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As dawn unfolds in golden light,
I wake with you still in sight.
Not just in dreams where our love runs free,
But in my heart, where you'll always be.

I whisper prayers in morning’s hue,
Each word blessing you.
Let my love envolve you tight,
Growing stronger with each passing night.
It is always T
Lost Indeed Jan 10
Neste mar de poesia,
Ondas de versos e palavras tentam me afogar,
Mas em meio ao caos eu vi o seu nome,
E finalmente pude respirar.

Como a luz no fim do túnel,
Como o poço no deserto,
Como o farol na tempestade,
Em meio aos infinitos olhos do destino, eu sinto o seu olhar.

Me acolhe em seus braços
E deixa sua cabeça eu acariciar.
Deixa-me dormir em seu abraço
E, em meus braços, você descansar.

Eu reconheço seu efeito em mim,
Como um entorpecente da alma.
Falando com você, eu esqueço do fim,
Pois, nas praias do seu coração, encontrei minha calma.
Lost Indeed Feb 2019
I can feel it from the other side of the globe.
The Gravity that calls me to the sea.
Like a constant curse in the wind.
A memory of your last moment with me.

When I am with you everything disappears.
And I feel time passing like a friendly wave.
I let the blues consume my soul in a silver tray.
Constant dying Impaled by a million spears.
2/5 of the series "let me be your Devil"
Lost Indeed Jan 12
Quando você fala comigo, é minha alma que responde,
Como se houvesse um caminho direto para o meu coração,
No lugar onde minha insegurança se esconde
E onde seu nome inspira minha canção.

Existem coisas que eu quero dizer,
Mas não inventaram as palavras ainda
Como posso te enxergar sem conseguir ver,
Só sobrevivo à sua ida por causa da vinda.

Este sentimento me drena,
Consome meu lirismo.
Quando a mente se vai, o poeta entra em cena,
Pois com você nunca passei por achismos.
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
O céu era escuro
O amor só me oferecia dor
O ar era frio
O mundo era sem cor...

Mas então eu te conheci.

Você é a aquarela que pintou minha vida
Você é o cheiro de café fresco de manhã
Você é minha terra prometida
Minha musa, minha guardiã.

Sublimes sejam seus dias
Longa seja a sua vida
Que Deus acompanhe seu caminho
Minha inspiração, minha estrela-guia.

Versos não são suficientes
Estou chegando ao limite do meu artístico
Esgotado pelo quanto meu coração sente.
Me coloco em suas mãos: alma, lírico, físico.
Lost Indeed Feb 25
On the nights we can't speak,
It’s like feeling the wind before the storm.
I know the presence that I seek,
I dream with  the shapes your shadow form.

I will wait for you in a sea of a thousand stars,
I will carve your name in corners hidden from sight.
I will dive through echoes afar,
And write until my poetry runs dry.
It will always be T
Lost Indeed Jan 2020
I was drowned by the sea.
And crushed by the city.
I was hanged by the trees.
But not the sun... he touched my face with a gentle heat.
Lost Indeed Feb 25
I learned a lesson
About hope.
I talked to you,
And it made me smile.

Sometimes, even in the dark,
I can feel your light—
A warm touch of heaven,
A gasp of love’s might.
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
Your eyes are jewels to my treasure
Your skin is like a sheet of the universe
Your hair, like galaxies holding onto stars,
I can see them when I wash your head.

I will never forget your mouth
And how it curves when you say, "I love you."
If God calls me again,
I will ask for one more minute listening to your voice,
Because that already feels like heaven,
And I will go by choice.
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
My Soul Cried
And the tears became poetry.
The day turned into night,
Yet I can still hear your melody.

In the memories we never lived,
I still dance with you.
In dreams we never had,
I still sleep next to you.

But your silence cuts me deep,
And I still wait for your messages—
Letters on a screen that don’t know me,
Written by people I’ve never seen.

I hear songs I believe you would love,
As if they truly meant something to me.
My ears can only hear your voice,
And now my eyes ache as all my poetry escapes.
Sometimes I think you enjoy hurting me
And I wished I could hate you.
All I ever wanted was to make you see
That I could bring you happiness too
Lost Indeed May 2020
Let's take the highway to oblivion.
And have a drink in paradise.
Because we are too young live
but we don't wanna die
Lost Indeed Feb 26
I lost.
There’s not much left to say.
I’m broken.
I’m sorry I stood in his way.
I am trapped by my emotions,
Between pain and devotion.
Ready to let you go,
Yet incapable of saying so.

Even now, I wait for your messages,
And I still hope you will call.
I know I just don’t get it—
How can you be so ready to fly, yet scared to fall?
Lost Indeed Jan 2020
The memories flow like a river.
Dancing in the valleys of my face.
It is warm but I shiver.
I'm at the cross but cannot be saved.
Lost Indeed Sep 2021
There is a tear in my eyes but it doesn't belong to me.
It was harvested by your words.
And cursed by your seed.

The path is carved.
To the silver river flow.
My heart is now broken.
Because you took my soul.
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
The sad part always come too soon.
We did not have the chance to live on the moon.
I was too scared of surviving.
And truly terrified of dying.

We are the eccentric way of the universe speak.
Created to observe the infinite and live in constant ending.
Always laying on the edge of existence.
Going with the wind without any resistance.
Lost Indeed May 2020
I know is absurd.
But my soul is sore and my eyes are blurred.
I am tired of the fight.
Falling in deep space without any try.
One phrase after the other.
Rhyme after rhyme.
I live in hell and the rain make me cry.
Lost Indeed Jan 3
I must admit,
I’m addicted to the way you smell
And how my eyes expand when I’m with you,
Like my brain is ready to take more of your light,
To steal more from your colors,
To love you more than my heart.
Dark clouds and cold weather,
It's okay, baby, I got you.
I always carry an umbrella,
And I brought you a sweater too.

If I told you the rain wouldn't wet,
And that the sea would stay calm,
I've wanted you since the day we met,
Like it was written in a lost psalm.
Lost Indeed Feb 20
My room still carries your scent,
And my sheets recall your embrace.
I tell myself you lost your way,
Left too soon, with nothing to say.

So I'll just watch the moon in vain,
And wish to see you once again.
Lost Indeed Feb 27
We complete each other,
We dance to the same songs.
We are meant to be together,
And yet you denied my fond.

I'm hurt, and I can see my soul cry,
I'm bleeding love that belongs to you.
I wished we could be in each other's sight,
But fate has torn us in two
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
3 horas para o sol nascer
O travesseiro orbita minha cabeça,
Meus pensamentos inquietos estão a correr,
E abandono meu Eu sem defesa.

2 horas para a lua ir embora
Ela me conta segredos enquanto chora,
De como o sol é frio e nunca a vê,
Mas meu celular vibra, eu sorrio... é você.

1 hora para a noite acabar
Eu vejo suas fotos e me permito sonhar,
Agradeço a Morfeu por me deixar te encontrar,
Em outro tempo, outro plano, outro lugar...
Lost Indeed Sep 2019
You close your eyes and you feel it.
The uncontrollable urge to do it.
The undeniable necessity to go.
A feeling that no one show.
You walk to the window without realize.
You look down to the ground and your mind fantasize.
Your heart beats and the room disappear.
The drums start and even the gods can hear.
Every second of your life the dark necessity is there.
To watch you sleep and make your life hard to bear.
Every one has it but they are afraid of saying.
An underline thought that insist on staying
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
I am a ******.
I'm addicted to rhyme.
The condensed power of words.
In a eternal poem that beats time.
Every verse like pure ecstasy.
Every word a single bliss.
In each strophe a piece of me.
But I cannot stop now.
My eyes are used to the abyss in my soul.
I am too deep.
I can't see the sun.
In every drop of rain a single verse.
In every look in the street a poet stroke.
Welcome to my lost life.
A simple man addicted to rhyme.
Lost Indeed Jan 2020
It is about to happen.
The daily war of existence.
As the knights of the horizon.
Fight the demons of twilight.

There is a pain in my chest.
And I do not know why.
But the night is over now and I can rest.
Dream with my knights in the sky.
Lost Indeed Jul 2019
Tempestades que abalam o firmamento.
Palavras de amor perdidas no vento.
O frio que corta a alma inocente.
Que agarra e acorrenta a criança no ventre.

Que Deus feche os olhos ao por do sol.
Pois a esta noite esposas iram chorar.
Naus na agua longe do farol.
Marinheiros perdidos afogados no mar.

A Terra esta entorpecida pelo opío que queima.
Adormecida pelo sangue que escorre.
Que amaldiçoa o inocente que morre.
Enquanto o Diabo caça aquele que teima.
Lost Indeed Dec 2019
I think that living is the understanding that everything is gonna be Ok, knowing that it won't.
Is the juice that keeps us going, the sweet song that you just can't remember the name.
The stupid drop of sauce that always spill on your shirt.The text that you write, but delete because of fear.
The butterfly that insist on flying inside every time that you smell the perfume that she used to put on.
But who I am saying? I am just another poet, another broken soul an unfinished song.
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
In the end of everything.
When time becomes blue.
There will be a Crypt in the infinite hall of history.
On that rock some words to the inter-dimensional visitors.

Resides here the last breath of lonely gods.
Gods that unveil time.
That overcame death.
They won all the fights.
They defeated all the enemies.

But everything was not enough, infinite was too little.
To cease they own pride they went too far.
And even with all the power they died against all odds.
Because that is the destiny of all lonely gods.
Lost Indeed Feb 27
Oh Lord, I’m tired—so deeply worn,
I loved with all my being.
I gave my best, my heart was torn,
Yet still, I stand unseen.

I beg for mercy on this ache,
I poured my all—it wasn’t enough.
Alone I lie, no hand to take,
As pillows drink my sorrow’s touch.
I take solace in the glass castle I built,
A smoke-filled room,
Unused pieces of silk.

I need to numb myself,
Or I will combust.
Unfortunately, this is the hand that was dealt,
The universe is simply unjust.
I wanted to scream,
To yell and hate,
But you invoke only love in me.
I think pain has always been my fate.

Our game has been played,
And "no" has always been your answer.
I had hope you would choose the future we could make,
I keep searching for happiness, but that hope just grows fainter.
Lost Indeed Feb 25
I didn’t see you today,
And yet, I know you were like the moon.
Even if you had nothing to say,
I know we’ll be together soon.
Lost Indeed Feb 16
Like a cancer, I grow in your mind.
Like a plague, I consume your dreams.
Like a curse, I walk in your thoughts.
Like a spell, I compel you to say my name.
Like a drug, I travel in your blood.

I question your ability to forget me.
I challenge your capacity to keep me blocked.
I'm a warlock of your pleasure,
The root of your sins.
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
I made you laugh today,
And it brought me closer to God.
Your giggle got lost in the dark alleys of my mind,
Forever searching for an exit they’ll never find.

I could see your smile from a thousand yards away,
And it would still make me blush.
I could hear your voice echo from a thousand years in the past,
And I’d still smile.

My love haunts me like a cigarette searching for a mouth,
But I don’t smoke anymore.
I’ve been bitten by a new addiction...
Lover’s Nicotine.
Making you laugh makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
I am who I am.
I am me.
I am the best at being me.
I am nothing more, nothing less than just me.
I am chaos.
I am submerged in entropy.
I am the answer of all odds.
I am the void.
I am me.
I am the pinnacle of my own evolution.
I am the culmination of all my doubts.
I am the last one of my kind.
I am and I will ever be me.
Lost Indeed Jul 2019
Nasci para observar.
Acorrentado pela minha mente.
Maldito seja o seu olhar.
E a sua boca que mente.

Sou um poeta por natureza.
Adestrado pela sociedade.
Sou assombrado pela incerteza.
E dependente da realidade.
Lost Indeed Jan 5
Cheiro de chuva fresca,
Café passado,
Praia de manhã,
Vontade de viver,
Vício da minha mente sã.

Eu conto em versos os segundos até te ver
E vivo em universos onde nossas bocas nunca se separam.
Fui até o infinito e à origem de todo ser,
Mas não encontrei momentos em que eu não quisesse segurar tua mão.
Lost Indeed Sep 2024
I was thinking about you,
And it kept me from sleeping.
I'm now tired and in love.

Each memory is like a shot of caffeine,
And every thought like a drag of nicotine.

It's the dependency on your smile,
My necessity for your smell,
My addiction to your eyes,
My heart in your fingertips.

I will die alone with words that don't rhyme,
In a poem that no one will read,
About a girl that I will never truly meet.
Lost Indeed Jan 3
Your voice feels like thunder,
It vibrates my heart,
Makes my mouth salivate,
Makes my soul cry.
Tell me you love me one more time,
I will be your secret, I will be your lie.

Sanctify my room,
Make my body shake and my legs fail.
Let’s burn my books,
Intertwine our minds.
Let me touch your tattoos
As you caressed mine.
Let me be your martyr,
Be one with your kind.
I can't stop typing,
My soul craves your poetry.
In the bedsheets, I heard rhyming—
Your heartbeats, a song just for me.
Lost Indeed Feb 26
I will now gather my broken pieces,
Though they once fit perfectly with yours.
But now, I can never call you mine—
Not anymore.

The music in my ears echoes the ache in my soul,
While my words transcribe this heartbreak.
This is all I have left to show,
And I write it for my own sake.
Lost Indeed Feb 27
Oh, help me, enchantress of the night,
I wanted to ask to forget her, but I can't.
It's out of control—my love for her is too might,
And the thought of losing her prompts me to faint.

So I'm in your hands like I've always been,
I will wait for you in all my scenes,
In all the universes and timelines,
I will come for you anywhere with our agreed sign
Lost Indeed Dec 2024
Oh death,
Allow me to see her again.
I will give you my husk,
Because my soul already belongs to her.

Anubis, hear my plea.
I have nothing for you to weigh;
My heart was given to her.
I will accept the punishment without a say.

I have nothing too.
My battle was won
When she said, "I love you."

I beg you, Charon,
I can’t pay for my trip.
My obol was lost
When I kissed her lip.
It has always been T
Lost Indeed Feb 22
The cigarette smolders in my window
As the light in my room grows dim.
I apologize to my lungs,
But I need the nicotine.

I hear the rain fall
And my fan spin.
I can only think of you—
My favorite sin.

I see the darkness smile,
My oldest friend.
The city sleeps
As my heart I try to mend
Lost Indeed Dec 2019
The smoke is about to set.
In our palace of nicotine.
Its late and I need to bet.
To silence my darling queen.

But the morning will come to drift me away.
As I kiss your lips and our souls sway.
Dacing to the movement of the sea.
Because in the darkest our, you found me.
Lost Indeed Jan 2020
Fresh paint on the walls of my mind.
Is this reality or a dream of mine?
Echos of your smile.
Smirking at me in every tile.
Lost Indeed Sep 2019
I am lost but I know where to go.
I am sad but I am afraid to show.
I smile but I have tears to flow.
I loved but she stole my soul.

I am a wanderer of memories that are not mine.
Dreams of life that in my head are confined.
Pieces of our moments stuck to a silver line.
Broken parts of me like diamonds in the night.

I watch the moon when I cannot sleep.
Its light illuminates the dust from my bedsheets.
I should go back to my bed before I trip.
And now the moon is gone and no one will see me weep.
Lost Indeed Apr 2021
You know, life hasn't been kind.
And now I am too tired to try.
To lay in bed and slip into your eyes.
To remember the taste of lips and cry.
Live enough to realize that I wanna die.
o l
Lost Indeed Jan 6
Se eu tentar escrever em palavras,
Tocar em músicas
Ou pintar em quadros,
Não alcançaria o que sinto por você.

Não existem palavras em idiomas,
Sonhos de poetas
Ou inspirações de compositores
Que façam jus ao que você é.

Eu abandono a estrutura poética,
As regras líricas e toda crença cética.
Sou um observador da obra divina,
Um escrivão da sua obra-prima.
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