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Lerato rikky Jul 2021
Giving my heart to you Was my
Greatest flaws
Swimming in your lies of love Was
The only
Unforgivable act I didn't forgive
Myself for!

Lerato rikky Sep 2021
Love me one step at the time
I'm new to this kind of
Love and it's been long
I have been there.
Lerato rikky Aug 2021
I have seen alot of beauty
But not as glamour as yours
I had to wondered
What kind of smile
Can make my feet
Wander around
With so much joy
In me I say your
Black is so beautiful
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
How long must I continue to wait for that greater love that I feel for you.
There hasn't been any woman who can satisfy my soul the way you do.
But it seems I have to let go, if I don't wanna be consumed by forces beyond my control.
I don't wanna be a second Romeo mistake to you. Indeed you are the sweetest thing that I have ever known.
Just know that you're the greater love that I have ever loved.
My heart beat because of what I feel for you.
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
She is a black goddess unnamed
There is no greater beauty than
What I see in you🤍
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
I wish there was stars to look upon tonight
But it's just this cold chill night
That we need to embrace our love
And to those who can't find the love tonight
Dash to the pillow for warmeth
Lerato rikky Aug 2021
How do I tell you
When I see you that
My heart race faster
My eyes can't move or see
Side ways except your ways

How can I tell you
How I feel when
You play me like
A piano with an
Unending melody
That flows through your
Lungs to your soul to
Haunt me with so much
Tunes with no harmony

How can I tell such
A person that my eyes
My soul, my being long
For her warmeth even
In the darkest hours of
Her love and Care...
Lerato rikky Jul 2021
Dear God,
I know I have been so far away
Without words to describe my ways
But I know you care about me
When I care not about you
That's the love I can't express
Even when I was your empress
But If it means anything
I think about you every day.

I know I'm bound to lose
My glory in your throne
But you still gave me a crown.
I know my sin is as big as
The mustard seed
But still you forgave them
Like they were nothing.

I wonder what kind of God
Are you that care for the one
Who doesn't care about you
Despite making you jealous
You still overlooked those jealousy
And found me when I was lost
Out in the crowd of sins and pains
You still found a way to
Put a smile on a saddle face

It has always been about you
Even when I tried being God
Of my own. I'm sorry for
All I had to put you through
For my sake.
Please forgive me for being
A God of my own
Cause I'm lost without you
And if it means anything
I miss you Dear God

Lerato rikky Sep 2020
I could stay awaken just to hear you breathing
Cos don't wanna close my eyes
Cos I don't wanna wanna miss a thing.

Lying close to you just to feel your heart beat
Cos I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I see you when I dream and I don't wanna miss a moment.

Cos I miss your smile
I miss your ****** expression
I miss your mouth
I miss your kindness
I miss your attention

I dream of you alot
I mean alot alot alot
I know you don't wanna hurt me
I'm not scared of hurt
I'm only scared of not spending time with you before my time is up.
I miss the love I had for 6 months for carefree life. If you love someone so deep, express how truly she means to you

I still miss my Amiga
Lerato rikky Jul 2021
I wonder how this words work
It says at first it wants you
And it says it don't want you.
It says it wants you forever
And the next minute it says
It wish you could vanish.

But the person means the world
To you.
But you say things that don't mean
The world to him??
Why is love full of questioning?
Lerato rikky Apr 2021
Can I tell you a story of a man
Who left it's throne to a world
That was so devastated.

A man that was not fertilized
By another man to be born
It's existence in ****** mary
Is still a mystery yet unveil

He came to be like us
That angels was so jealous
That they ask the creator
Why are you so mindful
Of man that you gave
Them authority over everything.

He replied and said
"They are the apple of my eyes"
No wonder he gave his only
Begotten son to this Earth to
Be a man that would bore the
Pains and suffering of the world
He created.

He was called the prince of love
So he can take away the pieces of hatred.
He was called the prince of joy
So he can take away the pains of men.
He was called the prince of healer
So he could take away the sick and suffering
From mankind

Like that wasn't enough for just one man to bear
He was taken through a lonely journey of life
For our sake so that we can be liberated from
The laws of the cage life

So, as we go through life journey
Let's reminisce on those days when he
Was rejected, abandon, Forsaken, forgotten
To perish alone.

Those days were days that he could have
Given up But no!!!
He said this price have to be paid
Even when he was rejected
Even when he was abandon
Even when he was betrayed
Even when he was deny by
It's most trusted disciple peter.

He still paid the price on that lonely highway!
Wasn't this enough for just one man to bear!
But still!!!
He took the cross so that he could break the
Enimity between us and his father.
He became our mediator
He became our savior
He became our light.

So why do you cry
Don't worry, don't cry
For he has risen and taken
Our burdens with
Him at the cross, the
Greatest love and true
Love humanity and beyond
Would ever experience in years to come

His name was called Emmanuel- God with us
© Leratorikkipoet
Lerato rikky Jul 2021
How marvelous is her eyes to behold!
How wonderful are those white and brown
To behold with so much glamour
That tales folk story with just staring
Into the mist.

How gorgeous are thy eye's
That the sea turbulence
That troubles the sailors
Comes to still by just
This eyes of hers staring at it.

The Beauty of creation would
Always be a mystery to describe
Because creation itself is a mystery
To describe by just mere words of mankind.

So, I can't describe this eyes
For they are more than beauty itself
Not because I lack words to describe
Just because the God of beauty
Can't be describe by words formulated by mankind.

Your eyes are beautiful

© Lerato
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
never did I have faith in love
never did I wanna put my heart on the line
but the magic around her makes me feel I've  been hypnotized.

she brings me to my kneels
she can make a sinner rekindle his ways
she opened up her heavens gate and said
only those with the pure heart will get in.
Lerato rikky Mar 2021
Staring at this perfect work of the Creator makes me static not because it was the only work he did😌😌😌 its because he took it's time molding this creature who turned to tortured men who has gone astray from God's plan
Treat a woman the way you want to be treated!
Garbage in is what you garbage out
Lerato rikky Jul 2021
You bring bliss to this universe
Your Smile is like a big ocean
One can be swallowed with
Your humor is not worth debating for!
But anticipating for!

I miss you
Lerato rikky Jun 2020
I was told about an island
I was a young boy
Wondering what's beyond
That island. Because of my comfort zone.
I couldn't dare to see the light
A light full with treasure upon treasure
A light full with glory upon glory
I was just some kilometers away from this island!!!
I wrote this because i gave up easily when growing up
Not knowing something big await's me.
In life don't give up
You don't know what's await you beyond the borders
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
Adamma! I don't call you this because you are the first daughter but the beauty that brought joy and peace to me.
Adaego! The riches you bring, men hasn't seen it yet. No wonder you are the akunna of your father.
Ekemma! Born on a good day.
Ezigbo-Nwanyi, ifeyinwa, omalicia, the chubby face rising from the east. They say there is alot of mystery in the uturu cave. But, I'm sorry to say they haven't met this mystery girl with the mysterious beauty.
The way you carry yourself makes me wonder who you were made for?
The meaning of the african Nigeria words are used and meaning.
Adamma- beautiful first daughter
Adaego- first daughter who brings riches and wealth
Ekemma- born on a fine day
Ifeyinwa- nothing can be compared to her
Ezigbo-Nwanyi- good woman
Omalicia- beautiful woman
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
The night is so cold and chill
I now remember your arms were what shaded me
Through the cold lying lonely on the bed feeling the nature of the air piercing through my lungs and kidney like I'm a reptile. I miss your warm hands. Sweet dreams BESTIE
Lerato rikky Mar 2021
It's been a while I had written to you
I never stop thinking of you, but
My heart bleed knowing I can't have you in my arms anymore.
So I gave up writing because I felt it was  more of abjective in every words I wrote to you.
I'm so done moving around like circle of fourth in the musical world.
I want to take my time in this moment to tell you what I really want from you
If you could give me your hands to hold and cherish one more time before you say it's all wrong and too late for we to get back
I promise to verb up just for you
Cause I love you so much!!!!!!!
Don't ever take love once shown to you truly for granted
That love don't easily come everyday
Always try to fulfil your promises.
Lerato rikky Mar 2020
We fight temptation like it did us wrong...not knowing we welcome it first to our lives and gave it a comfort zone where no matter how we fight it through....we still fall to our temptation!!!
Lerato rikky Sep 2021
I wish I had a thousand life
to show you all this love
in a thousands ways
but I just got one life
to cherish every moment
in a thousand ways
cause the next minute
I might be gone forever.
I love you
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
How can I forget so soon the beautiful memories brought to me by someone like you. Not even a chandelier of light can make me forget how charming you are. Roses are beautiful but memories made with you were so gorgeous. I can say my best moment were those few stolen moment we had six month ago. Love, Respect, Peace of mind was what you have and shown to a play boy that later became a man in the late hours of your love. It was just like a movie, everything flip so fast without control that I'm left alone to catch this feeling all by myself when the night is cold and chill. I still love you#leratorikkipoet
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
How can I forget so soon the beautiful memory brought to me by someone like you
Not even a chandelier of light can make me forget how charming, shining you are.
They say love is blind, but when I'm with you I see love That's too much for me to bear.
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
I can't ever forget that most beautiful day
My eyes behold heaven on earth
When my mouth lack words to say
When my lips could not collide anymore
She was a charmed unnamed
She was the perfect piece that was missing in every part of me!!!!

But, came a day the adam apple stock in my throat couldn't let me reduce the stroke I gave to her.
She was a flower unplugged but let me to plug into her inner chamber's of flaws and perfection
She crave for my dark demons
When she was an angel of light.

All this happened after we collided.
Lust turn to love and demons became angels, but this was not a perfect love story, cause light has nothing to do with the dark at the end of the tunnel. That's while the sun can't shine at night and the moon can't rise in the day 😔😔😔
It was not a love story
It was a life story
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
How sweet the name of mother sound in my ears, it drives away pains brought to me by nature and nurture me into her arms when the world is cold and chill."They say the way to a man's heart is food". But, mine is my mother. She accepts my walls of flaws and direct my ways to the light so I don't fall on the way side.
What can I do for my mother that would make me feel I did something?
I realize that no diamonds, precious stone,silver and gold of this world and beyond can be used to make this woman called mother ever happy than being happy and successful in life.
The joy of a mother can never be written in a book, cause no words can describe a mother ♥️
I love you mom😢
Lerato rikky Jan 2021
My heart beat for what I called unconditional.
It was just a romance not to maintain but I got detained all of a sudden. I was warned of this kind of romance that would lead to feelings, emotions and butterflies. But, I was deaf to this words
Cause I taught it would be a one night stand without craving and wanting more.
Lately, I find myself falling so deep into an ocean I feel I can't swim in. How can a drown man be safe from his torture in the ocean 😔😔😔
How do you overcome jealousy
Lerato rikky Jun 2020
I was wondering in a part of life
Full with joy of vanity
I never knew there was a joy of eternity in a place above my sky of
Vanity upon vanity
Until we see the light
We would know
How joyous life of eternity is sweet.
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
I have only one wish
That wish is to kiss the only one I have ever
Loved with my whole being
And heart one more time.
The last time we kissed, we didn't knew what it meant, but life has taught me what it meant to kiss someone like you
Forbidden fruit all on my mind
Just like it was in the eyes of eve in the garden of eden.
All I want is just a garden kiss and a bite
And I will be wise forever.
Just a second and it's all done.
Just like it was in the garden!!!
Love that burn the soul
Lerato rikky Mar 2020
On my bed of roses
Love walk into the room voluntary
Taught me how to love and how to be jealous of my lover and left me when I need her most.
Lerato rikky Sep 2021
Have you ever wonder
why you feel like
nobody in the world
really cares about you and your mess

Have you ever felt
broken and crying
wasn't the only
option but you see
yourself fighting for

Have you ever long for
something so true
tht got deny at
the end of time

Have you ever been
in a terrible, horrible,
trouble bad day that
is bigger than the
oceans and seas
and you feel you
got no one to look up too.

Have you ever been in love
that wasn't so true
that left your heart
broken and given up on
life's beauty was the only

Has this statement goes:
Have you ever been,
Have you ever wonder,
Have you ever felt,
Have you ever long for?

It will keep on going
As long you keep
wondering why this? why that?
But, I'm here to tell you
No matter what the troubles are,
Or how rough the sea is or
Even How broken your heart has
taken, when it's still searching.

Just know that
You're timeless to someone
And that someone really cares

Lerato rikky Aug 2021
Her pains
Her fears
Her sorrows
were all flashing on
her eyes like there is
no tomorrow to hope and
lived for.

She has been caged in
A confined cave of loneliness
and pity from the society
she long for.
she has been made
A statue of mockery
in her own society

she has been deprived
of Her freedom, Her education
Her ways of lifestyle
she is now like a *** tools
to those hungry wolfs that
call their self taliban's
what a pity she was borne
and raised in such a society

where women are of low value
of important to them.
what a pity that
they caged them cause they
fear the lioness in them.

so I write cause I feel
their pains they would go
through even though they
don't get to see the Ray's
of the sun shining through

I write because I feel the
world is loosing it's humanity
for mankind.
I write because I feel the world
is given up on them
I write because we lost it
from the start.

© Lerato
Lerato rikky Aug 2021
The very thought of you
Makes me wonder how
Can I feel this way about

The main ideal of you
And longing here for
You never know how
I waited here for you

It's just the thought of you
The very thought of you
That I can still breath
Lerato rikky Aug 2021
When I pick up my
Pen to ink down
Those words too heavy
For me to express
I feel a little cramps
On my hands

When I tell myself
It's alright when
I'm down like an
Upright piano
Just so I can see you
From a distance you

Then and there I knew
The world wasn't
The place for we
To talk about love and happiness
And roses in the garden
That never existed in our time

When I tried to write
About the beauty of life
It comes with a phobia
That's unending no matter
How we trade our souls for longitivity
That we know we are not gonna live

© 𝓛𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓸
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
I once taught me and you would be an endgame at the end of the tunnel.
I let my fancy feelings and imagination think we could be forever.
I forgot you're a free bird that can't be caged in a stage of Life.
You always wanted to fly like a bird. That was the mystery I didnt understand.
But, how did I come to love you so true
Even when I was a womanizer of no dignity of self respect for myself.
I only wish you could stay with me forever
But, there is nothing like forever
Because we are all gonna be dusted to where we came from.
Dust to dust
Aches to aches
Where is the forever?
Lerato rikky Aug 2021
how can I forget so soon
behind bars there was a hand
which held me with tears in her eyes.
Lerato rikky Feb 2021
A love I can Never have
she was the one my heart yarn for
The one my soul creep for
But she left so early before I could say I love her
My soul was quiet for 6 months
Cos I still love her.
Lerato rikky Mar 2021
We made morning love
Mourning dove

— The End —