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81 · Mar 2022
You tell yourself you flirt with the “ugly girls” to give them confidence
And you seem to really believe it
Which surely affects
My confidence in you
And your assessment of
80 · May 2022
Muppet kings
Hundreds of memes
Recycling fortune cookies
Acting like they’ve got a big
Never before thunk
But since there’s a picture of
We really do get got
80 · Aug 2023
Except for me
I know you
And you probably know me
I see you in your poetry
One of you
Is really sweet
A romantic on the sly
Pretending to be the
“I don’t care” guy
Salt of the Earth
So in touch with emotions
Old soul, who must have been created
With the Big Bang
Some sort of one celled creature
Now evolved into the most complicated
Yet simple man
One of you
Must have had some
Recent reckoning
Face to face with some unforgivable sin
You’ve found yourself in repentance
And it’s become your everything
Another is so sweet and supportive
Friendliness for everyone
Are you giving something you’re craving
Or are you so surrounded by it
It just falls about you?
I sometimes think I can see
Into every poet I read
Except for me
80 · Jun 2021
Dear Tile Selector
On Words With Friends
It's clear you have an issue
Not sure what I ever did to you
But you act like my dog bit you
Did I flirt once with your man
Is he the spinner stopper on
Trivia Crack?
Cuz that spinner seems to like me
But you got it in your Scrabbly mind
That you want to smite me
80 · Aug 2023
Maybe it’s just me
But it sure feels good to sneeze
Sometimes it’s expected
Tingle in nose
Sometimes it’s a surprise
But a sneeze is one of the pleasures of life
That just doesn’t get it’s due
But that’s because
It can be loud and obnoxious too
It’s surprising to me
How much sneezes have in common with
80 · Mar 20
Not a not worthy goal
In my imagination
He finds me highly entertaining
And sometimes I give him a *****
80 · Mar 2022
Smooth grooves
You made me work
It was worth it
80 · Sep 2023
Partner in crime
I just sent my grandkids
A video montage
Of heroic dogs saving the life of their
And told them if they want a dog
They should show it to their mum
If those kids ever need an alibi
I’d surely give them one
The next video I sent to them
Was of a prank
Feeding seagulls at the beach
French fries mixed with laxatives
On a busy, sunny day
If it ever comes about
The seagull huge **** spout
Don’t ask me who did it
I’ll never say
80 · Jun 2023
Fuzzy lollipop
I am a fuzzy lollipop
Kicking around on the floor
Awaiting some enterprising
Sweet tooth
To run me under some warm water
And then
The fun starts
Until I am done
Or kicking around some more
Tempting to someone
Some fuzzy lollipops are
One of a kind flavors
Buzz infused once the
Fuzz is removed
80 · Aug 2023
Freesoul minds
It’s not foolish
Though it is kinda giddy
The thinking I do about you
Maybe it’s not thinking
Dreaming fantasizing
Is there a word for the opposite of thinking?
Because it’s nerve endings in my chest
The messages are coming through
Undeniably great
In the meeting of these two
Freesoul minds
Me and you
80 · Jun 2023
As I sit here
Writing my mind
Only me
And my mind
You are there, too
And you, and you
Told through
Only me
And so it’s so confusing
There is no “I” in poetry
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know
80 · Jul 2023
Are you from around here?
You keep wishing for all these common things
And acting like it’s rare
You wonder where all the nice guys are
When you’re only receptive to the loudmouth punks
Lamenting the lack of opportunity
While snubbing your nose at the ones
Available to you
Because you’re better than that
You’re better than that guy
You’re better than that job
You’re better than those friends
And that neighborhood
I’m beginning to suspect
You are so much better
Than your capacity for being any good
80 · Apr 2023
We take each other almost there
You’ll read this and go
Almost a waste of time
If there is such a thing
Depending upon
And whether getting to
Almost there
Is a pleasant distraction
Or a sidetrack
Maybe the two are the same thing
Or maybe almost there
Is as close as anybody gets
80 · Jun 2021
How do you know me
Without knowing me?
But you speak about me
In your poetry
Clearly you be
Some magic genie
With a third eye to see
What’s inside of me
80 · Feb 2023
It took the pain away
You said
I suppose it did
Cuz now you’re dead
79 · Aug 2023
No hard feelings
It’s really the most one can hope for
When it comes to relationships

No regrets

Only respect

A little torn up
From neglect
But what the heck
It was better than perfect
My dear
That whole couple of days a week you’d be here
79 · May 2023
Heartbreak Hotel
The internet
Pretends to be intimate
False sense of really knowing
But all we see is the fake
Front that people are showing
Who is really behind
That screen
So many pictures
They paste
But yet
Everything remains unseen
And a whole life
Can be faked
You think you’re talking to a marine
Out on some government mission
But really it’s a twelve year old boy
Using you for his ***** emission
It’s a trap and a trick
To get lovesick
Over someone you can’t really know
But somehow it happens
Over and over again
To Heartbreak Hotel
We go
I dreamed that I could fly
I felt so free
YAY!  Yippi Kai!  
And somewhere in my brain
I said
“I can’t be flying.  I must be dreaming or dead.”  
And then, I started to lose altitude
I could no longer soar
Slowly descended to the ground
And I could fly no more
Apparently, my dreams are pretty rude
And I wanted to have an attitude
Till to myself, I said
“Girl you big dummy fool.
Be happy you’re not dead.”
79 · Aug 2023
Wake up call
There is a bird
Outside my window
But not the kind of bird I am used ta
To me, it sounds like a crow
But he clearly thinks he is a rooster
This poem works best with my Massachusetts accent, where rooster becomes roostah
79 · Jan 2021
Someone you never knew
You fell for an illusion
The man he wanted to be
At the moment
You see
Because he was temporarily lonely
And even though he didn't feel
All the things he said was real
The illusion was so true
For you
You're hopelessly committed
To someone you never knew
Don't do that
You better do this
Or we will discuss you
With disdain
And loudly proclaim
How your decision affects
Us all
Put it upon your shoulders
The weight of someone else's fall
Proven or not


What we want is to be right
And we will make ourselves wrong
To insist upon
How right we surely are
This is the majority
And the vast majority
By far
And the majority is
Always right
At the time
And when it's proven to be wrong
It tells itself lies
And hates to apologize
79 · Aug 2023
He cannot forgive himself for being imperfect
Doesn’t give himself any credit for being **** near close
79 · Jul 2023
Pass go
I didn’t intend to give you as much as you got
But you monopolize a lot of my thoughts
79 · Sep 2023
I’ll be (Edwin McCain)
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains ****** toward the sky
Never revealing their depth
And tell me that we belong together
And dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
And I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
And I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
And you're my survival, you're my livin' proof
My love is alive and not dead
And tell me that we belong together
And dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
And I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
And I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And I dropped out, I burned up
I fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in and turned on
Remembered the thing that you, you said
And I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
And I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
79 · Jan 14
Perfect things
The perfect poem exists
But not
It’s the one that jumps into your mind
When you don’t have the time
To commit it to permanency
And as much as you try to
Grasp at the vapors
It will forever remain a mystery
But isn’t that what perfect things are supposed to be?
79 · Jan 2022
You thought you left her with scars
But she walked away with lessons
78 · Jul 2023
You’re good
But boring
Your emotions
Cannot possibly be
All gardening and pottery
And puttering endlessly
There’s gotta be  
Something you don’t want other people to see
You should start putting that in your poetry
78 · Aug 13
Not nots knots
I don’t want to get all dramatic
And call it an ache
But it’s not not an ache
I don’t think you feel it
With me in your mind
But I might be in your soul
We’re not not soulmates
Maybe one day we will be not soulmates
But we will be good friends
78 · Jul 2023
Saddle up
I just climbed on top of that fine guy
It was mostly obscured
He rode me first
78 · May 2023
Made ya look
You came here first
Or at least more than once
Losing my confidence
But I still know you came here
At least once
78 · Mar 2021
Rhymie Stalker
I think you think
You're being romantic
Poem after poem about her each day
Detailing your complete misery
Since your love as gone away
No more poems about nature
Or society
You don't write about work
Or time that you're free
All you do is wish that girl will see
And come running back to you
But your obsessive prosing about
How much you care
Makes me think this girl is living in
78 · Sep 9
It’s not really love
I can’t call it that anymore
It’s adulation, or even worship
Probably maybe
It should be
It doesn’t seem to have that effect on
But maybe that’s something I don’t want to see
78 · Mar 2022
It's not about numbers
Though it's nice when it adds up
But about sharing
Whatever it is that might move you
For good or ill
And perhaps it be
Art of the mostly misunderstood
Which is ironic
Since it's laid so bare upon the artist
Which is probably why it's so
Alien to those who keep fully dressed
They probably don't look at their own
They will find poetry either
Fascinating  or
It's mostly about adding something
To the collective
And being proud of it
Going back on it
To the place in your mind when you
Wrote it
From a different place
Hopefully resolved
Others may see it from whatever place They are
And some can relate
And put words to their feelings
Others can understand
It's not about numbers
But it is about addition
78 · Jan 8
One of us
Anyone can find someone
When just anyone will do
But for some of us
There’s just one of us
Who can complete the one
To two
And for me
That one of us
Is you
78 · May 2023
Sooner than expected
Me messing
With myself
My gift horse
Tongues are always checked
78 · Jun 2021
I am moth
You are flame
One of us will never be the same
I suppose it's more dangerous for me
But wings
Create wind
Though who's to say
Extinguishing a candle
Doesn't set it free?
Shelves need a dusting
Recover a brush
Into the bathroom it goes
Look at those toothpaste stains
In the basin
I surely need to clean those
Under the kitchen sink
To get me a sponge
Look at all those ***** dishes
I’ve gotta clean at least some
First put the clean ones away
The cabinet is in such disarray
Here’s that stupid electronic adapter
I looked for yesterday
Gotta put it in place right away
But look at this unorganized drawer
What a cluttered way to store
Electronic adapters, or anything more
Organization is what it needs
Here’s that book I was looking for
Back in it’s place, it goes
Oh my
Shelves need a dusting
Past the stage of blissful anonymity
He will not acknowledge me
I suppose it means that I am free
These ties are all imaginary
And even though I know it
Chained to him is still where I be
Completely unromantically
78 · Aug 14
Crippling expectations
I want to massage your ego
Get those knots out
Right down to your soul
I want to bring you peace
And ease
Cool beeeze
Let me tell you
How wonderful I think you be
And I ain’t no fool
So you should believe me
Worth all efforts
Raw out open wounds
Ripped from my spine
Still feeling fine
To display it to you
Who is
One of a kind
Unscuffable shine
Too much to live up to
At this time
According to the one
Holding up the line
That one be
Not me
You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror, as you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you?
You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive
Well you said that we made such a pretty pair and that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you don't you?
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you?
Well I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with some underworld spy
Or the wife of a close friend wife of a close friend and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you don't you?
78 · Apr 2022
Times I felt whole
Times I felt broken
Times I felt like a diamond
Times I felt like a token
Times I felt smart
Times I felt dumb
Times I felt it all
Today I feel numb
78 · Jun 2023
Good times
I could tell he wanted my attention
Which was adorable
As adorable can possibly be
In a man of fifty three
For a few seconds
And a few seconds more
He was a little boy of four
78 · Mar 2022
What if…
When the Boy got you thinking
Wishful daydreams
Floating, sinking
What if
No way

We'll see
78 · Jul 2022
Slut shaming
Jump to conclusions
Jitterbug and tap dance
So concerned over
Who I let in my pants
You think it defines me
And maybe that’s true
But your obsessive interest
Says more about you
78 · Apr 2022
You aspire to
Stand out
Turn in assignments
Comic sans font
For it to be memorable
Being different
Yet your work is
There's a lesson in there
Gimmicks are the refuge of  the
77 · May 2023
My weakness is people who feel sorry for themselves
I don’t like to see it in me
It annoys me in others
I also dislike those
Who don’t appreciate their blessings
When they are particularly
The particularity
Of it all
Blessings are not overly
About who they visit
77 · May 2023
Broken heart burden
You didn’t have anything to do with it
You’re not the guy she’s trying to forget
But you carry his burden, too
That broken heart he left for you
You’ve left a few burdens, too
Had a couple left for you
Burden chain
We’re all a link
Some more than a few
Each of those links
Have their burdens too
77 · Apr 12
If I didn’t know better
I’d assume she wanted the pain
She keeps grabbing the hot ***
By anything but the handle
She uses her finger to put out the candle
Melted wax
Dries on her hands
Leaving it’s fake skin behind
And she picks it off
Complains about it
And repeats it every time
She wears flip flops in the snow
Complains her feet are cold
She refuses to freeze any leftovers
And ******* when they get mold
It’s hard to be around her
Her game is getting old
Her friends are looking at their hands
And thinking they should fold
77 · May 18
Invisible girl
I feel the effect
Of your neglect
But that’s something you’ll never see
When you don’t ever look at me
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