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Loryn Jan 2019
I give you every single part of me
Every. Single. Part.
And god it hurts, so badly
to be away from you
and know you could be searching for more.
I want to be all you need.
And still,
you're talking to her
and her
and her.
Why can't I be enough for you?
Sometimes I want to rip out my heart and throw it away.
It hurts so badly and I feel so drained.
I know she's,
in every way.
But why can't it be me?
I just want you to love me.
I love you so much.
Love me.
Loryn Jan 2019
I met this boy, girl? boy.
Gray? D'Arcy.
He wears these ugly *** shoes
and god it's hilarious.
He's like my best friend and
he makes me laugh so hard.
But he's leaving soon
and then I'll never see him again.
It's sad, I know.
But It'll be okay I guess,
I don't know.
Loryn Jan 2019
i dont know why we cant remember what our past lives were like
i also wonder what the point of life actually is
like what the actual point of a life is
it seems like all life is for is to make money and do other things
but i really dont understand what the whole point is
i dont understand why money is a thing
i dont get why there is war and conflict
and why people are always fighting all the time
i dont get it
confused as ****
Loryn Jan 2019
i think about a lot of things
i wonder what i was like in my past lives
what was i passionate about?
who was i?


i think about a lot of things
i wonder what i am like in my current life
what am i passionate about?
who am i?
i dont know anymore
Loryn Jan 2019
i miss my baby, my princess, my everything
i wish she was with my right now
the love i feel for her is so great
and i hate not being with her
where she is right now, i don't know
i want her to come back to me
i miss her
come home to me baby
I love you
  Jan 2019 Loryn
CJ Tims
I love you
As a friend.
No, no that isn’t right.
See that’s what i say
To hide how i feel.
When i say i love you
I mean
I love you.
With no establishments,
No walls.
See i love you
As the moon
Loves the stars.
There is them,
There is us.
And there is you.
I love you.
Loryn Jan 2019
I trace these scars with a pink pen
Wishing that the pen was a blade
Knowing that all this pain could go away

I trace these scars with a pink pen
Feeling a little bit better but
Still unsatisfied

I trace these scars with a pink pen
There's so many but still not enough
Never enough


Stay with me.
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