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Saumya Jan 2018
There's a reason why people are the way they are.Some you witness, may be careful, some carefree, while most you witness maybe the set of 'Cautious people'; cautious about everything, and everyone they get acquainted with...While they are are still interesting ones, who are naturally talkative, but behave dumb Infront of you often, but interesting as it may sound, applicable it is too...'They are all the best version of themselves'.

Not everyone and everything can be perceived by us all, everytime.We are all unique and special in our own ways!While some may see the same person, and observe them to be 'jolly', others may consider that same person to be 'a showoff'....But then nobody can actually know, the other's self, since all they know, is what they get to! It is therefore indeed ironically true, that 'People aren't always what they seem to be' therefore respect people, and dare not be judgmental, at least about a person you don't know well.

We all have the same color of blood, skin, and bones...but no two people have the same set and series of experiences ever.In life, it is nothing but these experiences that transformed us into a somebody we weren't used to be some years back.

Not all who appear talkative, are always annoying.Not all who act careless, are always the same.and not all who seem to be heartless are actually so.Not all who appear quite, are actually naturally quiet...Who knows what stops them from being a talkative? People's ignorance or their  self absorbed behavior towards their own self!

We experience a lot, each day, and we change a lot accordingly. We grow as mentally,each day, not just our exterior self! obviously most of the times knowingly, but these experiences makes sure, we aren't the same person we used to be some years back.Its all natural.

Therefore to be transparent, nobody and nothing is bad. Sometimes the attitude with which we perceive people isn't just right according to their taste...But then that doesn't gives us the right to call them 'impossible/ imperceivable'.The truth is, that  not all experiences that changed us are recognisable to us too, but they sure have an effect on our personalities.
It is therefore mandatory for us to be kind and respectful towards others, as far as we get the same love and respect back.
You deserve to be loved, and so does everyone else, and that can only happen if you love them and they love back too!
But then, you gotta respect everyone, and not be judgmental about them, at least till the time you actually know what made them behave so!

Behavior is often based on our circumstances...And it is sometimes many such set of circumstances which makes it an experience for one, that changed their certain behavioral characters thereafter in such a way, that it became a permanent part of their personality almost forever!

Be kind and respectful towards others therefore, as these are the virtues which makes the 'good person' inside others communicate with you well....And who obviously would not want to experience that good vibe?
Saumya Jan 2018
Walking down my lane with downturned chin
every bit of bright closing up shop for the season
I noticed a fluttering butterfly beckoning me on
leading me to an enclosed tunnel of riotous color!

Stepping inside, my view was obscured by foliage
every texture and hue with unlimited adornment
a studious lady with a clipboard stepped out from
a row of sunflowers, vivid coral with buttery edges.

I was stunned by the majesty of her shiny black hair
and I remembered reading about a plant whisperer
so I asked: “Are you the bloomin’ botanist of lore?
Please show me how you create all these colors!”

She nodded her head, with a big wide smile, saying: 'Yes! For Sure.'
We were soon amidst foliage, so green, so pure
She handed me a twig of dark pink rose,
She smiled in surprise, like a playful child,
Asked, 'Isn't this one adorable enough to be explored?'

I was thrilled to glance at the rose, the one indeed majestic enough to be explored!
She plucked a petal, and the fragnence filled my nose,
She told me of a 'pigment', called Anthocyanin
The initial chemical constituent that provides it's colours.

I pointed my finger towards a yet wonderful rose,
The one yellow, with tint of orange edges in a big wide row.
It ignited my curiosity & more to explore,
I asked: 'What's the pigment for those colours?'

She smiled & led me closer to that row,
A row whose smell grew intense and more.
She picked a petal on her palms to explore,
& told it was a blend of two colors!

The sunset yellow the flower showed, was due to a pigment called 'Carotene'
The orange tint at the petal's end
Was due to a fixed mix of Carotene and Anthocyanin!

She told that plants have a definite substance,
A chemical constituent called 'Pigment'.
These pigment yield the colors so new,
The ones we call Lavendry, rosy, grapy and  hues.

While most leafes have a common green pigment,
Which makes them so greeny in appearance
Is nothing but this common pigment,
A pigment called 'Chlorophyll' often.

I was thrilled, amazed, and smiled so wide,
To quench the thirst, my mind always strived!
These flowers, these plants, these leafes and trees that surrounds us all sides,
Have a natural colour pallete, named 'Pigment'' inside!
The one that imparts the colors so bright.

And while my heart was imbibed in this thought,
My soul danced to discover this merry thought.
My mind, My eyes, got stuck at a flower!

The flower was adorable, with a lotusy pink view,
But I saw a bee, dancing around & singing, buzzing.
I gazed, I watched, I wondered, and pondered.
My mind had a question, which urged the answer!

I turned then to my plant whisperer,
For a yet new answer,
She turned back with her utmost grace,
Asked 'Is there a new question for me to be answered?'

I pointed my hand towards the bumblebee,
I asked why was she dancing around those flowers incessant and merrily?
Are those flowers in any ways necessary for those bees?
What are those creatures doing, minsculely in the centre of the rose disc?

She smiled in delight, with a radiant face in confidence,
I was sure, she'd teach me something interesting then!
She told me they were helping the flower with pollination,
They are nature's pollinating agents!

The flowers we see, with the adorable hues
Are bright & attractive for a reason good,
You see the bees, You'll see the birds, You'll even the honeybees doing the same the wiggle
The all come here to **** flower's sweet juice,
& While they **** it from their nectar tubes,
Their bodies pick some pollen granules!

Those pollens are the powdery make seeds,
Which are often present at the central disc.
The flies when **** the sweet flower's juice,
They sit on the structure, called 'pollen bed', and fill their 'pollen baskets' till the deeper depths!

While these bees, leave the flower at their best, ready to go to a flower next,
Their wings dust these pollen dust, to the flower's pollen tube,
Ready for the phenomenon next!
A phenomenon called 'Fertilisation' best!

The fertilisation is the fusion of male to a female's reproductive cell,
A phenomenon which forms new 'Embryonic cells'.
The Embryo formed is but the new young cell,
Ready for the cycle, it's origination led.

Nature adorns this embryo with petals,
A structure we know as 'flowers' and its  'Whorls'
The center of which forms new pollen cells,
Ready for the cycle, a part of the cycle
Of its turn to transform  into a mature adult.
Saumya Jan 2018
She was just a fly, who admired sky
Before she discovered her wings, that took her on an adventure amidst flowers, valleys and the big wide sky.
Saumya Jan 2018
Can you forget somebody forever?
Yes, in most cases.but, what if this question is focused only about those people who meant the whole world to you once, and left naturally, or due to a certain reason now, and perhaps forever?

Here's where we may have been successfully lying, telling others and making them realize the fact, that we actually have moved on, but then, there's still a part inside us dying to say..'No, not really! How can I?' and to be honest, it is heart which makes us feel the same pain by a mere glance of the one who left, or by any of their possessions.

Apart from having an evolved body and mind,we possess a heart, an *****, that feels, and perceived then and now too...Though you may fool everyone else, but you can never fool it! Also, it's only when the emotions becomes intenser enough to handle, it makes the brain feel the pain...And we ultimately shed tears for what's probably isnt ours anymore and gone forever now.

Situations change, and so do people, but there's still a part inside us, that waits, and  remembers exactly how it felt then, despite how Ong would it had been! But still as wise beings, at least we should master the art of 'mentally' going with the flow.Weird though it may seem, but its interesting enough at the same point, that 'It is the ones whom we adore the most, and expect happiness from, are often exactly the ones, who actually subject us to pain and loss often, and such departures are not more than having an 'emotional tornado' inside us.

We preach the thought of 'forgiving, forgetting, and moving on' but does that really happen to the core of the heart that actually got hurt enough, for the rest of it's life and that too to an extent that the 'void' thus created inside may never make them feel empty often, but a mere memory can bring it all back again in a flashback? A void, probably that can never be replaced by anyone else ever.
Some people, indeed can be forgiven, but not completely, and can never be forgotten, because of the person they had been!
Therefore, practically the 'emotions' like pain and happiness arise only for a person, we've ever seen as 'important'.We obviously don't smile thoughtfully and weep incessantly for someone, often, ryt?

Not everything that's once done, can be undone, and such is the essence of  bondings like friendship, intimacy,love etc.They are pious enough to be forgotten, if the person ever took it seriously.
For, our heart never forgets the ones it smiled sweetly, and wept incessantly for! And maybe that's what makes it hard to forget some people permanently :)
Saumya Jan 2018
Your circumstances will not always be favourable, as you expect them to be often.The people you always thought were your friends, will often, exactly  be the ones to leave you when you most needed them.But then, That never means you've to be suspicious about the friends you have now.Rather, you'll just have to be careful. The judgement of a single person, can't ever conclude you're a bad person, or you don't deserve happiness and success in your life!
Perspectives differ from people to people, and it's absolutely okay, before we conclude them to be a fact about ourselves!In fact, we all are but the finest imagery of the 'sea' which is known to be deep, but noone could ever actually measure it's depth in figures! And ironically, sometimes we even aren't exactly aware of our own depths.

Know, and accept the fact, that ups and downs are a part of life.You may be unfortunate, friendless, hopeless, unhappy and devoid of a lot now, but that's not the end of the story! never make yourself believe or indulge in thought that 'You are what your circumstances present yourself to be now!'

Nature, has a wierd habit of taking off the very things and people from us, we so innocently and intensely fell in love with, and were indeed dedicant towards! And that's obviously a terribly pestering feeling.But then, if we see the brighter side of it, this too happens to makes stronger, better, and more ambitious, and most importantly 'The stronger and wise version of ourselves' heading  towards gaining it again, and this time to make it last forever for the rest of our lives.If it's meant to be, it definitely will be! Tell this to yourself, and wait hopefully for that day to come.

Never, never loose your grip on life.No matter how unfortunate, and deprived  you feel now, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful,you deserve to be peaceful and contented.Let nothing take it off from you, and if it does, make sure to fix it as soon as possible.Don't let these obstacles stop you from the hard work you've always been doing.What remains constant in nature, is 'change' and nothing else.This hardship, these deprivation is indeed temporary, if you work towards getting rid of it.Let your hard work, your hope, your faith, your dedication, therefore challenge this misfortune, and  stand against, what makes you feel low.Don't accept it as your life's permanent reality!
Misfortune indeed  will bow down in front of you in regret one day, and life will crown you  for your bravery and determination you had towards it & will bless you with happiness and success in abundance!

It may ceratinly take long to wait for it sometimes for sure, but if  you know the truth that patience rewards you with what you've always wished for, it's worth the wait! Isn't it?
Saumya Jan 2018
I think,
What young souls normally don't.

I behave,
How young kids hate to.

I percieve,
How young people normally don't.

I say least
But feel most than you'll ever see.

If you ever need a friend,
I'll prove to be a comforting soul.

I see, what people normally don't
I believe, what isn't known, but still will be someday known.
It will be the most soothing truth for humanity.

I expect less,
And stay happy.
What kills me most
Is temporary people's 'Empathy'
What hurts most when they leave,
Is this mere 'Empathy'.

I'm me, and I never crave to be somebody,
I know, what I'll get will be the harvest of my own deeds.
Why then to worry?

I force not anyone to be the other somebody,
But all I expect, is Honesty, and that same courtesy.
A virtue that most always do'nt take seriously.

I'm thus an old soul,
In a young body
And I know,
That's  what my writings
Often speak!
Saumya Jan 2018
Walking down my lane with downturned chin
every bit of bright closing up shop for the season
I noticed a fluttering butterfly beckoning me on
leading me to an enclosed tunnel of riotous color!

Stepping inside, my view was obscured by foliage
every texture and hue with unlimited adornment
a studious lady with a clipboard stepped out from
a row of sunflowers, vivid coral with buttery edges.

I was stunned by the majesty of her shiny black hair
and I remembered reading about a plant whisperer
so I asked: “Are you the bloomin’ botanist of lore?
Please show me how you create all these colors!”

She nodded her head, with a big wide smile, saying: 'Yes! For Sure.'
We were soon amidst foliage, so green, so pure
She handed me a twig of dark pink rose,
She smiled in surprise, like a playful child,
Asked, 'Isn't this one adorable enough to be explored?'

I was thrilled to glance at the rose, the one indeed majestic enough to be explored!
She plucked a petal, and the fragnence filled my nose,
She told me of a 'pigment', called Anthocyanin
The initial chemical constituent that provides it's colours.

I pointed my finger towards a yet wonderful rose,
The one yellow, with tint of orange edges in a big wide row.
It ignited my curiosity & more to explore,
I asked: 'What's the pigment for those colours?'

She smiled & led me closer to that row,
A row whose smell grew intense and more.
She picked a petal on her palms to explore,
& told it was a blend of two colors!

The sunset yellow the flower showed, was due to a pigment called 'Carotene'
The orange tint at the petal's end
Was due to a fixed mix of Carotene and Anthocyanin!

She told that plants have a definite substance,
A chemical constituent called 'Pigment'.
These pigment yield the colors so new,
The ones we call Lavendry, rosy, grapy and  hues.

While most leafes have a common green pigment,
Which makes them so greeny in appearance
Is nothing but this common pigment,
A pigment called 'Chlorophyll' often.

I was thrilled, amazed, and smiled so wide,
To quench the thirst, my mind always strived!
These flowers, these plants, these leafes and trees that surrounds us all sides,
Have a natural colour pallete, named 'Pigment'' inside!
The one that imparts the colors so bright.

And while my heart was imbibed in this thought,
My soul danced to discover this merry thought.
My mind, My eyes, got stuck at a flower!

The flower was adorable, with a lotusy pink view,
But I saw a bee, dancing around & singing, buzzing.
I gazed, I watched, I wondered, and pondered.
My mind had a question, which urged the answer!

I turned then to my plant whisperer,
For a yet new answer,
She turned back with her utmost grace,
Asked 'Is there a new question for me to be answered?'

I pointed my hand towards the bumblebee,
I asked why was she dancing around those flowers incessant and merrily?
Are those flowers in any ways necessary for those bees?
What are those creatures doing, minsculely in the centre of the rose disc?

She smiled in delight, with a radiant face in confidence,
I was sure, she'd teach me something interesting then!
She told me they were helping the flower with pollination,
They are nature's pollinating agents!

The flowers we see, with the adorable hues
Are bright & attractive for a reason good,
You see the bees, You'll see the birds, You'll even the honeybees doing the same the wiggle
The all come here to **** flower's sweet juice,
& While they **** it from their nectar tubes,
Their bodies pick some pollen granules!

Those pollens are the powdery make seeds,
Which are often present at the central disc.
The flies when **** the sweet flower's juice,
They sit on the structure, called 'pollen bed', and fill their 'pollen baskets' till the deeper depths!

While these bees, leave the flower at their best, ready to go to a flower next,
Their wings dust these pollen dust, to the flower's pollen tube,
Ready for the phenomenon next!
A phenomenon called 'Fertilisation' best!

The fertilisation is the fusion of male to a female's reproductive cell,
A phenomenon which forms new 'Embryonic cells'.
The Embryo formed is but the new young cell,
Ready for the cycle, it's origination led.

Nature adorns this embryo with petals,
A structure we know as 'flowers' and its  'Whorls'
The center of which forms new pollen cells,
Ready for the cycle, a part of the cycle
Of turns into a mature adult.
Suggest me a better title please.

Thankyou for reading
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