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 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
I held out my hand hoping for someone
An unexpected grasp to be received.
But for now
We weep
Listen to grass
when it hushes to trees
and for a second I am silent
You blink.
For a second my thoughts pause
and my finger remains on the button
For a second we stop...
For a second we discover time.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Call me a heretic
I question the Bible
I question faith
my own.
I believe because it says that it's the right thing to do
I'll be saved?
But define religion.
Define what is infinite but is secrete
God, YHWH, Allah, The Creator
of what?
We are able to gain information of such large rocks
within our galaxy
Yet we see them...
from Earth
As tiny specks through a large magnifying glass
That makes it seem colossal or the actual size
but still remains at distant and a permanent mystery
Never in person. Inaccurate as well
I guess everything is just a hypothesis
It's become a habit that if you get more people to agree with you
You assume valediction
Well if that's what it has come to nowadays...
 Mar 2013 LET
White Flag
 Mar 2013 LET
I read something somewhere once and it went something like this:
“Love is the opposite of power. That’s why it makes us so uncomfortable.”

Well, I’m not much good at love
But I’m good at surrendering
And lucky for me,
Most people can’t tell the difference.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Can we all just be ****** for a second?
People forget to give anger recognition sometimes
So let me throw **** around and have you watch me
In fact, join me.
Someone finally admitted the problem
That everyone kept to themselves.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Yes people watching is fun
But that's because watching people is harder to do.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Yiruma knows where it's at.
He speaks to us in a language everyone understands
or has the potential to
or can.
But am I the only one hearing the complexity within every fingertap unheard?
Mental conflicts
or maybe I'm selfish and draw his life back to mine
Unintentionally compare two inseparable distant lives
So maybe it's not his fingers, but mine
as I vigorously type to the beat of a thought
That I cannot even claim as my own
Call me selfish
and I apologize Yiruma
You sound great.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
How many times has my mind contemplated the thought of running away?
It would seem like the more fingers the better
But would it be beneficial?
That I run off to another location labeled by a type of hierarchy to call "home"
Should I keep running then... in a circle where it is said a circle does not stop?
But it stops somehow
It stops when the fat lady sings
I sing.
I've been lied to. But I remain running
Why can't I stop? But at the same time...
Why can't I get out
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
You say you're confused
Your confusion covers actual knowledge
So you know
Stop closing the door now
when clearly it has been open this whole time.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Insert chuckle
There is a fine line between "existing to live" and "living to exist"
So I'm here.
 Mar 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
How many people have I disappointed?
I do **** and maybe I like it
I don't.
I search for nothing
I grab an apple from the ground when it was supposed to be from a tree above
So I'm hated for being naive
But convincing is good
Good for the mind; functioning but discombobulated
Convinced equals the force of what the mass equals in Newtons?
Oh **** it. If it's balanced I'll take it.
I guess that it's better when it was never known.
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