
Louise May 2013
falling in
your sweet soul
like a floating feather.

Without you my heart slowly suffers.

Until I feel whole again
I will always remain.

Your sweet soul
I'll reside

— The End —