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38 · Aug 13
Maybe never
It would take acknowledgment
Whether it came
Or whether it went
Something sure must be sent
But not yet
38 · Aug 2023
It’s such a beautiful
I am heading to:
I think I found in you
The road to there is more exciting
This is surely true
Butterfly stomachs
Swelling up chest
Tingly skin
Wetness within
That’s where you take me to
Maybe, together, we can roam
On our way to comfortable
37 · Aug 12
My journey is heading in your direction
A life still under construction
When I finally get to you
Bringing everything I’ve been through
Will I be so black and blue
That I appear too damaged to you?  
In the big scheme of things
It doesn’t matter what you see
The only opinion that matters
Is the one I have of me
And I’ll keep evolving in my head
Maybe even after I’m dead
It may be we’ll never meet
But you’ve still had an effect on me
37 · Aug 2023
Miss Piggy
He quoted Miss Piggy
It was the corniest thing I ever did see
But just call me Kermit
A frog who happens to love corn on the sow
Eating it
With only frog teeth
I don’t like to bite when I’m ******* my meat
37 · Jul 29
He’s not the one who made me look foolish
That is all on me
He is too **** coolish
And I could not let him be
And even though I know all this
I cannot get myself free
That beautiful man has captured me
And I sit here day by day
Embracing my captivity
37 · Dec 2020
"I see the stars in your eyes"
That's what you said to me
I just can't be impressed
With your uncreativity
I get you want to toss a line
Since we are far from shore
But I can't help but figure
You've used that line before
37 · Dec 2020
We're all gonna die one day
It's not as profound as it seems
37 · Jun 23
You probably hear it
Often, and over again
How special you are
True, and deep, and aware
You make me see things
That never before were there
Thank you for the vision
Increase my field of view
The sight not otherwise seen
Except through knowing you
I admire your dedication to your beliefs
I think your beliefs are dated
And ridiculous
But I admire your dedication
Perhaps you should admire
For not sinning
Even though I don’t believe
Been a whole lot easier since the ***** left town
Been a whole lot happier without that face around
Nobody upstairs gonna stomp and shout
Nobody out the back door gonna throw my laundry out
She holds the shotgun while you dote-se-doe
She want one man made of Hercules and Cyrano
Been a whole lot easier since the ***** is gone
Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong

Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
Ain't nobody gonna bow no more when you sound your gong
Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
Whatcha go 'n' do to get into another one of these here rock 'n' roll songs?

Other people's thoughts they ain't your hand-me-downs
Would it be so bad to simply turn around?
You cook so well, all nice and French
You do your brain surgery too mama with yer monkey wrench

Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
Ain't nobody gonna bow no more when you sound your gong
Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
What'd ya go 'n' do to get into another one of these here rock 'n' roll songs?

I hope them cigarettes are gonna make you cough
Hope you hear this song and it ****** you off
I take that back I hope you're doing fine
And if I had a dollar I might give you ninety-nine.

Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
Ain't nobody gonna bow no more when you sound your gong
Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
What'd ya go 'n' do to get into another one of these here rock 'n' roll songs?
37 · Nov 2020
These days
Wholly Divided
With a pretense that it's about race
Which maybe it is
But that's just noise on the surface
It's about frustration
With self and position
A feeling of imposition
With no recognition
Lots of friction
But suffered in silence
Because talk may bring violence
And none of it makes any sense
Until twenty years from today
When people will say
"Ah, I was part of those days,"
And half will have lied
To portray
They supported the opposite side
37 · Jun 23
Waste of paper
Can I force it?
What will come to me
Nothing to say
All the space to say it in
And a brain all too thin
On ideas and big thoughts
What can little thoughts be?
Meaningless nothings
Wasted on a brain
Almost insane
Wanting to say
Something, anything
Waste paper space
But starting is something
Every poem needs
Even the waste of paper ones
Paper is worth wasting on potential
36 · Aug 18
Lines drawn in the air
I can’t let go of what I never had
Except an illusion
Goodbye mirage of what it could be
I displayed to you the true me
And you glanced, maybe
But pretended you couldn’t see
I’m done displaying
But I am not yet free
36 · Aug 1
Pattern first
I’ve noticed you changing
Being more accommodating
It’s surely nice to see
But this little bit means nothing to me
Develop a pattern
And prove you’re sorry
For that back shelf position
Where you left me
And maybe
Just maybe
I will learn to believe
36 · Dec 2020
You're the spider always building your web
The day of the big rain
The athlete who can't distinguish
Between discomfort and pain
The pizza delivery guy
Whose car is the only thing
He can afford to buy
You self-sabotage so endlessly
That we can't help but think
You do it purposefully
How does one put on the brakes
When they desperately want to RUN?
How does one hold back the tide
When on it’s waves one longs to ride?
How does one
Block out an unreliable sun?
Don’t relegate oneself
To the shade
Take it in small doses
Hurry up and learn
Suns have the potential to burn
36 · Jul 13
Good dirt
I am a ****** girl
Like trash
I would rather
And become fertilizer
36 · Dec 2020
Imaginary arms
Your imaginary arms
Wrap around me
I feel you there
What you would say
What you would think
I adjust accordingly
And try to live up
As I imagine you'd want me to be
Nooks and crannies
Of who I be
I offer to share with thee
And trust in me
You will keep
To let me see
Your nooks and crannies
35 · Dec 2020
We're all just hoping to tingle some souls
Jingle some booties
And hit a few goals
Get through life with bowel controls
And avoid tarnishing our souls
Do tingles tarnish?

Nobody knows
35 · Dec 2020
Mall rats
Do you hear the footsteps pounding
Through the shopping malls?
Those stomping people should have more respect
For the sanctity of
Our new hallowed halls
Worship of things
And the cheap fast food courts
Teens milling about
In their daisy duke shorts
And nana sits and wonders why
Grampa always has something to buy
35 · Dec 2020
Screaming into the wind
I'm in love with the man
You could be
If you only had
A woman like me
35 · Aug 2023
I want to like you
You seem decent enough
But stuck
You use *** as a mask
To hide everything else
While gaining cheap attention for yourself
Can’t say I really blame you
For acting how most young girls do
I should probably blame me more
For expecting different from you
35 · Jul 23
I’ve invited myself in
To an imagination *******
Gonna get me sum
And give it my best
In the beautiful man fest
I’ve created just for me
I go as far as it can
In every fantasy
Reading your poems
Made me figure you for
A boy of about sixteen
Imagine my surprise to
Find you’re a man who’s
Sixty three
At first I **** my teeth and think
“This dope is immature”
But being a romantic dreamer
Has a sweet and hopeful allure
So do ya thang
Wrinkled *******
And bring your knowledge to it
You can probably do it way better
Than those young boys do it
35 · Dec 2020
Halfway there
You're a ladder without rungs
A bagpipe player with no lungs
You're a car that's lacking brakes
An actor who needs fifty takes
Hot cocoa on a summer day
When ice cream was the better play
You're the guy who's always late
You like to make others wait
I suppose maybe some will
Those who have a void to fill
35 · Aug 10
I’m not your one
It is, and has been clear and plain
To see
Everyone else probably saw it
Except me
It took me so long
To let go of a distorted dream
I’m not the one for you
So obviously
You’re not the one for me
35 · Dec 2020
Shakespeare wannabe
Using all of those tired lines
"I am besotted with
Your beautiful eyes"
It echoes in my ear
It's all too clear
You're not being sincere
You're repeating some old line
You think I want to hear
35 · Dec 2020
Foul game
You say you're apathetic
Yet you stress every detail
You say he's not your type
Yet you stalk him without fail
You say you're hard at work
When you're no where near dirt
And according to you
You always win
And you wonder why
No one wants to play again
When you know **** well
You cheat to win
35 · Jul 21
Shadow’s opposite
I am fully expecting you to
Shine your light through my cracks
Whether it be not by intent
Nor whim
Doesn’t make the light dim
35 · Dec 2020
Knee deep
They say there's no accounting for taste
It's never been so clear
Everywhere I look
There's some ******* there
Not ******* that
Some ******* out
It's not the sweep-up kind
It's some *******
Some human brought in
And we act like we don't mind
In fact, as it stands
I seem to find
******* intoxicating
Sometime today, I'll bet
I'll give *******
An over-rating
And people will say
"That's *******,"
And I'll say
"They're all just hating"
I got *******, so do you
And through it we're all wading
35 · Jul 24
As far as comfort zones go
I fluctuate between gagging on a hot dog
Or a cool breeze
Sometimes very hot
Depending upon
Which air I got
34 · Jul 22
Wondering if someone
I have set myself free
Wondering if someone will come after me
It can’t be just anybody
He’s gotta be a special somebody
To me
Maybe he doesn’t exist
Or he’s someone from the past I missed
Lots find their one
I hope I am one of them
Who doesn’t have to wonder
About their someone
For all my days, until they’re done
34 · Aug 2023
Thank you, Queen Lady.
You are one of the last
It’s such a rare treat to know you
You never push
Or ask me to extend
On what I’m comfortable to do
You respond openly
And, truthfully too
You’re not afraid to be sensitive
But you’re also strong
And brave
I want you to know
It’s a pleasure knowing you
You beautiful, beautiful, man
I think you’re the best I ever knew
And I’m so **** delighted
You want to know me too
I’m tingling, shining, and skipping around
The change you brought out in me
So I’m deeply thanking the
Woman who brought you to be
You beautiful, beautiful man
You might be too good for me
34 · Aug 20
Too much already
Are you responsible for the version
of you I imagine you are
Or is that all my fault
What did you do to make me idolize you
These aren’t really questions
Because they have no answers
The spark comes
Not on purpose
Especially not to me
But here I be
I’m a hanger on
A weight
Upon something towards you
A burden
Could be
Pushing myself
You’ve done nothing to encourage me
And me feeling full of myself
Like maybe something could be

Too much said already
34 · Jul 23
Practice and time
I’d be a better poet
If I thought like an adult
But maybe that’s
Just a lie I tell myself
Maybe I think just fine
And I’ll be a better poet
With practice and time
34 · Aug 15
It could potentially be
Something epic between you and me
Don’t you wanna see?
34 · Nov 2020
Off punishment
I have shared many poems on here
And then I got kicked out
It's been more than the required time
And my unshared poems all shout
"Please let us out
Express us forth!"
So I come here
Begging for recourse
34 · Dec 2020
Pen and Muse
I wrote two poems
One by accident
And one through toil
One rolled out of me
And easy
The other
Much like this
Was nothing but a chore
That was the one I really worked for
You'd think I'd be prouder of it
Than the one that flowed easily
But something about the power of pen and muse
Feels miraculous to me
I shot myself in the foot
With all those love poems
Written for someone who didn’t read ‘em
Plastered them here and other places
Write in everyones’ faces
And now
It didn’t work out
And anyone else I catch feelings for
Is gonna see this whole lovesick score
Written by me
To some other man
Maybe I’ll write for him, too
But I’ve already said every
Romantic thing I could say
And the next one who comes my way
Is gonna get some hand-me-down
Watered down
Version of something I already said
About loving someone else until I was dead
And I’ll never get him out of my head
But, now he is fading
A new one will come soon
(I hope)
And I’ve already promised those stars and that moon
To the one who used to make me swoon
Will I be singing the same tune?
I hope it will sound new
And not like “Love Poems,
Slightly revised version, Two”
33 · Dec 2020
Damn wizards
Maybe you're a wizard at self-promotion
Or you think you are
I can't tell how others view you
But they can't help but attend to
There YOU are
With yet another irrelevant
Pushing the product of you
You pushing you
You have no crew
To speak of
We must assume
But you are a wizard
The legends have all sold some crap
Of wise and kind, endearing chap
That's the presumption
They're employing
But common sense tells me
Wizards are annoying
33 · Jul 19
For goodness sake
I couldn’t have tried any harder
Put in heart and soul
Displayed and splayed out
Open, like a wound
And broke
You witnessed it all
Til it turned to smoke
All the effort
Nothing is gained
Lost is hope and confidence
Only the ashes remain
Along with the sooty stain
I know I have no right to complain
All the liberties I take
You gave me none
For goodness sake
32 · Dec 2020
Too pretty for the petty
Steppin out
I suppose
But the boundaries
Belong where they are
And even though they're indistinct
I know you see them there
You want to skirt them
Push the curve
It's really a beautiful goal
But just remember
The world is not kind to
A beautiful soul
What happens when a bored
Meets an irresistible Force
Does she, too, become irresistible?
Or does she give way
And step aside
To the inevitable tide
Following the irresistible Force  
She cannot step aside
Of course
Which only proves
The power of the force
Of course
32 · Jul 28
Fatal flaw
I really miss that man who blocked me
He had a reason
With no rhyme
And that **** *****
Every time
He was right for doing so
Lessons learned too late
It was for something I should already know
I am responsible for that unfortunate twist of fate
Handed down by a man more loyal than I
Punishment for my wandering eye
And talking about what I saw
He was right to kick me out
I broke a cardinal law
Between he and I
He brought near perfection
And I brought the fatal flaw
32 · Jul 22
The mind plays tricks
Says what it doesn’t mean
When it meant it at the time
Writers have to see their mind
One moment
Splayed out
Never to grow
Stuck in time
Snapshot of the mind
32 · Dec 2020
The motivator
Has a thankless task
Nobody wants a kick in the ***
Rolling eyes
Loud sighs
Lots of whines and whys
Poor motivator
Can't make it no more
Now jumping off
Fifth story floor
32 · Aug 19
Inconsequential echoes
I do not take it personally
That you view me
So inconsequentially
Silly and frilly and spilly my guts
While you sit in gilded ruts
But who am I to judge or complain?
You and I, we ain’t the same
Despite my misguided illusion
And ignorant confusion
It ain’t you for me
And it ain’t me for you
And if I say it enough
I might believe it, too
32 · Jul 28
Over-baked crust
You’ll think of me
Maybe not now
But eventually
I will appear in your mind
I’ve settled in your soul
I went in through your skin
Before you knew I was there
But now
You are aware
You ignore
Which is fair
But there’s still something there
You never saw before
***** and rusty
And so much dust
But I still try to shine
Right through my over-baked crust
Inside the flavor
I cannot say
A unique blend of spices
31 · May 17
Coming up from behind
I ain’t exactly the subtle kind
Ringing, RINGING in your ear
And somehow you do not hear
Or you cannot let me near
Reasons are things we hold dear
Whatever they be
You know yourself better than me
But I make no apology
For saying all this; my peace
Displaying a part of who I be
Wishing that you would like what you see
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