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Saumya Dec 2017
You gotta be a piece of magnet in a world where most people you meet are just a box bones and flesh, but ironically have a 'iron heart' that knows no love and empathy, a virtue that actually seperates humans from animals! You've deserved to enjoy your journey with glee & utmost graciousness remembering the fact, that they who don't melt,  are'nt a piece of iron even, that's atleast complete a rigid substance in its own, yet respects heat enough to melt itself all in & for it.
Saumya Dec 2017
Love, and respect yourself for what you are, the way you speak, your complexion is, and however you truly are.Learn to adapt well in it.You're perfect, you're beautiful the way you are.Never let people decide  what sorta person you ought to be! (They actually needn't) A sea is a sea and an ocean is an ocean, and they can never be the same as each otger, ever! If people can't adore the original you, remenber that sorta affection is either fake, or is just short-termed, and may not be healthy too, so better stay away from it.Ironically, most  people still need to understand the fact, that nothing can beat originality.

Live your truth, laugh at your mistakes, learn from them, and move on, but never consider any problem as 'permanent'.Nothing stays forever, nor will they.Embrace problems as wierd friends, who teach us a lot before they leave, and change us into a better and stronger us , sometimes forever.

Never, never, settle, or dare changing yourself for anyone, who wants you to be something you already  know that  you aren't & will never be comfortable to be.Stay away from being forced/ dragged into something.Its the most ridiculous thing, you'll regret doing.

You're incomparable, you're special, and you're way too precious to take **** and the ****** people seriously.Know, realize, ponder and believe in this truth, and the real sort of people will always love you for what you are, and will be with  and for you with unfading loyalty.
Saumya Dec 2017
Trust not the faces, they  lie often!.
Trust actions, and you'll be on the right track, most often.
Saumya Dec 2017
It started with happiness,
And a half smile then,
But ah! It's so soon,
That the year's at end.

It started with people,
I then called friends,
But, Oh! Those friends
Didn't last till end
And Now, Will no more
As the Years at end.

It started with hope,
To achieve most since then,
But sigh* who knew,
God had different plans?
But then, what can be done,
Instead of acceptance
That Now, The year's at end.

It started with joys,
A sense of content,
That things are in control
Every now and then.
But ah! It pains
That it's end,
Took off all the happiness,
I earned.
And now, what's left
Instead of acceptance?
Acceptance of the fact,
That the years at end.
2017 has been the most pathetic year of my life.What I wished, is exactly what I didn't get. What I deserved, was taken away from me....I hope this was enough to make you feel, what this year blessed me with...Yes, despair obviously!
I just hope, the next year turns out to be the best one for us all
Saumya Dec 2017
Your eyes,
makes me smile more,
Your voice,
has all cures,
Your lips,
I crave, having more and more,
Your hugs,
alleys all feelings of being alone,
I'm so glad....and so blessed
To be yours.

I'm happy, happy to be yours.

Minutes, Hours and Days passed.
And so did the years,
oh how quickly they last.
We fought,
We laughed,
We shared,
And cared,
We smiled,
We giggled,
We cried,
And it all went through every year,
In time and tides.
I knew you then,
But i know you now,
My frowns are replaced,
By my blush now.
I'm so glad...and so blessed
To be yours.

I'm happy, happy to be yours.

How could I not see this you,
That I can see now,
I was so blind, so unaware,
and such a fool to not understand.
Our fights made us wise,
Our tears made us strong.
And we were always there for each other,
In all storms.
I always loved the way how
You patched up.
You wept more, when
things were messed up.
Your smile was something,
That could heal my weeping soul,
And your cuddles were something,
That I relished most..
I'm glad that those arms are mine now,
Mine forever, and mine for now.
I'm so glad...and so blessed
To be yours.

I'm happy, happy to be yours.

You've made me smile,
In times I felt like crying,
You saved my soul,
When I was all alone..
You perceived me,
When I was expressionless.
You've made me, 'me'
When I had everything
Except, that faith in me .
You induced courage,
When I lacked that in me.
You taught me everything i needed to know,
And made my world,
Beautiful than snow.

You're a pure treasure, treasure to my soul,
And I'd love to be imprisoned,
Imprisoned in your heart and soul.
Not just for this day, Not just for the coming days
But for the years, that I can witness more..
I'm so glad, so happy...and so blessed
To be yours.*

I'm happy, happy to be yours.

© 2017 Saumya
Saumya Dec 2017
The silence,
It cries...
Of disdain and despise

The cries,
It hides,
Things you mustn't avoid

The misfortunes,
It whispers,
Life's all about keeping up the fight

The success,
It chides,
Don't be full of pride
For humbleness takes one, Miles
Just a scribbly pondering :)

Lemme know how you felt bout the poem.
Thankyou for reading, and commenting, and the reactions too
Saumya Dec 2017
'Life' is but a mysterious road we tred on.We'll intially start treading, with the caution and warmth of two magical soul, who'll guide us about every tips and tricks to tread safely on this road, but many unfortunate ones of us, may lack that light too.many may even not be blessed with such souls, or maybe deprived from them since the very beginning.
But life, for all goes on and on, and we gotta walk and walk.

We'll meet many new strangers, from time to time, and the list will expand eventually, but at a certain phase, some stranges will change the path, and choose the different one, you're not treading on.You still will have to make sure, you keeping treading, if possible, with the ones you now have with you

Eventually, there will be some out out this sum of people, who'll change their path too.Bur what you'll always have to remember while treading, is 'you' never gotta hold on' because everyone has a different map, to tread on, and not every traveller can accompany you everywhere, tho they wish too.

Their eventually, will some a big wide crossroad, where, all these people who accompanied you yet, will depart, tho they wished hard to stay with you.You'll lose and miss them, for sure, but then, you'll meet another set of people, who'll be there to wellcome you on your journey with the roads still to be tread.This obviously will be new, and kinda unadaptable at the beginning, but things will sooner be fine, as to learn to adapt.Basically, there will be many roads you'll tread on, but the thing you'll Exactly need to learn here, is 'The more adaptable you are, the better journey you'll have'.

There will be many ups and downs, pits and blotches in your way, but then, you'll have to enjoy, whatever comes your way.Finally, there you'll be introduced to a big, wide, long, dusty, crossroad of life, where you'll all be alone, almost helpless, lacking the energy you intially had when you started the journey, but then, the mere blessing you'll have is an evolved body, heart, mind and soul, and your consciousness.
This road may either be rough, or smooth depending on the journey you've had, the values you've inculcated, and finally, you'll be back to somebody who actually gave this roadmap, with all the strategies and your validity. Happily sad, or maybe sadly happy to have you back :)

That's Life, that's the truth.
And guess what? It's completely inevitable :)
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