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138 · Jan 10
I am not impatient
He is not
I am not
I hoped for immediacy
But didn’t rely on silly dreams
For it to turn out to be
Working at it
Demonstrating myself worthy
If he would have seen
And felt the need
Too quickly
It wouldn’t have been right
It should take the effort
Of many nights
To make something so right
He is not unaware of me
But he’s unaware of who I really be
He’d be a fool to believe what he sees
Through invisible words
And deeds
I am not impatient
137 · Jul 2023
I want to lay you down on thick grass
In a meadow surrounded by forest
To look upon the quiet reflected in your face
Where is all that drama?
Gone without a trace.
Clothes become gone, too
And I just sit in awe of naked, beautiful you
We sun in silence
‘Cept the birds
Collecting all our unsaid words
Singing them back in bird language
Is this Heaven? Can I be dead?
Time seems to be kind
Lazy passing by
So comfortable between us
We don’t even have to try
136 · Jun 2023
Kisses and hugs
He conquered her mind
It was the friendliest invasion
In the history of mankind
Chemical warfare
With the natural drugs
Kindness, patience, and love
Via kisses and hugs
136 · May 20
Your such an angle to me
You’re goodness their for all to sea
Your the best person I no
So I must tell yew sew
Anger is a common occurrence when you’re dating a *****
132 · Jun 3
Your familiarity
Is an illusion to me
I know this
Yet continue to pretend I see
But maybe it’s a reality
This thing between you and me
Palpable on my side
Through distance
And silly dreams
I wish you could see
But as it be
I suffer from invisibility
And it’s likely
To be so
But that doesn’t mean
I won’t write you poetry
Which will remain
Whether or not
You ever see
132 · Mar 22
Deeds indeed
It is
In deeds
We be
But words are free
And serve when deeds are an
132 · Mar 2022
No choice
No voice
Or destination
Just heading out
As quietly as possible
Leaving behind
All that was possible
To find a new story
While taking the old one with
Uncertainty is better
Than steady decline
It's best to get off before the drop
132 · Jan 5
Path to pleasant
Some people get upset
When you say
I’ll no longer endure your abuse!”
You have completely offended them
When you refuse to submit to their
Selfish use
Guilt trips and gossip
And so many complaints
Pretending everything is
Something it ain’t
It takes strength to refuse
And energy to walk away
But if you take the first step
The trek turns to stroll
And it gets more pleasant
Every day
130 · Jan 11
I am woefully unprepared for his charm
His undeniable masculinity
Surely got the better of me
When combined with his
And his ability
To be so in touch with his femininity
So naturally and comfortably
Such a rare and precious being
Who somehow doesn’t see
That he is out of my league
He insists we are equally
To my face
And then tells his friends
He is luckier than me
Whichever one is luckier
Seems to be the main thing
Upon which we cannot agree
130 · May 14
Bye, Boo
He does not want my attention
Avoids it, actually
He don’t come around no more
So he doesn’t have to see
I must completely remove myself
To set that man free
Beautiful human being
I am gone from thee
You are free
130 · Jan 13
Ancestral team
What you see
Is only me
Standing here, singularly
Invisible to the naked eye
My ancestral team
Riding hard and riding high
The dirt you do may get past me
But I promise you, Boo
They will see
130 · Jul 2023
You’ve got this idea
Stuck in your mind
And you feel like it’s owed
Your demand
For clarity
Is really just a way
To ignore what you can clearly see
130 · Sep 2023
Sunny breezes
Sunny days when the breeze is kind
We get used to
And sometimes forget to say
Thank you
129 · May 2023
Fruity pickin’
My juice for you has been sapped
Until you replenish the fruit
My tolerance not nearly tapped
But you better show up in a suit
128 · Mar 26
The beauty in his rejection
Isn’t too hard to see
I’ve created all this poetry
He and I
Not meant to be
But this remains
My testimony
I cannot have him
Like I wish it would be
But still, I approach him
127 · Feb 2021
Junkyard Jockeys
You're the usual compliment guy
Telling women how beautiful they are
And how much better you would treat them than their boyfriend
Who you keep insulting
You are like the ***
Picking through bones at the junkyard
Searching for a part you can use
With no care factor about the
Wreckage you rip it from
But at least you found that usable part
And now you convince yourself that
The car is better off without it
And aren't you so great
You scrapped that girl for junk parts
And blamed it all on her ex mate
Junkyard jockeys, like you
Always come in late
126 · May 22
I feel like I can’t truly call myself a poet
If I haven’t used the word “petrichor”
In a poem before
So here it is
My official entry
Into the poetry “industry”
126 · Aug 2022
Rest is so much better after a busy day.
125 · Feb 1
Switch brained
Everything to say
Nothing at all
In the space of a minute
The rise…the fall
125 · Feb 2021
Covered in dead skin
Do some trees
I wonder
Get overcome
And choked out
By the leaves
They shed
In windless
124 · May 29
Flight reflex
I have no walls
I am an open field as far as you can see
I refuse to blueprint my soul
By past wins and losses
I have no walls
But a strong reflex to flee
As soon as I dislike something I see
123 · Feb 2021
I am a troll
This I know
Digging for buried gems
Sometimes it takes finessing
Sometimes it's confrontation
But there's usually a gem in there
Upon some contemplation
I bug some people
Really much
Lots of troll-hating
But digging for some hidden gems
Should not be a sin
122 · May 25
Harmlessly weird
Harmlessly weird is either fun or
Depending upon whether it’s
Or just
An act
122 · May 2023
Second rate outperforms
When Nature is being friendly
Walking is preferable
122 · Mar 26
There is no such thing as a path that leads to nowhere
Maybe it didn’t get you
Where you wanted to go
But you’re still somewhere else
Than where you started
And along the way
You grow
121 · May 2023
Lonely while surrounded
Wishing for the match
Rhythm to my rhyme
But not enough to settle for just
There’s a certain
Beat to me
The rhythm
Maybe only he can see
Whoever he is
To dance with me
If only momentarily
121 · Aug 2023
Poor Mickey
Walt Disney’s favorite character was Goofy
I don’t know why I find that so poetic
Maybe I’m just doofy
Poor Mickey must have suffered so
Pasting on that smile
Fronting the whole band
And yet the boss was favoring
That *******
120 · May 17
Looks like it will take a miracle
And all I can see
Is its possibility
I’m not sure what that says about me
Or maybe it says more about what I see
I don’t feel like it’s selfish of me
To include you
When I set my eye
On impossibilities
I have decided
Your place in my life
Is a possibility
And until I hear differently
That is where you will be
119 · Dec 2023
Beautiful faulted dork
The man I fall in love with will not be perfect
My guy is gonna be a hott mess
He will be gentle and kind
But an overworked mind
Confused and clumsy too
He will fumble when unhooking my bra
And be kind of unsure of what to do
He will snort like a pig when he laughs
And slip on his ***
Banging his head
While laying down in the bath

I’m the type to fall in love with a
Beautiful dork
Everything worth having
Will need lots of work
The ignored feel resentment
When you get attention
A catch-22 of life
When you receive love
So comes the hate
To tarnish your good times
With strife
115 · Apr 7
All together
The stage
The front row
Every seat
The wings
All things
Right on to the back
Even restrooms
And behind the snack stand
Are all in the same theater
Hearing the same band
114 · Aug 2023
She bop (Cyndi Lauper)
Well, I see  ‘em every night in tight blue jeans
In the pages of a blue boy magazine
Hey, I’ve been thinking of a new sensation
I’m picking up good vibrations
Oop, she bop, she bop
Do I wanna go out with a lion’s roar
Yeah, I wanna go south and get me some more
They say that a stitch in time saves nine
They say I better stop, or I’ll go blind
Oop, she bop, she bop
She bop, he bop we bop
I bop, you bop, they bop
Be bop, be ba, a loo bop
(I hope he will understand)
Hey, hey, they say I better get a chaperone
Because I can’t stop messing with the danger zone
I won’t worry and I won’t fret
Ain’t no law against it yet.
Breathing life
Into someone already living well
Is probably impossi-bell
And now
I sit here
The intricacies
Of turning impossibilities
Into likelees
But if I can turn
Into a word
You needing fresh air
Might not be absurd
113 · Jun 2023
You punched above your league
You knew it
She didn’t
She believed in your superiority
Only because she had a hard time
For her true worth
She only saw
What she was made to believe
By a society
That cannot recognize
113 · Apr 2023
Really you
Maybe it was me noticing you
That made you lose yourself
But I give myself too much credit
And self-eye roll
Blush included
You’re not lost
You’re having a bad day
And I’m making it all about me
Who cares why
You’re losing yourself
You could find anew
It’s just one day
But I sorely miss
The really you
112 · Aug 2023
All my online trivia games
Seem to think the okapi is
An extremely important animal
To be able to recognize
At least once a week
I’m asked to identify
The okapi
It is
Vital to the online trivia community
112 · Jan 2021
You have invaded my life
Your presence is in every song I hear
I seem to feel you everywhere
A commercial on tv
Reminds me of you and me
You're in the exciting
And in the mundane
You're in me
Like wet in rain
And I'm not sure
I'll ever be the same
111 · Feb 29
I am a slinger of words
Some slings linger
111 · Dec 2021
Very please
I don't breathe for you
My heart beats for myself
But my brain takes you in
Like oxygen
Clean and fresh
In a breeze
Oxygen wind
For my brain
Thank you
111 · Mar 2022
Somewhere else
Were you expecting a chase scene?
Where I run after you
To continue
This useless encounter
Or whatever it was
Too many minutes
Passed off as love
I prefer for you to disappear
Do your thing
But please not here
111 · Jun 2023
Silent noise
And so loud
Screams of joy and agony
Even whispers too
Living loud
Poetry can do
110 · Aug 2023
It doesn’t exist
It never really did
I built it up
Too much in my mind

He was just being kind

At least I’ve grown and matured
And this time I picked a great guy to catch feelings for
110 · Feb 2021
Food fight
It's just how it goes down
Two people with all the ingredients
For a perfect romance
But the meats and the vegetables
Just will not dance
And we wind up with
Gross on our plate
Being with you
Is like mixing parmesan cheese
With Boston baked beans
At first it's like
"Hmmm, it might be good."
Til the beans and the cheese
Meet in your mouth
And you no longer play with
Your food
110 · May 2023
I get by on a technicality
But isn’t that the mark of writing
Especially in poetry
108 · May 2023
Infinite muse
It’s not like me to connect with some man
Over the internet
I wish I could
Fall into it from afar
Get the tingles and jingles
Long term
No matter where they are
But I’m not a long term tingler
Without real time
I fall into heavy like
So often
But heavy like soon fades
Into “I sort of remember that guy”
Maybe the problem is me
And my unwillingness to really try
But my flakiness has been put to good use
I’m the poet with
Infinite muse
108 · Aug 2023
Beautiful, beautiful man
Your soul is beautiful
Just captivating
You’re so in touch with yourself
For good or bad
You accept it
And make no excuses
In fact, you’re too ******* yourself
You bear the weight
Make up for what is short
Lots of hard work
You enjoy dirt
But start and end every day clean
You are macho as a man can possibly be
In nature and tendencies
But willing to explore
Feelings are not something you shove aside
And though you do have lots of pride
You are, at your base, a humble man
Following a working man’s plan
Never relaxed
Even when you’re relaxing
You refill your energy through music
And the results of a hard days work
Every time you pray
It is someone else you ask to save
A man not of this time
Vintage soul
Honorable goal
Beautiful, beautiful man
I might just trip and fall
Into the plan
I wrote this for FraisDeLaFerme, and I normally don’t like to say who a poem is about, but he deserves the props.
107 · Jul 2023
Persistent little @$;.#s
Do you really think I’m going to suddenly change my mind in between the first and second time you make me ex out of your advertisement?
107 · Apr 11
Fire water
He is deep waters
Hidden under
A choppy surface
Many step straight from the shore
Assuming the floor
Inches away
And drop in over their heads
And one will wonder
How being under
Can feel so fiery
107 · Feb 2021
Pissed off poultry
The rebellion at the chicken farm
Started with Harley Hen
When she noticed any bird that left
Never returned again
The **** covering the floor
Air all choked with funk
Out there
Harley imagined
There must be no gunk
Farmer Dave came through
And before he closed the door
The chickens were all upon him
Ready to settle the score
Pecking, clawing, cackling such
Farmer Dave has lost his touch
Covering his eyes and head
Farmer Dave
Posed no threat
Chickens out into fresh air
Running round from here to there
Every direction
All over town
Farmer Dave's chickens
Bullying everyone around
Then the humans
Formed their battle plan
Rounding up chickens
And frying pans
All those uppity chickens
Will surely boil
They'll become stew for sure
But every chicken just
Seen again never more
Of course, this started rumors
Of the spooky
Scary town
In which the local chickens
Ran the humans down
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