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Sep 2023 · 72
Radiant You
LM Sep 2023
In life's tapestry, a love story so true,
A woman shines bright, and that's you.
With laughter and love, you light up my day,
In your presence, all worries drift away.

Through mountains and hometown's call,
You're worth more than gold, above all.
In every way, you're my heart's own view,
A remarkable woman, my love for you.
Aug 2023 · 341
A Tribute In Verse
LM Aug 2023
In this world of colors, a soul so bright,
Outgoing, caring, a guiding light.
An artwork of optimism, she stands,
Well-known and cherished across the lands.

Her worth shines through in every rhyme,
A canvas of love, beyond space and time.
A friend adored, a spirit that's true,
Each word and gesture, a tribute to you.
LM Aug 2023
Within her heart's expanse, kindness finds its throne,
A spirit unyielding, through paths both known and unknown.
Beauty in her strength, a star through darkness gleams,
A friend who guides us all, illuminating dreams.
Aug 2023 · 102
My Journeys Gleam
LM Aug 2023
In the realm of life, I find my way,
With every step, a brighter day.
Rooted in love, my family's grace,
I wear my heart upon my face.

With gentle pride, I stand my ground,
A soul with depth, profound and sound.
No cowboy's hat or boots I wear,
Yet strength and love, I proudly bear.

In faded jeans and simple shirts,
I embrace life's twists and turns, assert.
My roots run deep, a cherished part,
In every beat, they guide my heart.

With every stride, I seek my path,
In the present, I find my strength.
A journey unique, a tale to share,
With love for kin, beyond compare.

In every choice and every choice,
I hear my heart, I find my voice.
With family's roots, I'm intertwined,
A legacy, forever bind.

In the story of my life's quest,
I'll wear my truth, be truly blessed.
With love and strength, I'll proudly gleam,
Embracing roots, my cherished theme.
Aug 2023 · 94
Embrace And Solitude
LM Aug 2023
Amidst the love that binds us tight,
A subtle yearning comes to light.
To cherish others as my own,
Yet find a space to be alone.

The bonds we forge, they bring delight,
In caring hearts, my soul takes flight.
But weariness, it finds its way,
When constant giving leads astray.

For though I love, I must admit,
A quiet moment, I'd permit.
To gather strength, to feel anew,
Before embracing all I do.

In finding balance, I'll restore,
The love I give, forevermore.
With open arms and heart so true,
I'll cherish them and cherish you.
Jul 2023 · 482
Radiance Of A Heart
LM Jul 2023
In the open fields, she stands apart,
A beauty that shines, a work of art.
With a spirit so warm, she makes hearts care,
A radiance that fills the air.

Her steps grounded, with grace they tread,
A down-to-earth soul, from toe to head.
Her kindness touches lives, it's true,
A friend to cherish, through and through.

An outgoing charm, like sunlit rays,
Her laughter sparkles, brightens days.
In every task, she gives her best,
A hardworking spirit, truly blessed.

One-of-a-kind, a gem untamed,
Her essence unique, forever acclaimed.
With love that's genuine and sure,
In her presence, hearts find a cure.
Jun 2023 · 177
Echoes Of Compassion
LM Jun 2023
In a world where shadows softly tread,
Lies a soul, heavy with tears unshed.
Amidst their own sorrow, they faithfully stand,
Extending compassion with an empathetic hand.

Unwanted, their help may often be,
Yet they persist, through pain they see.
In the depths of despair, they choose to stay,
Shouldering burdens in a somber display.

Themes of sadness intertwine and weave,
In their presence, hearts find reprieve.
A melancholic melody they softly play,
Embracing the wounded, come what may.

Their silent strength, a profound embrace,
In sorrow's depths, they find their place.
A reminder that even in the darkest hour,
Compassion holds a healing power.

So let us honor this somber soul's grace,
Their willingness to navigate sorrow's maze.
In their empathy, a bittersweet art,
A beacon of light in the depths of the heart.
Jun 2023 · 131
Lifes Seasoning
LM Jun 2023
Unseen yet vital, you hold the key,
To flavors of life, igniting synergy.
With you, moments bloom, vibrant and grand,
The seasoning that makes everything truly grand.
LM Jun 2023
Within the labyrinth of restless minds we dwell,
Overthinking's grip, a relentless spell.
Doubts entwined, like thorns, they persist,
Obscuring clarity, the soul's gentle mist.

Silent whispers amplify fears untold,
Each thought a tempest, raging uncontrolled.
Yet in mindfulness, liberation is found,
Untangling thoughts, inner peace unbound.

Release the burden, let worries depart,
Discover serenity, the stillness of heart.
Embrace the present, where truth resides,
Life's depths await, where the soul abides.
May 2023 · 108
Fleeting Embers
LM May 2023
In the wreckage of love, he stood tall,
Until he saw her, his heart took a fall.
A mere week past their tender goodbye,
She found solace with another guy.

His world shattered, hope turned to dust,
As tears welled up, emotions combust.
Betrayed by her haste, his soul consumed,
In love's cruel game, he felt entombed.

Fragments of trust now scattered and torn,
His broken heart, aching and worn.
A haunting reminder, etched in his mind,
Of how swiftly love can be left behind.
Apr 2023 · 86
LM Apr 2023
In moments of anger and bitter strife,
When hurt and pain consume our life,
It's easy to let our hearts grow cold,
And hold onto grudges that never grow old.

But the weight of anger is heavy to bear,
A burden that crushes and doesn't repair,
It takes forgiveness to lighten the load,
To heal the wounds and mend the broken road.

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness or defeat,
But a gesture of strength, a choice to meet,
The challenge of moving beyond the pain,
And finding peace and love once again.

It takes courage to forgive and let go,
To break the chains of anger and woe,
But the reward is a heart that's free,
A spirit that's light, and a soul that's at ease.

So when we face moments of hurt and strife,
Let's choose forgiveness and renew our life,
For in forgiveness lies the power to heal,
To find love and joy, and make wounds seal.
Apr 2023 · 62
Unknown Soldier
LM Apr 2023
In fields of green and mountains high,
Our soldiers fought with valor and might,
Through sweat and tears and blood they shed,
Their courage and bravery never dead.

They fought for freedom, they fought for right,
They stood for justice, they stood for light,
Their sacrifice we'll always remember,
Their legacy will live on forever.

Their names may be lost to time,
Their faces faded in the grind,
But their spirit lives on in every heart,
A flame that never will depart.

They are the guardians of our land,
The heroes who gave all they can,
They are the ones we'll always hold dear,
Our Unknown Soldier, forever near.
Apr 2023 · 533
A Cowboys Hat
LM Apr 2023
A cowboy's hat, a symbol of pride
It tells a story, of the life he rides
Through the dust and the wind, it's his loyal friend
A reminder of the life, that he defends

It shields his face, from the scorching sun
As he rides through the valleys, on the run
Through the storms and the rain, it keeps him dry
A constant companion, that never tells a lie

It's a mark of his trade, and his heritage too
A piece of his soul, that he wears like a tattoo
Through the trials and the triumphs, it's always there
A part of him, that he proudly bears

A cowboy's hat, a symbol of his will
To fight for what's right, and never stand still
Through the highs and the lows, it's a constant force
A reminder of the code, that he upholds of course

So tip your hat, to the cowboys you meet
For they are the ones, who ride to the beat
Of a different drum, in a land that's wild
A place where a cowboy's hat, is the sign of his style.
Mar 2023 · 98
LM Mar 2023
Lay In the arms of darkness
look up and see the lights flash
smile and grasp for the comfort
Yet you wake up in the arms of darkness
May 2022 · 259
A little Bit of Heaven
LM May 2022
From the Palm of your hand,
I saw the Glimmer,
The Stairs,
The Door,
The ever wanting feeling of more
I'd pull away not being sure
But the light always brought me back from the dark
I'd think I was dreaming,
But I knew It was You
Apr 2022 · 96
A Journey
LM Apr 2022
To a woman so bright, on the brightest day,
With a beautiful heart, that shows the way,
With a voice that can build the stairway.
                                     To a guy who’s brightest day seemed to dim,
                                                   Whose heart was following the rim,
                                                    Whose voice longed for the way.
                       To a couple so pure, on the darkest of days,
                      Whose hearts guided each other to the way,
                      Whose voices latched the final door
                        On the final trek through the endeavor
Jan 2022 · 150
I wanted someone
LM Jan 2022
I wanted someone who’s beautiful
Someone who's caring
Someone who’s so…
So Perfect.
Thats the kind of person I wanna find.
And I believe I already have them.
I wanted someone like you.
May 2021 · 492
No One Is Like You
LM May 2021
No one can match the hole left
No one can fill the deep void
No one can Match the laugh I miss
No one can make me feel the same
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough
May 2021 · 128
Life Impacts Us All
LM May 2021
Death doesn't scare me
It's rather did I make
Enough of an impact to be
May 2021 · 106
First Love
LM May 2021
With the usual come the unusual,
The unusual few jewels on infatuation,
Infatuation leads deeper to admiration,
An indication and declaration of Love
May 2021 · 784
Loves First.
LM May 2021
with my eyes closed
and my fist palmed
my lips kissed the goodnight abyss
#Love #Kiss
May 2021 · 357
Thank You For This Love
LM May 2021
Looking into your eyes, Your eyes show a future, Your voice, your voice provides comfort, Your hand, your hand provides warmth, Your hand connects to the future. Your voice connects to the past.
This Is Still Being worked on

— The End —