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Liar I am, to claim I love her most,
Yet dwell in shadows, truths unspoken.
Afraid, perhaps, to meet her gaze again,
Still, my heart longs, though words are broken.

Desire stirs to glimpse her face anew,
Yet fear confines me, feet reluctant, slow.
I tread the path where her footsteps faded,
Tracing echoes as the night turns to dawn's glow.

Maybe I’ll smile with my heart alight,
When at last her presence graces my sight.
Maybe I’ll stare, my gaze transfixed,
When our eyes meet in the quiet of the night.

Maybe my world will halt, time held still,
When her voice once more finds its way to me.
Or perhaps she’ll cast a piercing glare,
Wounding my heart with a touch of melancholy.

Maybe she’ll reclaim my heart,
To let me rend it with my own hands.
Or maybe she’ll remain unaware,
As I falter, hesitating, in my stands.

But the time is not right; I keep it sealed,
Entrusting it to a fate long concealed.
If you see her, make sure not to stare,
For she gets annoyed so easily.

If she talks to you, let her finish,
For interruptions aren’t met kindly.

If she makes a joke, you need to laugh,
For she might get sad if she thinks she’s not funny.

If she’s hungry, avoid anything spicy,
For she'll burn her tongue, and that’s never sunny.

If you want to see her smile, bake her a cake,
For sweets are her fondest delight.

If you want to hear her laugh, let her play with dogs,
For they bring her the greatest joy and light.

If she's angered, wait until she's calm,
For her glare might pierce right through you.

And if you see her, don’t mention my name,
For she might get annoyed, it's true.
Pretty as she was,
She could be strange at times,
Her laughter, loud whether happy or sad,
As if she didn’t care for the world’s chimes.

Crazy for tea she was,
As much as I was crazy for her.
Sipping, slurping, making sounds,
Once my favorite song to hear.

Clumsy, yet delicate,
Her small hands, so fragile they seemed,
But she'd ruin their beauty, eating like a hamster,
A scene I cherished, like my favorite dream.

Focused when she worked,
Lost in thought, her eyes on the screen,
While mine, unable to turn away,
Were only fixed on her serene.

Yet sometimes she'd catch me,
Annoyed by the way I stared.
"Reason for your smile," she'd ask with a glare,
"You are," I'd reply, but she'd call me a liar, unprepared.

Her songs, they didn’t match
The beauty of her face,
But I listened anyway, smiling,
Lost in her peculiar grace.

She loved feeding dogs,
As I loved watching her care.
I stood guard, content to hear
Her laughter filling the air.

She hated cats, she once confessed,
And yet, resembled them so much,
Still, she named one she wished to see,
A contradiction, tender to touch.

Scared of falling hair,
I teased her, "I’d love you even if you went bald."
Annoyed, she’d glare,
And content, I laughed, so enthralled.

Afraid of the dark, she was,
Tears filling her gentle eyes.
So I took it away, holding it close,
To keep her safe from its lies.

She wished for many things,
While I wished only to see her for eternity.
Unaware of how she changed me,
Leaving a mark on my heart, forever free.
We lived in worlds apart,
Hers, as beautiful as she,
Where every touch brought blossoms,
The most delicate flower to see.

My world was dark and twisted,
Creatures gnawed upon my mind,
Seas in constant, furious motion,
Storms that left no calm behind.

Her skies were bright with color,
Rainbows dancing through the air,
She built walls with doors to heaven,
A paradise beyond compare.

My skies were filled with crawling worms,
Lightning struck with vicious art,
I built walls with no way out,
A prison darker than the heart.

She let them in, her doors ajar,
To share her world of light,
While I stayed locked in torment,
Consumed by endless night,
Too afraid to step outside.

Envious of her world, I hated every part,
But she looked at me, unbothered.

She smiled and took steps toward mine.
Furious, I screamed; the creatures stirred,
Yet her smile never faded, and we were confused,
For my world was abandoned by heaven and hell alike.

Though creatures chewed upon my flesh,
We shared a hate for gods above,
This world was our forsaken home.

But still, she walked, unafraid,
And touched the vicious walls with no doors.
Horrified, we watched the soul, brighter than the sun,
The creatures shielded me, afraid of her light.

With just a touch, my walls began to fall,
And every step she took chased the darkness away.

Now she stood before my vicious companions,
They growled, but she smiled,
And in that smile, they found release,
Transformed into beautiful light.

Alone, we stood. She stepped closer,
And I tried to step back, but my feet betrayed me,
Perhaps I longed for solace too.

She stood radiant before me,
Her amethyst eyes meeting my hateful gaze.
She smiled, and laughter echoed through my world,
A melody calming the seas, and stilling the storms,
Peace now settled upon the land.

Dazed, I watched her smile.
She took my hand, and with grace,
Led me toward her world.

Each step was peaceful, and to my surprise,
A smile broke upon my face.

But as we crossed her walls, my feet betrayed me once more,
And I betrayed her.

Unforgiving as I was, hatred all I knew,
She looked at me, a bit sad,
Yet her smile remained warm as she let go of my hand.

I watched her walk away, each step graceful,
And I turned my back on her world,
Now bound by the chains I had forged.

I gazed upon my barren land,
Closed my eyes again.

But something stirred in my hand—
A small, beautiful plant.

I planted it in my world,
And it grew into a tree, tall and serene.
Now I sleep in its calming shade,
Watching her world from mine.
I pity those who’ve never seen her smile—
For that brief eclipse makes time bow in silence.

I pity those who’ve not glimpsed her eyes,
For within them, a thousand journeys whisper their names.

But when her eyes close—
Even stars forget how to shine.

I pity those who’ve never watched her dance—
For in her steps, one might lose their own story,
Caught in a rhythm that belongs to no one.

I pity those who’ve never felt her ire—
For her anger carves new constellations into the sky,
A flame too holy to extinguish.

I pity those who’ve not held her hand,
For in her touch, she cradles both heaven and earth—
And still, she wonders what it means to be grounded.

And those who’ve never known her love?
Even angels weep at what they cannot claim.

She walks among mortals, unaware
That even angels must one day go home.

But if she’s lost, who am I
To pretend I’ll ever find her
She does not like the Sun,
Perhaps because she’s made of ice.
I loathe it when it scorches her,
So I seize its heat in my fists
Until she is content.

She adores the Moon,
Maybe because its calm embraces her.
I hate it when it wanes,
So I hold it full and bright
Until her smile returns.

She loves the rain,
Perhaps for how its droplets
Play upon her hair.
I curse it when it ceases,
So I shake the clouds
Until she starts to dance.

She relishes the wind,
Maybe because it soothes her spirit.
I dread it when it falters,
So I stir the world to keep it moving
Until she drifts to sleep.

She cherishes the song of birds,
Perhaps because it lulls her gently.
I shiver when their song fades,
So I summon melodies
Until she finds her rest.

She prefers it when I’m not around,
Perhaps because I delight in her annoyance.
Yet I despise her tears,
So I entrap myself in her illusions
Until she breaks me free.
Reason for my love, the question many ask,

It may be the heart, not the one that pumps blood,
But the heart she crafted and taught how to love.

It may be the smile, a smile never learned,
So she taught it to the heart she created.

It may be the bond that never existed,
So she bound it to the heart she made, becoming the anchor herself.

It may be the dream that never took flight,
So she showed it to the heart she formed.

It may be the reason that never emerged,
So she created one and gifted it to the heart she designed.

It may be the heart she stole,
And kept alive, the same one she forged.

It may be the rhythm that never found its way,
Thus she made it beat in time with hers.

So is the reason I love, though whose, I don’t remember.
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