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  Jun 2015 Astrid Ember
cosmo naught
"salt of salvation"
solution dissolves it.
sought something else;
sacrilegion, so-call it.
buried beneath
burning books,
sacred sheets
shroud and burrow
below born and being.

pressed between pages
like pallor-pink petals
there, stashed, surreptitious
in songs and the hymnals:
"for sweet, sweet salvation,
suppress all temptation
so thwarting damnation
on high."

I'll believe
what I see
when I die.
Astrid Ember Jun 2015
We will leave you in the midst
of a poetic truce, as you spill
experiences into our open palms.

Writing to make sense of what
has happened, nestling your
deepest secrets in our fingertips.

Our roots so deep in our poetry,
if you tried to unearth us, we would
shriek louder than banshee's.

Unravel our words, enter the
labyrinth of our minds, there are
sunsets in our stomachs, and
December runs through our veins.

We are the stars to your blank skies,
the pause between each ragged breath,
the tragedy suffocating the air.

We are the pause before the applause.
We are rarity's like Haley's comet
making you scramble for a telescope.

Only crows writhing with broken
necks are more twisted than the life
stories resting under our tongues.

We are poets, engraved in history,
fluent in all that is artistic and worldly.

Poetry a warm blanket we remain
hidden in on a cold winter morning.
Reality is a cold floor that our
bare feet are too scared to touch.

*By JannaLee Perry and Rapunzel
Collab with a beautiful woman.
She's an amazing poet, and a very light hearted soul.
Here's her page:
  Jun 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
I saw this poem you wrote
and I got my hopes up
Sky high
and then I realized
It wasn't for me
But I keep it tucked in my mind
because maybe one day
it could be
dont fall in love with poets
  Jun 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
**** every hope I ever had
with your deathray eyes
  Jun 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
But what do you do if there is nothing left to write
  Jun 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
Lighting rod between my teeth
You are static electricity built up in the clouds
I'm just waiting for shock to set in
I'm gonna add more
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