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220 · Jul 2014
Different is good, right?
B M Jul 2014
It’s too early to tell
It always is
All I’m saying is
I needed this
I really needed this
I’m not going to jinx it
I’m not going to assume anything
Like I always do
Since things are different this time
I’m going to do it differently
I’m going to go with the flow
I’m going to be realistic
And we’ll see what happens
All I’m saying is…
I’m happy I met you
Part 1
219 · Oct 2015
B M Oct 2015
My mind is a puzzle that lost all of its pieces and I was already having trouble finding all of the loose ends but you’re making my heart melt in my chest and I forgot what I was supposed to be doing and your eyes are just the perfect shade of brown and I can’t stop thinking about how your hand looks wrapped around my own and everything else seems to disappear. Since you came, the stars seem to be brighter, and I started to listen to my music a bit louder to make sure I heard every word correctly, so when I told you I love you it was true because as fuzzy as everything is, I’m seeing you crystal clear.
216 · Nov 2014
Moving forward
B M Nov 2014
But there are good things I did.
I found solstice in art,
In music, and in other people
I found peace in the silence that I sat in for so long.
I became better by pouring my heart out over sheets of paper,
Writing down every heart breaking idea that ever crossed my mind
I'm ****** up still but I don't want anyone cutting themselves on my shattered pieces.
Yes, I smoked because I was sad.
Yes, I broke hearts because I couldn't find myself.
So yeah, I did **** I'm not proud of but I got through it.
We all will.
We will be the generation with scars that loiter all over our bodies.
With invisible tattoos that read "we ******* made it"
214 · Feb 2015
Always instead of sometimes
B M Feb 2015
I want to be buried in the same dirt as wild flowers, and the same place that my favorite trees once grew. Not in a field with other rotting bodies doomed like me. I want to be buried in a place with some hope. Mostly because it seems that these days I have none, and maybe if my memory lives on with hope-that may cause a chain reaction and no one will be ****** in by sadness. In all honesty, I wish I didn’t feel like this. I wish that I always saw the beauty in the world and, instead of just sometimes. To be able to live like that; seems impossible, and that’s why I wish to be buried among change. Maybe that way, I will too.
208 · Jul 2014
Part 15
B M Jul 2014
I don't have a boyfriend for a reason.
If haven't found someone that if would take risks for.
If haven't found someone that it was mutual with either or if it was that again,
I’d want to hang out with them, etc.
I have standards
and things that I’m not going to give up
or things that I’m going to change just for some guy I’ll date for in high school,
or hook up with.
I mean, yes I complain but not for the reason's you think.
i complain because I’m lonely.
I complain because even though I tend to be really cold or so straight forward that it scares people off,  or just the fact that I have no idea what I’m doing.
One thing I do know though,
is that I’m not going to lower my standards or expectations.
it wouldn't be fair to me,
and I’m all for being fair here.
I’m sorry to every guy I hurt in the process of me trying to figure myself out.
Just when you tell me I’m confusing,
or I don't make any sense?
Well, I don't get me either.
But if you stick around long enough to attempt to try to figure me out,
I hope that it is worth it
and I hope that I’ll be happy.
206 · Dec 2014
Chapter 4, Part 1
B M Dec 2014
You told me to stop complaining
So I stopped talking
You told me to be skinnier
So I ate less
You told me to be stop being negative
So I wore a smile on my face
When you asked me why I tried to **** myself
I told you that I wanted to be myself
I wanted to be happy
I wanted to be want you wanted me to be
I don’t know why you were so confused
Isn’t that what you wanted?
202 · Nov 2014
Chapter 3 Part 14
B M Nov 2014
It took me forever to find someone I believe I could depend on,
Now I just have to run with that.
I can’t let these fears rule my mind forever,
Like a clock going around and around,
Fixed at the same point forever
I can’t keep letting days, and weeks go by
Not doing anything to ensure my happiness.
I need to move on,
Stop worrying
And let life take me where I need to go.
I don’t want to stay here, I’m not happy.
I need to move on,
Though I would prefer to be with you…
After long conversations and me going over it again and again in my head,
I came to the conclusion that
I wasted time on people
Who weren’t good enough for me
Weren’t what I need
Weren’t the one and
Weren’t worth it
I’m disappointed that it took me this long to this conclusion
Trial and error I suppose
It’s easy to move on when there’s no feelings left
And I’m happy to report
I found someone new
I’m confident he’s worth all my time
It was fun moving on
It showed me that there are still good people out there
You just have to get through the ****** ones first.
Adapted an old poem "Part 24" and added a part, i'm happy with it. i think it communicates well how i'm feeling.
201 · Jul 2014
B M Jul 2014
I know nothing of love
I never have
I never had the chance
I was too busy worrying
I was too scared
So I never let myself live
I never opened up
So I either pushed them away
Or let them fade
I'm terrified of being vulnerable
One day
I hope to change
But until then
I'm sorry for not letting you in
199 · Oct 2014
interweb diary
B M Oct 2014
it's important for those who you care about, to know that you're there for them. it doesn't matter if you can give advice or not, simply listening (for the most part) is the most important. simply saying "i'm here for you" can make a huge difference in someone's struggle. it could be what saves them. be mindful of others, everyone has a story. hopefully we all get to share.
197 · Jul 2014
Part 18
B M Jul 2014
But that’s the thing,
Life isn’t a fairy tale.
There’s no happy ending
That’s why I’m so worried
Because I may not have that happy ending
Maybe it’s too early to tell
Maybe I’m just being paranoid.
But my fears are real
And I don’t want them to come true.
194 · Sep 2014
not a poem
B M Sep 2014
i haven't cried this hard since my grandma died.
idk what happened to you.
you were such a good friend.
always there
always cared
i was wrong.
i'm sorry for wasting your time
******* too i guess.
192 · Nov 2015
part 1 of a poem about you.
B M Nov 2015
You came just as things began to settle. Like dust in an empty house. The windows are broken and the door is sealed shut, but that didn’t stop you from fixing it right up. You didn’t leave me in the dark to collect more dust. You left the light on and made sure I came back home.
189 · Jul 2014
Part 9
B M Jul 2014
You said that you don’t feel the need to answer
Yet you still want to talk to me
I wasn’t ever good at English,
But honey you’re contradicting
If this is your way of revenge
Or closer
Be a trick
I’m done
I’m done worrying
About you
About us
About everything I can’t change.
189 · Jan 2016
Fuck this.
B M Jan 2016
I have too many feelings for my own good and maybe they don't keep me up at night, but they sure make me tired enough to sleep for months. I guess the difference is that since I can still hold a job and put my shoes on, I don't have a right to be distraught for no reason. Just because you can't see my eternal rain cloud doesn't mean I can't feel it. Seeing is believing, but my smile can be deceiving. Look, I don't expect you to understand or help me up. I just want you to leave me the **** alone.
186 · Nov 2014
it's still you
B M Nov 2014
After all these years
Who would have thought?
Being brave
Would get me going where I wanted to
The fact that a few words
Can change everything
I’m not saying this will be perfect
Nor am I saying this will work out at all
All I know is
It’s working now
I’m happy now
And that’s all that needs to matter
181 · Nov 2014
Slowly off topic
B M Nov 2014
I became a very negative person. Usually when you tell people things like that, they simply say it’s a phase and you’ll get over it. Time passes, they forget about it and you never changed. The thing about seeking advice is that no one really cares, especially if they have never experienced it, and it just doesn’t sink in their pea sized brains that you’re hurting and the fact that you’re going to them says a lot about how they feel about you. People are selfish and stupid and unless it directly affects them, they’d rather not talk about it. I’m not saying you should keep it all inside. I’m not saying you should hate everyone because they’re stupid. They’re stupid, but don’t hate them. What I’m trying to say is that when you’re trying to ask for advice, find someone who has been there. Someone who would care about whatever it is that is bothering you. Please don’t waste your time with stupid people. Write, vent or do anything other than keeping it in. don’t be a ticking time bomb, be a dormant volcano. Who will never have a chance of exploding. Take care of yourself and don’t be stupid.
180 · Aug 2014
Take the time
B M Aug 2014
Since 2 summers ago,
I have associated my art,
With pain,
How only on bad days,
My art would be beautiful
I would take the pain
Of people coming and
Then going
And make something
That didn’t hurt as much
I have started
To make my art
Explain more about
My life
The good
And the bad
That way
I can draw on a good day
Or a bad day
178 · Nov 2014
Sadness can be consuming
B M Nov 2014
Crying is a common place for me
Getting lost in thought is my norm
It seems I can’t go a day without feeling like this
Breaking down
Piece by piece
I’m getting tired
And I don’t want to get to the point where
I stop getting up
178 · Jul 2014
Trick face
B M Jul 2014
After long conversations and me going over it again and again in my head,
I came to the conclusion that
You aren’t good enough for me
You aren’t what I need
You aren’t the one and
You aren’t worth it
I’m disappointed that it took me this long to this conclusion
Trial and error I suppose
It’s easy to move on when there’s no feelings left
And I’m happy to report
I don’t give a single **** about you
I’m done chasing people who aren’t worth my time
It was fun while it lasted
But I don’t play games
Not with my life
One of us had to grow up
And it obviously isn’t going to be you
177 · Oct 2014
Me, Myself and I
B M Oct 2014
I am the reason I am unhappy
I used outside forces to make it so
I can’t let myself go
I have to be in control
I need to let go
****** things have happened, yes
But I can't keep letting that be the reason why
Moving on will be hard
Being content and happy will be harder
But the end result will be my cleanse
And hopefully I won't have to do all this again.
172 · Dec 2014
B M Dec 2014
I’m starting to forget how to feel
I miss how my heart used to light up when you talked to me
How no matter what I knew I was safe
You left me when I needed you most and now I am lost.
I took a wrong turn somewhere and I have no idea where I am.
I’m drowning in worry and I keep seeing shadows
Thinking I got saved.
I won’t be able to survive this alone,
Will someone come save me?
170 · Nov 2014
Changes like the weather
B M Nov 2014
Every song is no longer about you
It’s funny how fast things change
One day you’re in
The next day you’re out.
That’s life I suppose
Running and running
Never catching a break
I guess it’s fun if you like the chase
After a long period of time
Hide and seek becomes old
Games never suited me anyway
168 · Aug 2014
B M Aug 2014
If the saying,
"You are what you eat"
Is true,
You must eat,
A lot of ***.
i'm not going to waste my time hating you.
i'm just calling 'em as i seem 'em
**** youuuuu
162 · Aug 2014
not a poem 2
B M Aug 2014
Life is confusing and hard and I don’t know what I’m doing. I want someone to be there so I don’t have to feel like this every ******* night when I’m alone. Yes, I have friends and family but that isn’t the same as having someone there-there, Holding you, It’s different when it’s romance. You don’t stay up late because you’re sad and alone… you stay up because talking to them is better than sleep. I know that I have problems. I can’t keep people around too long. I can’t help it. I just never had someone that pulls me back. That doesn’t let me push them away. It’s not that I am desperate. It’s not that I HAVE to have someone in my life. I just can’t keep telling myself it’s going to be okay. I’m a ****** liar.
162 · Jul 2014
No looking back
B M Jul 2014
Stuff your pain under your pillow,
No one will notice.
Stop wearing make-up,
No one will care.
Fill your half empty cup with what you think is happiness,
It will be forgotten.
All the trees breathing in the forest, all the sand washing away,
No one will take a second glance.
Take all the little blue pills; watch them fall down your throat slowly, disappearing at the drop,
No one is watching,
If a tree falls in the forest dropping dead in a sea of flies,
Does it make a sound?
Did you?
No one is watching,
Take another step.
It’s over. The trees are dead.
Flies are swarming.
All the sand is gone.
No one makes a sound.
In a sea of nothingness,
It’s over.
this is the very first poem i ever wrote
160 · Oct 2014
Update .5
B M Oct 2014
There's something in the way you walk
That caught my attention
What it was i'm not sure
But you are beautiful
In every sense of the word
And it would be a shame
If this was my only poem about you
There's something in the way you hug me
It's as if you're sheltering me from the world
That you want me and only me
On the other hand
You are confusing as ****
You are the type of guy
That treats everyone the same
No favorites
No special treatment
Nice Nice Nice
You are so captivating,
I cannot find the words to describe you
It would be a shame if this is all i ever know about you
not my best, but it's late and i just wanted to write about you. i will probably write more and hopefully later edits of this poem will be better whoppweoejriowef
155 · Jul 2014
B M Jul 2014
Even for that short period of time
You were a chapter
In a book about my life
Dedicated to all of the people who saved me
Who taught me
About life
About love
About mistakes
About how no matter how hard you try
You’ll always love them
From the moon and back
150 · Aug 2014
Part 3:1
B M Aug 2014
Everyone has a different way to deal with their ****
Some totally ignore it
Some avoid it for a time
Some dwell
I’ve never been good at choosing my words
And I don’t consider myself to be anywhere close to writing well
I just need to avoid my problems
Or at least doing something about them
I feel like I can’t talk to anyone
I feel like it’s just a joke now
I don’t think anyone cares
Or if they do
They are almost as ******* at talking as me
I just don’t want to have fears anymore
I don’t want to think I can’t talk to anyone
It’s just
I never had
Or let
Anyone stay
Anyone fight to stay
I feel alone
And hurt
And I’m scared
Everyone is moving on
And I stayed still
148 · Jul 2014
Part 12
B M Jul 2014
It’s an odd feeling
When you try to make yourself stop caring
But then that’s all you end up doing.
I’m not saying I want to make it right
I’m not saying that you deserve another chance
And I’m not saying that we would work
All I’m saying is;
It’s not like you didn’t mean anything to me
It’s not that I hate you
It’s just, I wish things ended different
I’m not sorry
I won’t ever be
I just never stopped caring.
141 · Sep 2014
B M Sep 2014
To get to where I want to be
I have to do something I could never conceive
Not worrying
Not obsessing
To let things take whatever path they chose
And I should simply follow
Opposed to “taking the road less traveled”
Simply follow which ever path I was led to
In other words
I need to go with the flow
In order to get what I want
And if what I want is you,
I need to be patient
And do something I have never done.
135 · Jul 2014
Part 8
B M Jul 2014
It took me a long time to come to terms with it
But when (I) said to you “I miss you”
I was expecting a “I (don’t) care”
Or an “ok cool.”
Not a “I (miss) you too”
But when (you) started ignoring me
(I) knew that I was just fooling myself
(Don’t) take this the wrong way
I don’t (want) to be mean
Just (to) think that you (care)
Would be foolish.
134 · Oct 2014
you, him, me
B M Oct 2014
I’m going to live, not survive.
I have spent too much time,
Worrying, waiting
Not letting myself be me
I decided
I’m going to do me
I’m going to do what makes me happy
With those who make me so
I don’t want to hurt you
But if he makes me happy…
I’m going to go for it
132 · Sep 2015
July 20th
B M Sep 2015
Please don't tell me I am beautiful if you can't see past my sadness. Please don't tell me I'm kind unless you plan to walk a mile in my shoes. My body was a temple. Like a castle, it was guarded by a dragon and surrounded by a moat. Now I was left for dead, and my carcass is a museum for what happened to me. Just, I may not be able to change what happened, but I can and will choose where I go from here. My past is no longer in control. I am strong and thank god I stayed that way. My walls may have started crumbling down and yeah, the roof is caving in but things like that can be fixed. I will be fixed. You never come out the way you came, and I will make my own path out.
132 · Oct 2014
B M Oct 2014
He's new to me, but has been around for awhile. It's odd to me how someone who you knew of and never really thought of before can suddenly, and quickly, become the center of all your thoughts. My friends have known and been friends with you for years and just a week ago you came into focus. I never thought you would ever be part of my life.

In light of that, advice that came to mind while writing this, a girl i used to be friends with once said "The best things come when you don't expect them."

I hope that you will be one of those things.
Even if we don't end up being romantic, i do hope we become friends because you are beautiful in every sense of the word and it would be a disappointment to be unable to captivate that beauty.

you you you you you
131 · Jul 2014
Part 10
B M Jul 2014
It takes a long time to figure out who is there for you
And who isn’t.
I have people in my life
That even when we fight and curse
We’re always there for each other
Then there are people
Who I wouldn’t waste my time with
Guess which you are.
130 · Jul 2014
Part 21
B M Jul 2014
You weren't ever the one
If you were, you wouldn't have left
I'm upset right now, yes
But as the sun rises and sets
It will pass
Time will go on
And soon enough
You will be forgotten
128 · Jul 2014
B M Jul 2014
Everyone is scared of death
The unknown
You won’t stop being scared
Even when it’s terminal
And you know for sure you’re going to go
Even as you’re slipping away
You’re going to be scared
Just know
I’ll be right behind you
Holding your hand until the end
Just know
That through everything
I will love you

— The End —