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94 · May 2023
Where you at,
I’ve been here
Waiting for you
Maybe you know it
Maybe it’s hidden
I thirst
Right out in the front of it
Hiding nothing
Except for
The most relevant
I could reveal who you are
But I’d rather worship from afar
94 · Jun 2023
You flowers
You flowers have it pretty dull
Yeah, you’re lovely
But helpless
Even the ones with thorns
Thorns are pretty easy to breach
Smelling good
A curse and a blessing
You are a commodity
But if you hadn’t been
Lovingly bred
Your entire species
Would probably be dead
94 · Jan 2021
A orf fortef
I wish I could be impressed
And maybe I should be
You obviously tried way too hard
And I can tell you did it for me
But how can I possibly ignore
That you tried too hard
So inadequately?
94 · Mar 26
I put these here
Little shards of who I be
One day
There won’t be
A part of me
You did not see
93 · Aug 2023
This is not me begging
This is me asking earnestly
93 · Aug 2023
I aim to connect you
Either with understanding my point of view
Or introducing you to something entirely new
I want to help you identify
With something you might not have recognized
I want you to know you don’t have to apologize
I want to share my insides
Splayed between the moon and tides
In the most comfortable yoga pose
Any guru imagined could be
Each poem is a snapshot of me
And as much as I give to it
I can’t control what you will see
Most likely it will be me
Not as beautiful as I wish I could be
But that’s always true of reality
93 · Jun 2023
Elusive Ode
How can I write a poem about
How perfect my home is?  
Nothing rhymes with Massachusetts
93 · May 2023
I would take you seriously
If you were capable
Of seeing me
Selective blindness
Reversed kindness
Knows only hatred or love
There’s no moderation
Of imagination
In humans who cannot rise above
It’s all either so wrong or so right
To those incapable of sight
92 · Nov 2023
Magic sparkle
I want to scare you
Intimidated by an unknown feeling
I want to rock your entire world
Upon introduction
I want an irresistible
Magic connection
I want to meet you someday
Hopefully soon
And suddenly I will see in you
Whoever you are
Magic spark
Into one
I hope when it happens to me
That’s the way it will be
92 · Apr 2022
If you wrote a poem for me
It would be beautiful to see
Even if it was angry
I don't think it would be
Though your draw was
I'm not sure if I know you
But I'm pretty sure you know me
“I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. Because they were holding on to something."

FRODO: "What are we holding on to, Sam?"
SAM: "That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious
Because I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad
Me father gave me nose a tweak, told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word that saved me achin' nose
The biggest word you ever heard and this is how it goes
Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious
He traveled all around the world and everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say there goes a clever gent
When dukes or Maharajas pass the time of day with me
I say me special word and then they ask me out to tea
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious
You know you can say it backwards which is
But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?
So when the cat has got your tongue there's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word and then you've got a lot to say
But better use it carefully or it could change your life
For example
One night, I said it to me girl and now me girl's me wife
Oh, and a lovely thing she is
92 · Aug 2023
Guilty accusations
He keeps calling you a cheat
Every time you’re not in sight
He claims you’re banging some other guy
He knows he is not right
Guilt unconfessed, held inside
Turns into accusations
On the flip side
91 · Aug 2023
Subjective writing
Plenty of things to write about
There’s a crisis almost everywhere
Lots of things that are unfair
Which stars make a pretty pair
Colors, numbers, nature, too
Man made stuff
To name a few
Oceans, forests, vegetables
Planets, stars and moons
Movies, tv shows
Bugs Bunny cartoons
(**** THE WABBIT!!)  
Current events, the weather
****, I can write about whatever
So that’s what I am gonna do
I can no longer write love about you
At some point
Some time
We all take too long between showers
Some days
Have ways
Of turning into a week
91 · Feb 2021
Anyone passing through
I don't remember what I saw in you
By now
You are a blip
But a high one
Short and sweet
Then miserable
Then gone
For good
And it is better
Because the highest high
With you
Is not the highest I can go
At any time
With anyone
On a good day
You will probably feel
The same,
Or at least, that's what you'll say
91 · Jul 2023
I don’t feel comfortable being a victim
I suppose I am
A victim
Probably more than most
I don’t like to stay a victim
Though being one seems unavoidable
****** up ****
Has routinely happened to me
Since I was a baby
Amazing **** too
I probably deserved it
Most of it
I was a knucklehead
And I’m still an *******
Which simply means I’m an *******
There is no such thing as being a little
When it comes to assholery
It’s either all out or all in
Or maybe just wipe clean
And itch less
Being a victim
Feels itchy to me
90 · Mar 2023
Kidney Stones
The stones of you
Settled in the bones of me
Someday I’ll **** them out
And I will be free
90 · Aug 2023
All I can promise you
I promise you will not regret me
It's hard to find a boring meme
You seem to have a knack
I don't wanna be the one
To have to tell you
Your meme judger
Is just
Out of whack
I suppose it would be fine
In a lineup of one or two
But you share them en masses
And in bulk
And now I've got to wade on through
There's the one about the sick kid
Complete with image of his twisted leg
And a "inspirational" note
About how his father walked ten miles to beg
Now dad has a bike
Give the meme a like
Dad now rides his bike
To beg
Instead of taking a long hike
Combined with hundreds
Of such things
All across your feed
I'd say you've done the impossible
And found lots of boring memes
90 · May 2023
Spiral giggles
He is water on fire
Exotic hamster
Invisible high wire
He is thick warm moss
Climbing up the side of this tree
He is spiral giggles
And I like that he notices me
89 · Jan 2021
Current events
Can someone please find a poetic way of saying, "our president is exactly like Ted Baxter from The Mary Tyler Moore Show?"
89 · May 2023
Started a poem
Then picked a boogar
On a two year old
It could have been an interesting poem
But the boogar was more important
And maybe it boils down to
A boogar on a two year old
Few more things are more pressing
Than a boogar on a two year old
Just a good old boys
Never meanin' no harm
Beats all you never saw
Been in trouble with the law since the day they was born
Straightening the curves, yeah
Flattenin' the hills
Someday the mountain might get 'em, but the law never will
Makin' their way the only way they know how
That's just a little bit more than the law will allow
89 · Jun 2023
The top
The top
Stable place
          Ready to fall
          Any time and place
          Sometimes second best
          Is better than being number one
          Nobody gunning to take you down
      Vice presidents don’t
Typically get shot in parades
Or theaters
When all the world is a stage
Better to be
The understudy
In a play
Nobody wants to see
“Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream,” she said
“The one that makes me laugh,” she said
And threw her arms around my head
Show me how you do it
And I promise you, I promise that
I’ll run away with you
I’ll run away with you
Spinning on that dizzy edge
Kissed her face and kissed her head
Dreamed of all the different ways
I had to make her glow
“Why are you so far away?” she said
“Why won’t you ever know that I’m in love with you
That I’m in love with you
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You’re just like a dream
You’re just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone, alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
89 · Feb 2021
Sippin' and shittin'
I do my **** talkin'
In prose
Even though nobody knows
Who the intended target may be
Master ninja **** talker poet
That is me
88 · Apr 3
Beautiful anyway
I wonder if he knows I hate that shirt.  
How could he not?  
I’ve only said it
About him
Out loud
Every time he wears it
He probably wears it to spite me
For having the nerve to have an opinion
He has no obligation to look beautiful
According to my narrow standards
And when I say them
He spites me
By looking beautiful
In that **** shirt
88 · Mar 2021
I enjoyed so much about you
But it wasn't enough for you
You needed to be seen as perfect
To judge my heart be true
You can't be perfect
And unwilling to take criticism
Perfect people
Know how to listen.
88 · May 2023
It was something that was meant to be
You being you, and I being me
Supposed to be temporary
But lingering
88 · May 2023
Watching the door
He is soul groove
Pops on in
Busts a move
And goes on out
Leaving me wanting more
Here I sit
Watching the door
88 · May 2023
Moon man
The man in the moon is no pretty boy
He’s a pock-marked
Grown man
Stuck in his
Reclusive teenage habits
Relying on his Mother Earth to keep
Him around
Which she does

At arm’s length
88 · Jul 2023
Afternoon delight
Come to me
Through miles and mountains
And so much blue
We touch with our minds
Me and you
88 · May 2022
I think you’re an insensitive ****
And also a hypocrite
You should also get over yourself
If you assume this poem is about you
88 · May 2023
Corn flakes
The masses love corny
And I’m full of flakes
So I’ll keep on pouring
Until someone takes
88 · Feb 2023
Built up
Spreading unchecked
Fire inside
Each team
The rich are poor losers
Or so it would seem
Sometimes we forget
Approval is free
Among friends
We can expect
Among friends
If you feel uncomfortable
About who you are
You are not
Among friends
You’ve strayed too far
87 · Aug 2023
Skeezing decays
The heartbreaking part
Was the person that drug
Made you to be
Still so fun to be around
But such dishonesty
You became a thief
And a liar, too
I couldn’t stay long
Near the drugs and you
I have anger
For things you did under the influence
Or more usually trying to get under the
I got out pretty easily
I left that time I took you somewhere
And you stole from my friends
Of course, you say it wasn’t you
But you know I saw you were in that room
The heart breaking part
Was the loss of that absolute wonderful guy
On account of you skeezing to chase that high
Of all my poems, this is the one that hits me the hardest with pain to reread….so far.
87 · May 2023
Spark We…
Sometime soon
You’ll come around here
To check
What did I do
And you won’t help but notice
I was thinkin’ about you
Timmy the tick
On a high blade of grass
Spied a delicious looking
Furry thing
Near the back path
At sunrise he started
Making his way
Getting all through the yard
Took the entire day!  
Timmy made it
And got all the way there
Only to find
A furry teddy bear
87 · Jun 2021
Anonymous downvoter
Dear hater
Stalking the front page
Downvoting every compliment
There must be a better outlet for your rage
Than an obsessed, anonymous
Wanna be sage
With terrible taste
Take a walk
Or something
You creep
I'd suggest you to get a pet
But you're clearly not ready to care for
Living things, yet
87 · Jun 2023
There it was
The Word
Undeniably unpopular
But true
Sorry the burden to say it
Had to fall on you
86 · Mar 2023
It wasn’t aimed at me
I had nothing to do with it, really
But also, I did
Because I saw myself
In your casual insult
Aimed at someone else.
I’m sure I’ve done this before
To someone who needed more
Turn about is fair play
And I forgive  
And it is forgotten
Who is this about, anyway?
86 · Jun 2022
Storm in the middle
Repeating five times
“Please don’t do that again”
Might as well be begging
A breeze from gale wind
The storm in the middle
Is where you choose to stay
Knowing that you
Should get out of the way
We got something, we both know it
We don’t talk too much about it
Ain’t no real big secret all the same
Somehow we get around it
Listen; it don’t really matter to me, baby
You believe what you want to believe
You see, you don’t have to live like a refugee
Baby, we ain’t the first
I’m sure a lot of other lovers been burned
Right now this seems real to you
But it’s one of those things
You got to feel to be true
Somewhere, somehow, somebody
Must have kicked you around some
Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped
*******, taken away, and held for ransom
Honey, it don’t really matter to me
Everybody’s had to fight to be free
You don’t have to live like a refugee
86 · Mar 2023
New low
I just got soundly beat
To a pulp
On Words With Friends
“Scottie McBuggarface”.
86 · Jun 2023
Trying to appear edgy
Not smooth
Rough neither
Wannabe something in between
That’s you, white bread
Pretending to be exotic
86 · Dec 2020
Now you're just spitting out
Hollow air
Useless words
Nothing there
You were genius
Before people started noticing
How good you were
And suddenly
You're putting out nonsense
And ****** content
And not meant
To make it past the drafts
But you were brilliant once
And you can rest on your past
86 · Apr 2023
Being remembered by millions of people is no more impressive than being known and loved by tens of people.
85 · Apr 2023
Don’t ya come back
“Hit the road, Jack”
Just might be the most
Poignant line
In all of music
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