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depression and anxiety? my students get a break.
the teacher with disorders, though, gets more than she can take.
frustration's running high, 'cause i've got thousands of demands;
but criticize the system, and i'll get a reprimand.

“meet them where they’re learning,” but standardize the tests.
“every child is different,” but graded like the rest.
“no child left behind,” in a class of thirty-three.
we’re “racing to the top;” if we lose, it’s all on me.

differentiation; meeting high and low.
always being proper... everywhere i go.
scheduled 'til 3:30; stay at work 'til eight.
try to teach with love; i'm often met with hate.

meetings, staffings, lesson plans,
trainings, weekends, lending hands
both to kids and to the staff
time for leisure? that’s a laugh

some kids cheat; some don't care.
read a book? "that's not fair!"
my one plea: follow rules.
“i don’t care. it’s just school.”

we are people just like you
we’ve got stress and feelings too
only so much we can take
‘till our minds begin to break

more excuses, several lies
so much stress i start to cry
“suicidal! fix me now!”
don’t have training; don’t know how

fifty things i have to do
never go to sleep ‘til 2
overwhelmed and breathing fast
i can’t handle—i won’t last—

i cannot relax
the panic attacks
my sanity’s gone
the class must go on

they’ve never heard
these unsaid words
my eyes are clouds
they’re all so loud

patience gone
raging on:
“maybe this
isn’t bliss”

dead brain
joy drained
must run
i’m done
Don't get me wrong, there are lots of wonderful things about teaching, and I'm glad that I do what I do. I have some phenomenal kids. But sometimes I feel like I'm going to collapse, combust, or both... and that's not all on my students. It's on the system, too.
 Feb 2014 Levi Andrew
Oscar Wilde
Like burnt-out torches by a sick man’s bed
Gaunt cypress-trees stand round the sun-bleached stone;
Here doth the little night-owl make her throne,
And the slight lizard show his jewelled head.
And, where the chaliced poppies flame to red,
In the still chamber of yon pyramid
Surely some Old-World Sphinx lurks darkly hid,
Grim warder of this pleasaunce of the dead.

Ah! sweet indeed to rest within the womb
Of Earth, great mother of eternal sleep,
But sweeter far for thee a restless tomb
In the blue cavern of an echoing deep,
Or where the tall ships founder in the gloom
Against the rocks of some wave-shattered steep.
I never believed in perfection
Never in the way
I believed
In your hands
And my hands
To do something

Not in the way I
I believed in your smile
Telling me we might
Not be alright
But that one day
We could be

I never stopped
Not for a second
But things change
And the meaning of my hands
Have changed
And yours too
I work towards mine
You work for yours

My hands
Your hands working
**Our hands working
Against each other
what do I believe in now?
 Dec 2013 Levi Andrew
I never signed up for this
To be that model,
walking down the isle
begging for people to stare,
to promise justice to things outside
my control.

I never asked for the prying eyes
Inquisitive of the depths of my skin
Watching carefully
Picking at my features
Studying my skin.
Judgmental eyes
Lingering a minute to long
Up and down and up.

Their gaze
It picks, picks, picks
Like rubbing a soft scab

I never asked for that.

— The End —