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31 · May 17
Coming up from behind
I ain’t exactly the subtle kind
Ringing, RINGING in your ear
And somehow you do not hear
Or you cannot let me near
Reasons are things we hold dear
Whatever they be
You know yourself better than me
But I make no apology
For saying all this; my peace
Displaying a part of who I be
Wishing that you would like what you see
31 · Jul 14
Clear unintentions
It was less a move towards him
As it was
A move away from you
31 · Dec 2020
Once you loosed the arrow
There was no way to retract
So please don't say you're sorry
For that missile sticking
In my back
30 · Aug 2023
Through his eyes
Once he starts paying attention
If he ever does
He’s gonna think to himself
“****, that girl’s kinda endearing in a nutty way
But she sure writes a lot of poetry
30 · Dec 2020
Ps and Ks
At first
I thought it was confidence
But now
I see
You're just too ****
Best to push
Away from me
Because I don't push
I kick.
Ya see?
30 · Jul 24
The weight of empty
It is not a burn
Most of the time
It is a slow hollowing out
Of matter and mass
Yet somehow it be heavier
30 · Aug 2023
Thank you
Thank you for piquing my interest
And thank you for tingling my toes
It really made me bloom
My heart getting almost too big for this room
And even though it didn’t last
It’s a bright point of my past
Got me spinning like a the perfect ride
In the tilt a whirl
In an otherwise boring slump
But as much as you get my heart racing
I cannot be a chump
30 · Dec 2020
Don't give yourself to me
It's hard enough to own myself
Don't set aside
Your precious time
For a maybe
Don't tell your friends
I'm your girl
It's unreliable
Unfortunately for you
I am not pliable
29 · Aug 30
Homeward, please
I think it’s probably running dry
When no one else has caught my eye
As far as romance goes
Hope the next way I roam
Isn’t destined to remain
Never a home
I write him poetry
Collecting moments
Feelings, musings
Existing once in my mind
And now in my words
Forever together
He and me
Via poetry
What that man creates in me
I put out
Through the art of poetry
And thus
He and I
Will always be
Encapsulated in the free
The oxymoron of poetry
29 · Jul 24
It’s not going according to plan
It is better than
I couldn’t have hoped
When dream becomes reality
And reality even better be
Dream come true
With turbo boost
I still have doubts
In what I think I see
But that probably always happens
When looking at a fantasy
29 · Dec 2020
Playing to the audience
You are like a lemon drop
Make me pucker
But like a sucker
I just can't seem to stop
It's the tingly way you make me feel
Your confidence and grace
You'd be absolutely perfect
If you weren't so **** two-faced
One set of friends
Think you're a brain
With others you play dumb
When you hang out with little kids
I'll bet you **** your thumb
29 · Dec 2020
We could all be popular poets
I suppose
If we could just figure out
How to create prose
That doesn't offend, pretend
Or make peoples' tempers explode
But what's the point of juvenile
Hearts and curly Qs
You're not saying anything worthwhile
If you're not stepping on some shoes
28 · Dec 2020
No winners
It is selfish
That you want to be
The only thing he cares about
You think you've gained something
By taking everything
Away from him
Silly girl trying to play
A game you can never win
28 · Dec 2020
Un Reliable
You've never been much of a parent to me
Maybe it's too much to ask
Yet lots of people do it for free
A truly thankless task
Until you get old
And can't care for yourself
It will happen to you, too
And when it does
Please don't expect that
I'll be a parent to you
28 · Nov 2020
Oxygen for free
If trees screamed out in agony
Do you think we'd cut them down?
Maybe just more quickly
But we'd probably just
Start ripping them up
Right straight from the ground.  
Until they could no longer
Make a sound
Before we proceed
To chop the trees
Piece by piece
I's before E's
Convenience and ease
Meets unbridled greed
We all want to be profound
Reveal some hidden common ground
Search for it through words and prose
Strive to touch both nuns and hoes
That's why they keep poets around
Displayers of the common ground
Right before we tear it down
And build a tunnel underground
Or a bridge, maybe
The problem with poets
You see
Universally known

They can't leave well enough
28 · Aug 17
One way, or the other
You owe me nothing
But why wouldn’t you
Drop some kinda word
Give this poor girl a clue
Is this just a game to you
Where you don’t have to play
And you make all the rules
Do I add up to only entertainment value
Or are you so out of touch
You haven’t a clue
That some crazy girl
Is pursuing you
No question marks
The lines are incomplete
One grain of sugar
On what should be real sweet
Hopscotch board too far to jump
Some foolish chump
Needs a swift kick in the ****
I went to see Oscar the Grouch
And found ***** the Grump
I’m those ******* morons
Following Trump
Believing he wants to make things easy
At a low point in their lives
They stand there and kowtow and howl
While he throws out some paper towels
I’ve got no ******* and an overactive bowel
It just feels so pathetic and foul
That would be me
Chasing you so pathetically
Not even sure if you see
After all this heartfelt effort
You won’t even acknowledge me
Do you think I’m that lowly?
Or do you no longer even bother to see
The musing of some foolish girl
Who won’t go away
Or do you secretly want me to stay?
Maybe you’ll let me know someday
27 · Aug 7
Stolen liberties
You witnessed it all
Til it turned to smoke
All the effort
Nothing gained
Lost is hope and confidence
Only the ashes remain
Along with the sooty stain
I know I have no right to complain
But still, I do so, anyway
All the liberties I take
You gave me none
For goodness sake
27 · 4d
Angry voters
Watching insanity permeate
Through society
Quicker than ever before possibly
We are at a tipping point
But that’s probably
What they always say
Since they had speech
But I cannot help but believe
At this time, and this whole scene
We gotta take back who we really be
And say it with such fervency
There is NO MORE
Of who America really be
Ya see?
These ***** are misrepresenting we
And I don’t know how to fix
Angry people
There he goes
Looking all fine
Natural and easy
Wearing that beautiful smile
There ain’t no gum or no patch
No anonymous meetings
He’s a dream weaver
This is gonna have to be a cold turkey
How long will it take me to get over it?
26 · Dec 2020
Fake Fantasy
He started off just like a dream
Perfect guy, now on my team
Smart and funny
Cute and sweet
Well-hung, too
Lots of meat
Perfect really
Just my type
But it was all just blatant hype
He had an issue with jealousy
That at first I didn't see
But his insecurity
Forced me to live in misery
For about a week or two
Pretty quickly we were through
Yet now I sit and miss the guy
He pretended to be
If only I was willing
To believe a fantasy
25 · Dec 2020
Squash for dinner
Sometimes it's simply a lack of choice
No one has a different voice
I'm heading somewhere
And forget my destination
Halfway before I get there
I take a brain vacation
But it doesn't matter
No turns off this zig zag road
Return on some unplanned day
Think maybe I'll go that way
And I wish I had some squash
For dinner
Sometimes it's simply lack of choice
24 · Aug 2023
He wasn’t a mistake
He was a mis (ter)
I couldn’t take
24 · Jul 24
The Gathering has thus begun
Signs are everywhere
Something magical
Created by faith
Is heavy in the air
It makes no difference
The majority
The poets have set up
The long game
So spectacularly
And in the end
It will be
The poet who tells the stories
We win
22 · Jul 30
You suck at that
You won’t notice my presence
You may not notice me gone
Noticing me
Seems to be
The one thing you do wrong
I wonder what the neighbors think
Of our
Sidewalk chalk outlines of the kids
Each kid likes to get done twice
Four little bodies outlined on the pavement
What a sight!
Do they feel they’ve encountered a
Grisly crime scene?
Probably not
The sidewalk chalk tracing is a weekly thing
20 · Dec 2020
To each her own
Sometimes I do it
Fall for the hype
Acting like something is just my type
Not because I want it to be
But because I think
"That could be me,"
But take a step back
And then I can see
It's something I'd never want to be
16 · Feb 2023
Geese love to announce themselves
The hopeful honking
A gaggle of geese
14 · Jan 19
There is no way to play with fire
It can be used
But not played with
Fire wants to be a tool
Not a toy

— The End —