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 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
I am the puzzle
that is always missing a piece
People try and attempt to solve me
If I'm lucky, I get someone for the real deal
but here's the thing,
as they're about to finish the puzzle
get a look of the actual picture

...another piece goes missing.
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Headphones in
On your mark, get set, go.
Time to really look at your surroundings
and forget that you exist for just a moment...
 Apr 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
it's that feeling when you first walk into a concert,
you know what i'm talking about.

when you see the red, green, and blue spot lights.
illuminating our eyes
once again, igniting the spark they try to put out

everywhere you look people are pulsing to the beat, as it unites the crowd in ways you didn't even know existed

standing there, you are allowed to forget
forget the bad math grade, the ****** week, the relationship that you will probably never be able to fix with your mother

I wish that one could feel like this all the time.
but then, that might ruin the specialness of it

If I could feel like this all the time, then maybe I wouldn't feel so lost all the time

That's the beauty of concerts. You let the music find you.
You may be in a crowd with a thousand other people, but that song, those lyrics, that beat is meant for you
Let it crawl into you. Starting from your toes until it climbs up to your head.
Allowing you to take down the walls, brick by brick, song by song...
Giving you the best high you've ever had.

I hope you stand next to someone you love.
But  if you dont, love them anyway because you are at a concert and nothing,
is better than that
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
I feel as if I am supposed to hate myself.
It's a ****** feeling, yes I agree
I cry because I'm frustrated
which is beautiful
It shows that I'm passionate to learn how to love myself.
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Sometimes I sit in order to readjust thoughts
I sit to feel nothing, but end up feeling something
Like multiple desires
or scattered emotions that can make me lose my original thought
Where I'm able to hold conversations with myself
Now isn't that something...
Humans as "Transformers"?
We are literally made up with different human beings within ourselves
Optimus Prime
I like that name. *Does everyone agree?
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Find "x"
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
We are doing quadratic equations again in math.
Find the domain when x is on the bottom of the fraction beneath 1
All "real" numbers, negative infinity to infinity....
not including 0?
It can either be that or this, it cannot be "what is normal?"
I think you're wrong.
I'm finding something made up
You're telling me to read your mind
Well I can't.
What about this... Let's say that I'm "x"
Now find me other than undefined.
 Apr 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
walk with me
that's all i ask.

walk with me as the sand cushions our feet,
and we waver between the shallow water and the warm dry sand

walk with me,
and when you see something greater in the distance,
ill let you go

ill walk alone

just know that if you ever decide to come back

ill be here,
because you walked with me even when the beach ran out
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
The thing is everyone has faults
I have faults
That's why it stings whenever I say sorry
Because I know it was both my fault
 Apr 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
People forget to draw the line between loneliness
and being lonely
The wanting of acceptance
can fog any mirror.
And to those who don't own a mirror
I applaud you.
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