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 Dec 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Dear something to remember
Dear nothing that I knew
Was it clearly a reason to give me a clue
I’ve reworked the works of past lives
Calculated numbers to exist with mine
To reminisce on such a sweet accomplishment
Known as greed to another man’s treasure
Where thoughts could not coexist
But exist if not measured
Where jubilance is false and apt to do
Walls concaved with no place to move
Well if it’s so weird to think regardless of nothing
Then shall I cope with what’s to come?
Or have walls never been where they are or were
To a place that was never done
Just an old poem...
 Dec 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
No one to talk to
No one to be
To coexist with the same kinds
Yet I will never see.
 Dec 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
There are two things in this world i would consider factors of my imminent happiness.
I use the word imminent because it's usual connotation refers to death; something often looming and ever-present.
Fear and Love.
I am fearful of a lot of things specific to past experiences, dreams, and my current situation.
I Love being alone, so I can't say I fear that.
Don't  people fear the things they love the most?
Because, by investing that love into something they are more susceptible to be broken by it.

My truly being happy isn't going to come with less fears, but with letting someone love through those fears.
And by doing so, I have to love back fearlessly, as well.
Even if it turns out exactly how I said it might….
at least I can say I ******* tried
 Dec 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
love is an art form and our technique was lost in the brush strokes
the calming blue and fiery red melded into a sleepy gray on an altered canvas
our melded color wheels spun together defying gravity and the stars around it
the secret images in our minds danced across our eyelids as we slept in a blanket of white comfort
our dreams did not cease when our slumber did, but awakened themselves through the next visit to the big tree in the field
the dilapidated branches grasped our waists,
taking us as high as we wanted to go.
overcast clouds eased our minds and stirred something so deep from within, that only  a light breeze could evoke it's depths
 Dec 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
my eyes burned when I read your poems
when I  saw the most real and amazing parts of you that you keep hidden at all times
I often look at the people you surround yourself with and wonder how they can't see the beauty,
the beauty that is so obviously there
but it's okay. it will be because through everything, all the pain that is there, lying just beneath surface
I see it
I'm not much for words or life changing advice but I hope that with my presence or a strawberry lemonade slushie,
you will know that I see it.
Others see it too, just please believe me.
When I told you that all you can do is just 'be you'
I didn't mean it in the cliche way that it sounds...
I meant it from the deepest most genuine parts of my being,
because if you were to do that, just 'be you'
I can't even begin to explain how amazing that would be.
Because you are.
And you are worth so much more than you realize.
 Nov 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
I saw him in my dreams
The man who always saw potential in me
Who saw all my aspirations before he could see
me achieve them
And so I told him
that he should buy a lake house closer to home.
 Sep 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
Instead of reading I smoked.
Instead of painting I smoked.
Instead of playing the piano I smoked.
Instead of crying or yelling I smoked.
Rather than tell my friends the real reasons why I smoked I lit the cigarette,
and the next,
hoping by putting toxins into my body I could forget about the ones already eating at me from the inside out.
At least I could sit alone and let the guilt of smoking distract me from the guilt of not being
"a part of this family",
or help me forget the man who served a purpose but served no love.
No compassion, no understanding.
Only a shadowy figure with a quite disposition and a word that fell like an iron fist on my throat.
I imagine the smoke being liquified.
Descending like melted steel down my throat manifesting into the parts of my body that were cut the deepest.
The black intertwined with the metallic lava and swirled inside me filling every void it could. Eventually it would catch up to me.
The thick solution would find its way to my throat and could only be swallowed with bravery and the courage to not let
ruin a life not given to them to ruin, but to encourage.
If someone like him wanted to ruin his life, then go the **** ahead. But don't you dare destroy a life not meant for you to destroy.
You were supposed to be a father not a disappearing ghost who only spoke when determining  someone else's fate.  
Who knew a
transparent hand could hold
And yet, you see your harmful grip losing its strength over me and you try to grasp harder.
But a coward who hides behind an armor of steel cannot bruise someone who built their protection to mimic THEIRS.
Your ghostly smoke, similar to the smoke that drifts from my cigarette now, cannot blur my eyes to see that you ****** me into thinking that this was
I hope you know ******* well that I'm stronger than the timid girl you made me into.
So *******.
******* and your insincere, misunderstanding miscommunication, and **** the way you treat me.
I know for a fact you don't treat anyone else like this and I hope one day I can understand why the ******* would treat your own daughter the ****** UP way you do.
But then again I don't.
Because what reason in hell would I want to understand a monster like you.
 Jul 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
A week of reality is gone in just seconds
As my life comes back to the reality
that lacks truth and acceptance
Not everyone can be an actor he said
but not everyone can tell the truth.

So I'm back to where I remain in the back of any group gathering photo

including my family's.
 Jul 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
june 3
 Jul 2013 LET
Olivia Greene
did you tell her about me?
of the pain i caused you?
of my problems that you no longer wanted to fix?
or of the ******* heart of yours i broke.
did you tell her how i TRANSFERED for YOU left all MY friends to please YOU
or  did you tell her about the call at 4 A.M. because I had a nightmare and needed to talk to someone, to hear my best friend's voice tell me "it's okay olivia, it was just a dream"
or how i asked you to send me sad things so that i would force myself to cry, because i hadn't cried in months and wanted to feel SOMETHING other than numb
or how we stayed up until 3 A.M. in Germany trying to solve this unsolvable mess, and you cried and i cried. everything was so ****** up
or all the red mango's i put on your doorstep as a peace offering.

you knew me, but you didnt
and that's something i still can't figure out
you knew how to manipulate me into thinking it was the best choice for US.
you loved using "us"
but you never ******* encouraged me or made me feel PROUD
I showed you my ****** poetry and you just "hmph-ed" you ******* HMPH-ED
Awhile ago I felt like I was drowing.
And I didn't want to come up and show my face to you, to my mom, to anyone who mattered
you mattered to me, c.
you mattered.
but now,
my priorities lie in
gaining back everything you put away in a box
that tiny little box you labeled
with your name
 Jun 2013 LET
Roni Shelley
Tonight I was face to face with a boy who used to ask me out
Years ago
Today I ordered a scoop of chocolate ice cream from him
as if it were some usual encounter with a Coldstone employee
No acknowledgements
Just him, me, and the held out ice cream between our distance
It's funny how things change
It's funny how things have changed
And it's quite hilarious how I've changed.
I tend to always search for a group to "fit" in to
But on the contrary I do not.
And just because he forgot who I was
I, along with him, did too.
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