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Feb 2021 · 147
Once again
Kimberly Sanchez Feb 2021
Simple girl with a simple heart, blemished by insecurities.  Seeking to understand the demons that hold her captive.  Chains bound her every move.  She sits in silence consumed by the thoughts she can not speak on.  Wondering lost soul desperately searching for clarification.  She chokes back one more tear as the darkness around her swallows her whole.  Eyes heavy as she gives into the night. Hopeful heart rest til morning light awakens once more.
Apr 2020 · 125
Kimberly Sanchez Apr 2020
These crashing storms collide destroying sights. Crushing limbs and silencing inner minds.  Speak no more for you are extraneous to non existing ears.  Deficient and non reprehensible.  Life is merely a wishful mirage.  Always seeking but never within hankering hands.  Heart endlessly pleading to fight to feel coveted and besottedly loved.  She gives away her every essence; spewing from the flesh of her orifices in hopes it will fill the one she is in love with.  She longs to see him happy, she dreams of him laughing and smiling.  To see his heart over flowing with joy.  Without pain and worries throughout his days.
Apr 2020 · 132
Foolish girl
Kimberly Sanchez Apr 2020
Unwanted crushed heart bleeding red down my chest. So willing to give it away only to be demolished by pain.  You are not wanted you foolish girl.  No one thinks of you, you foolish girl. No one misses you, you foolish girl. No one wants you, you foolish unwanted girl.
Apr 2020 · 125
Kimberly Sanchez Apr 2020
I walk these endless days empty and broken seeking the impossible dream.  Dark shadows creep ever so slightly guiding my lost feet into their chambers.  These unfamiliar walls scream my name crushing me from within.  Ears bleeding from all the lies.  I’m losing this fight for my forgotten soul.  No longer able to speak as the voices within overwhelm my ability to breath.
Apr 2020 · 116
Kimberly Sanchez Apr 2020
Sheltered feelings blinded by ghostly intents.  Shattered storms roll inward blackening every thought.  Ash falling from her burning soul within.  Bitter coldness biting flesh.  Empty vessel screaming for help but pain is all that is left. Silence haunts her as she wonders aimlessly; lost for eternity.
Feb 2020 · 115
Kimberly Sanchez Feb 2020
Another pebble another stone lay me down to the ground.  Time comes time goes and here I stay.  The cold wind blows covering me with its sweet scent of you.  I lay here empty all I can feel is despair.  I long to feel something from you but you pick me up and throw me to the ground.  Shattered pieces of me scatter to the sand.  The ocean pulls me further from you piece by piece into the deep blue sea until I see you no more.
Feb 2020 · 127
Kimberly Sanchez Feb 2020
Broken spirit broken heart broken life broken soul broken mind broken hands broken body....broken broken nothing more to give, nothing more to feel.  How? why? Hopeless. Happiness will never come. Why should I go on? All lies. There is nothing, I have nothing, no home, no family, no love.  Broken is all that remains.
Feb 2020 · 115
Is it ok to love you?
Kimberly Sanchez Feb 2020
I lay here in this darkness body exposed skin cold longing for your touch, your warmth.  Please come, please cover me with your love.  I want to feel you near me.  Is it ok to love you? Thoughts consume my every emotion.  Your voice echos through my mind etching melodies onto my heart.  Your eyes shine ever so brightly upon my consciousness warming me from the inside out.  Just one Glance can steal my breath away.  I reminisce of your smile oh how it makes me fall ever so deeply in love and the feel of your lips upon mine makes me lose all control.  Is it ok to love you?  Two beating hearts lost, found by chance and scarred by loves past.  I yearn for your love but I’m denied by life’s cruel reality.  I know it wasn’t your intention to steal my heart but please tell me it is ok to love you.
Jan 2020 · 114
Kimberly Sanchez Jan 2020
Sleep why do you incumber me? I long to dream. Thoughts fill my night sky awakening my inner spirit. Eyes closed but racing as images mingle enticing minds map. Your voice traces through and through echoing, embracing my mind.  Stirring emotions lost at sea.  Beckoning me awake. I long to dream to dream of thee. Why sleep do you incumber me?
Dec 2019 · 195
Sinking Soul
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
Hopeless soul wondering the icy depths of the ocean.  To far  under to catch heavens breath as crashing waves pull flesh from bones.  Salty water consumes her every essence while desperately seeking acceptance.   Slowly she sinks deeper into the abyss clinging to the pressure as it crushes her ever-being.  Frantically she awaits her Poseidon to save her from deaths door.
Dec 2019 · 131
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
Passion that ignites a light into my soul.  Aching hearts intertwine as desperate hands suffocate skins domain. Eyes that smolder deep crevices within the depths of darkness. Soft lips part as I breath you into me. Consumed by wild thoughts as it takes hold. Fill me with your ever-lasting bliss as the world fades and time is forgotten.  Leave me here forevermore.
Dec 2019 · 487
Stupid girl
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
Stupid girl and your stupid heart.  Blinded and willing but still filled with lonely nights and lonely beds.  Eclipsed by what could be, only left to be dreaming of something that will never be. Stupid girl and your foolish heart.
Dec 2019 · 161
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
My mind soars as I lay here consumed by my thoughts of you. Eyes closed as visions of passion rushes in.  Heart racing as I fall deeper.  My hands long for you, as my body readys to receive you.  Oh but your love is forbidden tainted by the miles between us.  Your words penetrate my soul,   filling the void within. Your voice beckons me to forget the world around me.  Let me be your forbidden love. Won’t you come fall deeper with me.  Let me consume your mind, I’ll love the lonely away. My forbidden love tainted by miles between us.
Dec 2019 · 160
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
I hold your frail hands lovingly within mine.  Oh the stories they could tell.  Everyday is a struggle for you but worry not my loves for I shall be the roots that hold you strong.  Oh the stories you could tell.  Stolen memories silenced by disease.  Wrinkled eyes and wrinkled smiles oh the stories they could tell. Everyday my loves I will stand by you, I will be the branches to your tree as this disease steals you.   Oh the stories I will tell.
Dec 2019 · 161
Sing me a song
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
Night creeps upon these empty walls.  I fall deeply transformed as I’m swallowed whole. Chest pounding loudly crushing souls. Empty hands and empty eyes, drained from all of you.  Sun raises as my corpse dances to your beat and comes alive once again.
Dec 2019 · 187
What remains
Kimberly Sanchez Dec 2019
Darkness consumes me as memories echos through my mind.  Silence pierces the voice within.  Heaviness holds as my soul wonders seeking clarity.  To weak to fight as Shepard’s stroke ego growing. Sun spinning into everlasting moonlight.
Never-ending, never-ending.
Nov 2019 · 212
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Alarm summoning heavy body unwillingly rises. Water burning flesh as it washes away tears.
Nov 2019 · 133
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
I lay here with these familiar walls and their familiar trinkets. Thoughts spinning uncontrollably.  Time goes on as I feel frozen in place with this everlasting ache.  Footsteps echo passed as they go on with normalcy.  They long for me to follow but distance grows. Something within me changing, It ripples cracks through the very person I was. This life is no more. I yearn to fill the void please I need to feel something, anything will you be that for me even if it’s temporary. I need the high. I need the adrenaline.
Nov 2019 · 276
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Will it ever just go away this feeling that hides inside of me.
It burns me from the inside out.
Bringing out the worst in me.
I long to be truly happy.
To love with all my heart.
To let others in, letting them love me too.
I have to hide behind this mask, hide the monster within.
No one should ever know the real me.
Nov 2019 · 134
Who am I?
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Who am I?
I stand there looking in the mirror
Watching, waiting for the answer.
That young face aged from the many pains hidden away.
Those hazel eyes burning deep holes into my soul, searching for that piece of lost happiness.
These soft hands clinging to her used body.  This body that is torn, hated, unappreciated.
Her pretty hair tattered from the many sleepless nights.
She stands there looking back at me but that is not what others see.
So then who am I?
I know who I want to see sometimes I can see her staring back at me.
Her face shining from the happiness as bright as the sun.
Never angry, not a worry in her heart.
Her eyes so soft and voice as sweet as a song.
Love overflowing from her like the oceans breeze.
She is young.
She is beautiful.
She is ****.
She is me
but it is just a dream.
Nov 2019 · 183
Desperate Soul
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Heavens sky beneath my feet as I wonder the inevitable. Clumps of earth falling upon my head. Dust clouds vision. Eyes burning and blurred. Hands searching what eyes can’t see. Muted ears can only feel the violent throbbing coming from my chest. Off in the distance a voice summons.  Veins dialate as adrenaline rushes through like a raging river.  Wondering the inevitable as I seek your angelic voice.  My voice trembles as I call out to you.  Pleading pleading pleading for you to find my desperate soul.
Nov 2019 · 149
Hold on
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Hold on to me
20 years with you have come and gone
Is this the way we end?
Hearts bleeding hearts bleeding
The world keeps spinning, the days rise and fall with you by my side but alone I lay
Hold on to me
I want to love you, make me love you I need to feel you again
Hold on to me as I push you away
Don’t give up on me as I tell you goodbye Don’t listen to hearts conflictions. It knows not what it needs only what it wants
Hold on to me
Nov 2019 · 162
Up For The Taking
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Here I expose my darkness for all to see.  Body lying bare. Arms and legs grasping the earth as my chest is torn open. Take what pleases you. Pay no mind to the scream coming from within my lips. The pain is to be expected. Go ahead dig a little deeper. Blood staining hands did you find what you were looking for? No that’s okay; numbness takes hold soft moans replace screams.  Take what pleases you, til my corpse is no more.
Nov 2019 · 123
Spark me a flame
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Where is the spark? Empty.  I crave the excitement. Where is the fire? The void ever growing. I need the passion. Angels touch.  I long to feel. Tingling fingers. Feathers brush ever so lightly across lips skin.  Bring me lovers first kiss.  Light the flames over my horizon.
Nov 2019 · 246
Gone girl
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Where have we gone? Lost in the agony that life has bared at our feet.  The cold is growing as I run from you.  Silence is all that is left. Isolation is the great relief. Your love should heal my broken soul, always loving me always needing me and yet where have we gone. The door is closing, fading fading fading away.
Nov 2019 · 126
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
I search my eternal soul seeking the impossible.  Heart racing as my breath is stolen by you.  Shivers race across my ever still body.  One by one I feel every errection from within the depth of my skin. Your touch is like the sun kissing my skin. The sweet dew upon a silky leaf.  Drip drip drip over the horizon, inching evermore towards the edge.
Nov 2019 · 183
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Your words are razors piercing my gossamer soul. My arms extended as I swallow you with my embrace.  Giving giving giving. Essence of me spew to the unholy earth.  My very being screams to run.  You must you can’t bare the pain anymore.  My feet willing but my heart stops me from going anguishly knowing it will only make things worse.  My mind soars with confusion.  Eyes swollen red and bleeding acid. I am bare raw and Defeatedly stuck.
Nov 2019 · 133
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
My heart is a puzzle it will never be complete for that one piece is missing oh where can it be
The last time I saw it I was just a child
I remember my puzzle as whole as can be not a piece missing it was complete
But then you came you scattered the pieces you stole one from me
I tried to get it back but you kept it from me
And now I will never be complete
Nov 2019 · 164
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Hopeless, worthless, ugly girl.  Doomed from Conceivement to exist in darkness.  She seeks the mirage of happiness and hides behind the mask painted upon her face. So no one will see her desolation.   She hides underneath the tight fitted cloths that shelters her remains and deceives them all.  Broken and lost is all she can feel.   How can she mend this hopeless, worthless, ugly girl.
Nov 2019 · 123
Kimberly Sanchez Nov 2019
Feeling as if I am fading away.  As I fall apart pieces of me shatter as they become ghostly matters that my fingers can no longer grasp. Lost in my mind. Trying to understand why no one can see.  Anger takes hold, the monster is back. Why is no one helping? How do I get back? Darkness overcomes numbness takes hold goodbye sweet light; goodbye.

— The End —