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86 · Aug 2023
Just to breathe
I asked for his attention
Demanded it, really
So I shouldn’t have got caught up
When he gave it to me
Look at me now
Just some poor fishy
Caught on the sand
Flopping around to get back in the sea
Once again to swim free
But more importantly
Just to breathe
I’m a great flopper
Lot of kick
And I got great lung
Each kick brings me back to the sea
86 · Apr 2023
Old backs
Old souls carry old bones
The past settles in between
Weight of spirit
That we imagine can fly
With these old bones
It is the weightlessness we lack
Attached to the Earth
More and more
Old backs
86 · Jun 2023
I don’t respect you
Or any of your views
You’re a ******* of the highest order
But your poetry is brilliant
Which messes with my mental border
How can I possibly
Love poetry
Saying such ******* things?
But you’ve got some kinda magic
In the play of your words
The ring of your chords
Which make the absurd
Just this one time
86 · Apr 2022
Ego got the best of me
So I'll turn it into poetry
All the things we think we know
Resist with force to being shown
Performed my little dance and song
But you were right
And I was wrong
86 · May 2023
We all have stars in our eyes
Invisible to some
And often most
But stars are there
In every one
Not really reflective
But probably the most I can see
Through someone’s eyes
Is another version of me
85 · Jul 2023
Hippo horrors
Have you ever watched a hippo take a ****?
If hippos weren’t *******
They’d simply ****
And let it fall
But that is not the hippo way
Hippos rapidly shake their little
Stumpy tails
Spattering **** everywhere
And hippos are tightly packed in
**** spraying all over faces
And this is the way it is
In hippo world
And people seem surprised to find
Hippos are among the most violent
85 · Aug 24
Spell caster
He’s got some kinda mojo  
Filled right up to the brim
Spark of creation still alive
In the soul of him
Ancient primal jinn
Magic in his very skin
85 · Jul 2022
It was a set up
Engineered by me
But the way it turned out
So perfectly
Must have had something to do
With the Almighty
Smiling down upon me
85 · Sep 9
Trying to win you over
Was like trying to take off in a helicopter
From the ground
In the middle of downtown
And I’ve never even driven a helicopter
I didn’t take off
85 · Aug 2023
Attacks from within
My grandson is being attacked
From the inside out
Or maybe outside in
But that poor child
Has the itchiest skin
They call it eczema
And give him bunches of creams
But nothing really  works
Or so it seems
My daughter has searched far and wide
For relief for this poor child
She even wrapped up his whole body
In ace bandages filled with medicine
And kept him like that for the day
She also made use of oven mitts
Held on by duct tape
I wish I could find some miracle cure
For this poor child’s skin
But I am completely helpless to aid
In  attacks coming from within
85 · May 10
Audacious whispers
I want to whisper in your ear
As loudly and publicly
As a secret can possibly be
Open for everybody
Whispering audaciously
85 · Mar 24
Perfect muse
If I were Frida
You would be me
If you were the vote
I’d be Susan B. Anthony
If I were a slave
You’d be being free
I am a poet
You are my muse
Maybe against your will
I have put you to use
It is a theft, really
To create art out of someone’s energy
But how can one steal
Something that’s free?  
It’s probably not easy being me
But from my point of view
It seems to be
What more could an artist ever wish for
Than such an incredible muse?
It’s rhyme
And a chaos of words
And left
And mostly right
And then,
Mostly left again
All over the place
Yet so focused
Obviously not bogus
But that’s just from my point of view
I have no idea what it feels like
To be the muse
I do know, for sure
I wouldn’t be as good as you
The perfect muse
85 · Oct 2021
Trying to write a poem with nothing to say
Hoping inspiration comes my way
Not yet
There is nothing,
I'll bet
But I force it to come
And be ** hum
Because ** hum is
I could write about anything
Most of us know, but
Who hasn't hoed
A couple of hums
Typing hums out
On the tips of their thumbs?

Sometimes being corny can work
Sometimes it cannot
But corny is undeniable
And inexplicable
Known when it's seen
Without so much as a mugshot
85 · May 2023
The art part
I could make it seem like such toil
And claim I bleed for my poetry
But it is not at all work
It is a joy for me
Elation of creation
And then I set it free
But I can’t really let it go
It’s still a part of me
84 · Feb 2023
We’re just repeating ourselves
The grudges and gripes
The praises and hypes
Over-eager types
Finding something to back
The club that has something they lack
84 · May 2023
Unfelt up
Irritation when I see
What passes for great poetry
When front page news is made a joke
Insincere words bespoke
A trending sentiment
And everyone
Jumped on in
To melt
Up and away it went
Be doubtful of assumptions made about
You don’t particularly like
Your view is skewed.
And you are probably blind to it
84 · Jun 23
Evil within
It is a devilish pleasure
Watching someone I dislike
Get their comeuppance
There is evil in me
The part which tells me
I am worthy to serve
An opinion regarding
What others deserve.
I don’t need you to thrive
Or maybe I do
Nobody else
But you
Maybe some day
You will know it, too
84 · Jun 2023
Word wants
It is poetic that “eyes” and “skies” rhyme
**** and luck
Love and glove
**** and slick
(Sick, too, but only if you’re not safe)
Sneeze and breeze
Please and knees
This can only mean
Words want to be in a poem
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around
They say you got a boyfriend
You're out late every weekend
They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down
But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheaper when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But I'm telling you, babe
That I don't think it's true, babe
And even if it is, keep this in mind
You take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun
So you take it on the run
You're thinking up your white lies
You're putting on your bedroom eyes
You say you're coming home, but you won't say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight, keep running
And you need never look back again
You take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun
So you take it on the run
Take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun
So you take it on the run
Take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun
So you take it on the run
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around
84 · Jan 2023
Bikini privilege
Desperation dripping
Something is crippling
Obvious to see
We may not know what they are
But issues a-plenty
You can choose to ignore them
You still look good in a
84 · Apr 2022
Nana duty
Took him to the playground
Run around and wear himself out
Was the plan
But then, I got to playing
With little man
And now
He's wide awake
And I'm so exhausted
I can barely stand
83 · Aug 2023
Sugar on shit
He says, “she is withdrawing money from my account without my permission.”  
I said, “she is stealing from you”
He likes to sugar coat
Or maybe he needs to
I don't mind you comin' here
And wastin' all my time
'Cause when you're standin' oh so near
I kinda lose my mind
It's not the perfume that you wear
It's not the ribbons in your hair
And I don't mind you comin' here
And wastin' all my time
I don't mind you hangin' out
And talkin' in your sleep
It doesn't matter where you've been
As long as it was deep
You always knew to wear it well and
You look so fancy I can tell
And I don't mind you hangin' out
And talkin' in your sleep
I guess you're just what I needed
I needed someone to feed
I guess you're just what I needed
I needed someone to bleed
I don't mind you comin' here
And wastin' all my time, time
'Cause when you're standin' oh so near
I kinda lose my mind
It's not the perfume that you wear
It's not the ribbons in your hair
And I don't mind you comin' here
And wastin' all my time
I guess you're just what I needed
I needed someone to feed
I guess you're just what I needed
I needed someone to bleed
83 · May 2023
Edgy poem
I fall off the e
83 · Mar 2022
I see you there
That look on your face
Wondering if you made a mistake
But no harm, no foul
My head is not bowed
It's pretty clear I'm too good for you now
83 · May 2023
My muse
Is working overtime
He’s full up
Of inspiration
The cup runneth over
He breaks through
To deeper level
Laid on out
Through time
And he inspires me to put it
In a thousand little rhymes
83 · Apr 2023
Shadows of new light
My poems are ever evolving
I’ve edited
Along the way
The beauty of these tools
Or maybe a curse, too
The loss of the shadows in the
Light when it was new
82 · Jun 2023
Simmer shiver
I come to see if you brought it
Like only you can do
Gentle tickle
Of my soul
Your presence
Ignites me
Simmer shiver
Brings me to my form
Gentle and warm
To a brisk simmer
It’s a new summer
And you are the sun who makes me shimmer
82 · Dec 2023
All I can do
It is agony to me
To be invisible to you
While you, I clearly see
I know how good it could be
While you seem to wander endlessly
I know what you’re looking for
I feel it down into every pore
I’m powerless to change the score
I have no tools to help me cope
All I can do is wish and hope
To somehow catch your faraway eye
I surely give a hearty try
But you’re a really busy guy
And I’m a nickel a dozen
Doting girl
So many surround you
I suppose it’s enough to admire you from afar
It seems to be all I can do
82 · Nov 2022
Sameness sanity
Finally back in my own stable home
Where everything has it’s place
And remains where I left it
I know where the light switches are
Even in the dark
And I can flush the toilet
Without waking anyone up
My neighbors are still having their loud
Nightly ***
I’m glad they’re still going at it
When everything changes
It’s the things that stay the sameses
That help me keep my saneness
82 · May 19
Golden confessions
I want to ****** your dark places
And spaces
Tell me what keeps you from sleep
Unburden yourself from the secrets you keep
Give me your story of guilt and remorse
Walk me through your mind’s obstacle course
Show me your ugly
Share all the bitter
Truths and lies that make up your litter
Splay yourself all over the scene
In my mind’s eye
Lose control; laugh and cry
Pound your fists on the ground
And ask God “why?!”
Share who you are
Give it a try
I promise you no matter what I see
I will search for it’s beauty
No matter how ugly it be
82 · Aug 20
Lotsa whiles
I touch him
Some miracle way
Without ever being there
I feel it in the air
When I bring
Something to him
And magically
He can nonchalant
All he wants
I make him smile
Lotsa whiles
Under the radar
He sees
With me
Strangers in a crowd
Someday maybe
He will see out loud
82 · Jun 2023
I know you
And your people
I know your hearts
Your souls
Y’all never have to work at being better
Which is why it is disbelieved
That you’re equal
But mark my words
When you are invited to the table
You will share
With all in need
Whether tribe or stranger be
You will share with all in need
And you will do it happily
And this must be
Your superiority
82 · Jun 2021
I've been talking to the masked bandit
And I think he's the one who
Is having trouble handling it
82 · Mar 2021
I think you're gorgeous
So if I know you're interested
In something
I try to take interest, too
But why can't you just be
And be interested in
Interesting stuff?
Business, finance, math
And such
I can't possibly crush on somebody
That much
Mostly I don't like you
Because of your hypocrisy
You have rules for you
And then, for everybody
You only respect physical strength
And flashy new money
You have no sense of fairness
No sense of decency
I wish I could avoid you
All and entirely
But you are there
And I pretend
Not to see
82 · Nov 2022
Happy poetry
Cannot be
What you don’t wanna see
81 · Apr 2023
On my way to new
I came here looking for you
You’re not here
Amused myself with something newer
On my way to something new
My attention span is nonexistent
But I stay around the edges
You’ll be back here soon
81 · May 2023
Beloved invisible poems
I love a poem
So I set it free
And nobody else
Likes it but me
It brings me confusion
What am I doing?
And why is it that no one sees?

The beloved invisible poems
Must be
Only meant for me
81 · Jun 2021
Here kitty kitty
You're too mysterious
For my own good
But I'm like a cat
I like to play with my food
81 · Aug 2022
We ended without an end
Which makes it hard for me
To let go of what could have been
So much possibility
I'll work on accepting
And I'll work on me, too
First thing I should accept
Is that you will not work on you
81 · Aug 2023
Honesty is not an alibi for ignorance
We get you’re entitled to feel and say
However and whatever
But if you feel despicably
And if you say stupid ****
Nobody absolves you
Because you really meant it
81 · Jun 2021
Yes for everything
Lady, your kid is a brat
But I imagine
You already know that
81 · Mar 2022
Don Juan
Are you overly ***** today
Or is this how you always are?
My "succulent lips"
And "luminous skin"
Can't help but feel
Your game is thin
Did you happen to read a book
With Fabio on the cover
Because in the real word
I prefer
A genuine lover
Who doesn’t throw me lines
From what someone else has said before
I’d really rather have
The truth, instead of lore
81 · Jun 2023
Lucky skill
It’s what I don’t focus on
I got my dark thoughts too
Evil, twisted
Childhood traumas
I somehow fetishize
When I focus on that side
But my brain gives me a choice
I get to hear the other voice
All the joys stay with me too
I get the yellow with the blue
Maybe it’s luck, maybe it’s skill
The ability not to dwell
81 · Aug 2023
Neglected by Noah
Poisonous spiders
Venomous snakes
Vampire bats
Crocodiles from lakes
All other yucky bugs, too
Lions and tigers and bears
Oh my
Possums pretending to die
Rats and **** throwing monkeys
Skunks and all their funky
Lots of creatures that we love to scorn
All these things made it onto that ark
And not one unicorn
81 · May 19
Beautiful muse
I wonder what the chances be
That he has never noticed me
Slim, really
And yet, here I still be
Waving my arms so vigorously
He need not acknowledge that he see
These poems aren’t only for him
They’re also for me
And I share them to he
So he can see how beautiful I think he be
81 · Mar 2022
You tell yourself you flirt with the “ugly girls” to give them confidence
And you seem to really believe it
Which surely affects
My confidence in you
And your assessment of
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