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I woke up and they were gone. There was a lot of blood on the sheets. I called the police and told them and they asked: β€œDid they steal your genitals too?” to which I answered, β€œI don't have genitals.”
A million dead love-birds littered my dream-life & dream-girlfriend
after I epoxied her pate beyond the apex of the fore-crown's top end
Breanna, I fear you, to hear you near you when you boil a wren like
a California chicken kitchen cook who sews ***** by hem-stitchin'
in dawning hours when plane Earth's keen on night-to-day switchin'
Don't cry. Everybody loves you a lot. See you again never.
How am I s'posed to hitchhike with white tape on my thumb?
People'll think I'm surrendering. You know, the white flag and all...
Lavendar My Love Jan 2018
I get angry when I have to wait.

Not cause i'm impatient,

It just gives me more time to contemplate.
Lavendar My Love Jan 2018
how difficult to see

your art in such a lightly manner

in the vividness of it

your age is a concept but your art is still in development,

but lo-

my art shall always be in development.

it is malleable.

now and forever, my art will never be mine completely.

Mine of yesterdays, and tomorrows.

mine of then and there.

but never mine of this moment,

or mine of right now

just mine of that emotion,

i felt when I wrote you down
Lavendar My Love Jan 2018
How uneventful my life must be

if you're all I pay attention to

With your dark green sweater

and dark black hair

Moondust eyes...

But can you blame me.

Who would be so ignorant as to ignore you?

my baby, my darling:

I will wait for eternity in the depths of this pit

this shadow

always lurking darkness


may be our dividend,

but right this instance,

I cannot imagine my life without you in it.
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