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Saumya Dec 2018
You may know, yet you've to pretend like you don't.
You may see, yet you've to behave like you haven't.
You may not feel comfortable, but you have to feel like you are.
You may not wish to smile, yet you have to.
You may wish to sleep more, yet you won't always get to.
You may feel like leaving everything,
everyone aside, and sob off
that pestering hell,
yet you've to stick around, and behave like all is well .
You may yearn to be truly you,
Yet you can no more be your old, original self.
I'm soon gonna get married, by May last year,  and here's how I'm feeling right  now.
All your suggestions etc, regarding the poem etc are most welcome.

  Oct 2018 Saumya
If I were to tell you something...

And have you understand it..

Like really understand it...

I'd tell you,

Grow up but don't give in

Move on but not away

The people that promise they'll always be there

Never stay
Passing knowledge
Saumya Oct 2018
They will always be able to see the happy and contended you, and admire  or envy that. But it takes a deep heart and a tremendously empathetic person to admire your simplicity, your flaws, and love ya for that, and admire you with your imperfections . behold and perceive the pain, the worries and fears that you go through often, but is all so perfectly  hidden  within your deepest shell, that no-one except you and a precious heart can really  see, and still love the way they always did, despite discovering the real you now.
Saumya Sep 2018
Yesternight, for a while,
When the doors were closed,
I heard a howl from an alluring primrose:
'Arise, Awake lest wear a cloak,
It's twelve, it's midnight
Our turn to explore'

Amazed, afraid yet stunned from this roar,
I steped, and ran towards the front door.
I peeped up and down,
Around all its cores,
But nothing except a melody was all I could explore! _

Curious, Agitated,
With a thirst to know more,
I sat restless
Gazing at the door.

Again came a shrill cry,
Of a man once known,
'May I enter, enter the door
And have some toast?'

Oh! All I could listen
Was to give him a toast,
But ah! I could'nt see
His head or nose!

I wondered, I wandered,
I could see him for sure,
But ah! This figure
I could see not anymore.

I turned back and walked towards my room's floor,
I felt some steps, following me for sure
I ceased, I turned and looked to the door,,
But couldn't see anything once more,
Before I sat in disgust,
Next to a pillow

I was hungry and thirsty,
So couldn't resist more,
And cozily teared a packet
To have some toast

But oh! a bite from it,
Or more,
Gave me chills, and shudders
Of kinds I never had for sure!

I turned back,
Saw a black big ghost,
I cried out loud,
And he stared more and more
He patted my shoulders,
Casually ya know!

His eyes so red,
And puffy ya know,
His skin was stained,
With humanish gore.

His nails so, long,
His figure so stout,
His cheeks and neck
Were a sorry sight
Oh! I dreaded seeing him,
And mostly looked out.
And prayed that he left Me
alone in my house

He sensed my annoyance,
The disgust I had then,
He sensed that I was scared,
From this ghostly man!

He smiled a smile,
I wondered then why,
He asked me to sit,
Saying twould all be alright,
If I'd have a seat
And plan not to fight.

Puzzled, annoyed, yet
I listened to it all,
As I sat down firmly,
In my dreary dining hall

He sat when I sat,
And asked me for small,
A glass of water, some toast
And shawls

I handed him some toast,
In his palms too large,
And served him water,
In a vessel much large

He ate and drank,
And burped so high,
And asked me
To give him a shawl
As twas late midnight

Scared, agitated,
I still dared to ask,
'May I know why thee need a shawl?
You look to un-human,
Behave not like us even,
I'm sure, you're a ghost,
From some hearthy heaven!

What makes ya come in my
Room afterall,
As I know the main door was locked afterall?
And While all are asleep, in this night too dark?'

He grinned,
He smiled,
Like a man too wise,
While his eyes were full
Of lamentous skies.
He Replied with a sigh,
With angst and disgust
Bleeding from his eyes:

'Ya got it right,
Ya got it right,
I'm a loveless,
Forsaken, deserted knight,
Once loved, twice rejected,
And sent to demise,
By my children, and thence by dear wife!'.

I begged for my food,
I begged for my home,
But Oh what I got?
Was a life alone!

I loved them most,
They hated me utmost,
I was fooled by the ones
Who I thought were so close!

I lost my health,
I lost much more,
I lost my body,
Because of them therefore!

But ah! This time,
The time and our deeds,
Yield just that
What best deserve thee!

I begged for them then,
They beg, beg now,
They loved me not then,
No one loves them now,
And oh what they are they,
Is but a sad, sad clown!
And ah what they earn,
Is but a ***** frown!

This shawl oh girl,
That I asked ya to give,
Was for my unfortunate,
Unhealthy kids.

I can't see them weep,
And beg at streets,
I can't see them starve,
For their slightest meal.

I tread in dark,
And sob at my children,
I wish, I wish
I could atleast pamper them!
And a shawl this night,
In this chilly, frosty night,
Would what i think,
Would be the best present,
But my dear, deserted, unloved children
To rest in this night.
So cold to awaken.

I walked with him,
He walked with me,
He showed me the place,
Where lay his children,
In an utterly bad state.

I asked him to wait,
Ran back to my house,
And collected all the shawls
I got that night.

I came back running,
With the heap of shawls,
While my tears knew no end,
I knew not ,how to stop them at all!

He grabbed the shawls,
Handed it to them,
But ah those kids!
Couldn't feel his hands.

He smiled and sobbed
At this instance,
And thanked me well,
With his shivering big hands!

He asked me a leave,
With his heart at sleeves,
While he vanished in grey,
In those dusty, grey streets.

Just an imagination :)

Please let me know how was this poem.( This is my very first horror poem this far.)
Saumya Sep 2018
Yesterday, for a while,
When the doors were closed,
I heard a howl from an alluring primrose:
'Arise, Awake lest wear a cloak,
It's twelve, it's midnight
Our turn to explore'

Amazed, afraid yet stunned from this roar,
I steped, and ran towards the front door.
I peeped up and down,
Around all its cores,
But nothing but a melody was all I could explore! _

Curious, Agitated,
With a thirst to know more,
I sat restless
Gazing at the door.

Again came a shrill cry,
Of a man once known,
'May I enter, enter the door
And have some toast?'

Oh! All I could listen
Was to give him a toast,
But ah! I could'nt see
His head or nose!

I wondered, I wandered,
I could see him for sure,
But ah! This figure
I could see not anymore.

I turned back and walked towards my room's floor,
I felt some steps, following me for sure
I ceased, I turned and looked to the door,,
But couldn't see anything once more,
Before I sat in disgust,
Next to a pillow

I was hungry and thirsty,
So couldn't resist more,
And cozily teared a packet
To have some toast

But oh! a bite from it,
Or more,
Gave me chills, and shudders
Of kinds I never had for sure!

I turned back,
Saw a black big ghost,
I cried out loud,
And he stared more and more
He patted my shoulders,
Casually ya know!

His eyes so red,
And puffy ya know,
His skin was stained,
With humanish gore.

His nails so, long,
His figure so stout,
His cheeks and neck
Were a sorry sight
Oh! I dreaded seeing him,
And mostly looked out.
And prayed that he left Me
alone in my house

He sensed my annoyance,
The disgust I had then,
He sensed that I was scared,
From this ghostly man!

He smiled a smile,
I wondered then why,
He asked me to sit,
Saying twould all be alright,
If I'd have a seat
And plan not to fight.

Puzzled, annoyed, yet
I listened to it all,
As I sat down firmly,
In my dreary dining hall

He sat when I sat,
And asked me for small,
A glass of water, some toast
And shawls

I handed him some toast,
In his palms too large,
And served him water,
In a vessel much large

He ate and drank,
And burped so high,
And asked me
To give him a shawl
As twas late midnight

Scared, agitated,
I still dared to ask,
'May I know why thee need a shawl?
You look to un-human,
Behave not like us even,
I'm sure, you're a ghost,
From some hearthy heaven!

What makes ya come in my
Room afterall,
As I know the main door was locked afterall?
And While all are asleep, in this night too dark?'

He grinned,
He smiled,
Like a man too wise,
While his eyes were full
Of lamentous skies.
He Replied with a sigh,
With angst and disgust
Bleeding from his eyes:

'Ya got it right,
Ya got it right,
I'm a loveless,
Forsaken, deserted knight,
Once loved, twice rejected,
And sent to demise,
By my children, and thence by dear wife!'.

I begged for my food,
I begged for my home,
But Oh what I got?
Was a life alone!

I loved them most,
They hated me utmost,
I was fooled by the ones
Who I thought were so close!

I lost my health,
I lost much more,
I lost my body,
Because of them therefore!

But ah! This time,
The time and our deeds,
Yield just that
What best deserve thee!

I begged for them then,
They beg, beg now,
They loved me not then,
No one loves them now,
And oh what they are they,
Is but a sad, sad clown!
And ah what they earn,
Is but a ***** frown!

This shawl oh girl,
That I asked ya to give,
Was for my unfortunate,
Unhealthy kids.

I can't see them weep,
And beg at streets,
I can't see them starve,
For their slightest meal.

I tread in dark,
And sob at my children,
I wish, I wish
I could atleast pamper them!
And a shawl this night,
In this chilly, frosty night,
Would what i think,
Would be the best present,
But my dear, deserted, unloved children
To rest in this night.
So cold to awaken.

I walked with him,
He walked with me,
He showed me the place,
Where lay his children,
In an utterly bad state.

I asked him to wait,
Ran back to my house,
And collected all the shawls
I got that night.

I came back running,
With the heap of shawls,
While my tears knew no end,
I knew not ,how to stop them at all!

He grabbed the shawls,
Handed it to them,
But ah those kids!
Couldn't feel his hands.

He smiled and sobbed
At this instance,
And thanked me well,
With his shivering big hands!

He asked me a leave,
With his heart at sleeves,
While he vanished in grey,
In those dusty, grey streets.

Just an imagination :)

Please let me know how was this poem.( This is my very first horror poem this far.)
Saumya Sep 2018
And one fine day, She uttered her truths,
A truth that had been, ever misunderstood:
That people were great, some often good,
But oh their certainty, stability are such goods,
Each in the control of time's  hook,
Ever transforming like a fountain or brook,
But none can complete with
The loyalty of books.
It's intensity, it's intimacy and all forsooth,
Are truly the virtues that nurtures one like good food.

The time, it's tides, or the world in blue,
All tells, all revolve round a nucleus,
Called 'Book'.
It lets you have a look, inside your very own look.
People come, some wait some go,
Who knows what, why, and who'd next go ?
There are the grains of time bound sand,
They slip off swift, from your happy land.

But oh a book, Once in your hand,
Is the precious companion,
For your very life's span,
As it nurtures your soul,
Into a wiser man's!

And Oh when the world,
Doesn't give a ****,
Why not approach a book,
That gives you plans,
Of letting go it all ,
that isn't a cinch worth your plans?

Stick in with these gems, the most then you can
For they tell that, what most often can't
Of life, it's creator, it's creatures, it's land,
Of all that you've wondered,
And still can.

The people, the time, all creatures, and land
All change, all change,
In time's hand,
But ah! The books,
And worthy men,
Who like and love to read
Often, often, as much as they can,
Are but Indeed blessed by a 'friend'
That can never fail them,
They can approach as they wish,
And any time, as much as they can.

The tides, the storms, are but their friends,
For they sail them off to other land,
A land that may embrace,
The persistence in them.
They endure, endure, as much as they can,
But Oh! That they complain,
Show pride in them?
Is something that we never see of them.

They're eternal, they're lively,
And inspire men,
Even when the rains,
Imbibes it's words
And takes them off into a land.

Their words, their thoughts,
Are like seeds in a garden,
That feeds well our love for devotion,
And feeds our delicate heart and brain.

Oh if I get to chose between the two,
A book, and a wealthy person,
A book, A book, is what I'll choose,
As it's my undying loyal friend,
An indispensable manure,
For my mind's garden!
All your feedbacks are most welcome :)
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