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62 · May 21
You’re supposed to be cooler than this
Either turn it on
Or dismiss
It doesn’t have to end in a kiss
But it should be more, or less,  than this

((I say these things in vain
I’ll surely be back here
Begging again)
62 · May 2023
I wonder, sometimes
If there is an invisible thread
Between a thought
And who it is thought about
Within reason
I don’t expect Andre Benjamin
To suddenly wonder
“What’s up with this girl, Krista”
When I fantasize
But maybe he feels
That fantasy vibe
With some we know well
Those bonds are so clear
It’s like the thread lives in your ear
But others
Have them, too
Tiny flashlight in the stadium
Otherwise dark
Or maybe full of other light too
But there is some sort of bond
I cannot explain
When someone thinks about you
62 · Nov 2022
Oxy Moron
How can it possibly
That you are so **** beautiful to look at
Yet so uninteresting to watch?
You ride in the middle of the road
Every direction you go
Takes you nowhere but coasting
All downhill for you
Which is probably why
You have not much to contribute
It’s enough, though to sail
The fair winds forever
Most of us wish we could
Uninteresting it may be
A life that is too easy
Would certainly be
The choice of me
Strangers in a crowd
Eyes to smiles
What if?
Or best if not
Not a nothing
Between strangers in a crowd
I know it when I see it
Trust my own voice
Which means also
Trusting you
Fortunate signs
As read by a skeptic
62 · Mar 2022
I want to tell you what you should do
Let you know what’s best for you
And who
Is best for you, too
But it would defeat the purpose
Of pure love
To insist I’m the one you can’t resist
When clearly you barely notice
I want to tell you it’s your loss
But you seem to be just fine
Not noticing I’m alive

It really is your loss
62 · Jan 7
Water bottle parade
Welcome to the water bottle parade
It is the new big thing
You, too,
Can be cool
Depending upon from what you drink
Does it have a straw
Or a cool liquid draw
And what happens if you drop it?
How ‘bout the handle
Is it the one finger hold
Or must you carry it in your palm?
And does it include a cool charm?
Is the color properly
Pleasing and bright
With the extra option to glow at night?
Is it Wi-Fi attached
And perfectly matched
To the rest of your dishes at home?
Does it have GPS
That you can somehow connect
To find it with your phone?  
Who cares how much water it holds
Or how long it will keep it cold?
Does it look cool
With all the brand new
Features for others to wish for?  
Water bottles are of little use
If all they can do is hold water and juice
62 · Aug 2023
Good neighbors
My neighbor is growing ***
Right in the back yard
She goes to work all day
The sun baking those little trees
I’ve been dutifully watering them
I’m sure hoping she sees
Maybe she’ll be inspired
To share some of it with me
62 · May 2023
Fluttering my eyelashes
He caught my attention
With honorable mention
I was looking the other way
But land sakes alive
I’m feeling his vibe
And I’m hoping he’s here to stay
62 · Aug 2023
We got something
We both know it
We don’t talk too much about it

(Tom Petty, Refugee tidbit)
62 · Aug 17
Deaf ears
Is it fear
Of the fuzzy person
Trying to make herself clear?
Or perhaps disdain
Of the persistent poet
Putting worms in your brain
Or maybe complete disinterest
Like a forced exercise
When you want to rest
Or maybe it’s really funny to you
Watching some dummy play the fool
Because you are just that cool
To reach on in to your woman pool
And draw out something better
Than anything I could do
Are you waiting for me to disappear
Or somehow be more clear
I couldn’t have tried any harder
I’ve got only words
With which I can barter
But what good will it do
To speak lovingly to you
Through the internet
Far and near
When I’m trying to talk
To deaf ears
62 · Jun 2021
I finally met the
Day tripper
Lennon warned us about
He's all but invisible
But he did make me
Twist and shout
62 · Sep 2021
Mutha F***a!
I'm not ready to talk
Just yet
Still so angry
Wishing we'd never met
One day
Some day
I may be able to forget
Or at least forgive
But it ain't that day yet
61 · Aug 2023
Psychic scrabble
Excuse me,
Lady online
I’m playing Scrabble with
You are obviously not some mortal being
But a person who has ESP
Using your power
In scrabble to beat me
Or at least, throw me off of my game
Every time I’ve got the
Perfect move
You take my space
That I didn’t get the chance to take
And I appreciate that’s how you win the game, and beat the crowd
But psychic powers shouldn’t be allowed
Of all the “truth” that has ever existed
How much of it is objective?  
Or maybe it could be high
Who knows, because
The terms defining objective truth
Are subjective
Thinkers throughout time
Have questioned truth
Some even insist upon
Their version of it
Is there even such a thing as an objective truth?  
Some years ago
I would have said the Earth was objectively round
Cue up flat Earth (eye roll)
I could not seem to find the flat Earth emoji
Maybe that just proves it
The Earth is objectively round
So says the new language
So we’ve ended the flat Earth
Debate definitely
To you and me
But apparently
Not everybody
Lift every voice and sing,
Till earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the list'ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chast'ning rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered.
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
Till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who hast by Thy might,
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.
61 · Dec 2021
I think I thought I noticed you
Noticing me
I might have noticed you first  
You look like just the ade
To quench my desert thirst
61 · Mar 25
It’s a mission
To show you who I am
***** it out here for you to see
Which has to mean everybody
I think I’ve got likability
But I just happen to like me
I don’t know what you see
Brash, brazen, unapologetic me
For who I be
And what I want
And what kind of beautiful picture I see
In a future of you and me
If we get friendly
Black velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black velveteen
Supple and plain
The 21st century dream
Ready to please
Free from disease
She's waiting on her knees
It's not a sin
Titanium skin
Just take her for a spin
Black velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black velveteen
Supple and plain
The 21st century dream
Nice piece of kit
Electronic ****
Just sit down for a fit
Ready to trip
A guarantee hit
She's all you ever wished
Black velveteen don't give a **** she'll do dishes
Black velveteen knows all the night spots in France
Black velveteen's cat smells like strawberry kittens
Black velveteen always is ready to dance
She's ready to
Black velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black velveteen
Supple and plain
The 21st century dream
61 · Jun 2023
Pretty crowded
I say, “I’m so sorry
I just farted.”  
And then everyone
Can’t help but think
“Check out this girl,
Her farts don’t stink.”
61 · Jan 5
I happen to be
The most interesting subject
In my town
As boring as my life is
In reality
Someone imagines
I’m living it up
So crazily
And they want to
Knock me down
I suppose it’s a compliment
To be focus of so much attention
But I’d rather feel the insult
Of not even being mentioned
61 · Apr 2022
Lady Spell
You have the ladies
Falling about themselves
To tell you how great you are
And you patiently thank
And compliment back
Rewarding them
With something they lack
You wear it well
That Lady Spell
61 · Jul 2023
Hump jump
There is no way out
There is only a way through
We’re all on the path
I do not feel bad for you
You’ve got more than most
Talent and gumption
And the bravery to express it,
Get on with the pity party
And then get over it, too
**** goes all awry on your path
When you start feeling too bad for you
61 · May 2023
Better off
My daughter is so much more
Beautiful than me
And she looks like her father
In it’s way
For me to be able to say
61 · May 2023
Stepped in gum
You came at me
Like you thought I needed saving
I was wanting a roll in the hay
Maybe both of us were wrong
But it won’t go down
Either way
61 · Sep 24
The hinges upon which a maybe swings
Potential for any things
Sometimes, if one is really
Holding onto  what they want to see  
An unsaid no
Can almost be
A maybe
To someone who refuses to agree  
What obviously
Never will be
61 · Dec 2020
I'll write another poem for you
Really, that's all I can do
You are far, too far away
And that is where you're gonna stay
Maybe we will meet someday
If things go perfectly my way
But until that day
I'll still have my say
Though you won't hear it, anyway
61 · May 2023
Freedom is in the editing
I see your potential
Your feelings are raw
Spilling out unrefined
But relatable and true
I get the feeling you’ve been searching for
An identify
But before you find that
You need to set your poet free
Through editing
No matter how illogical
That be
61 · May 2023
Vague truth
Gender fluid
As much as anything can be
Countless times I’ve
An image in my mind
Of who the poet could be
And the true image
Is completely different
From what I used to see
But the perception of the inside who
Is close to true
61 · Feb 2023
Your birthday passed about
Two months ago
And I’m just only now
Remembering it
61 · Jul 2023
Butterflies love tears
But if I sat outside
They’d avoid me
No matter how many tears I cried
I’ve seen butterflies
Land right on a crocodile’s eyes
Sipping salty tears
But as for us human beings
Butterflies must think we cry weird
I wonder what it’s like to write a poem that trends
For weeks and weeks on end
People rolling their eyes
Thinking “this again!”
“Why in the heck does that poem still trend?”
And then, of course
It becomes a pain
For even the author
To try to justify
Why this poem keeps trending so high  
As much as it’s cool to be recognized
I don’t think I’d like it
Nobody wants to stick around so long
That they become a pain
60 · May 2023
The difference is I send my daughter
Current funny or fun pictures
From my phone
Throughout the day
Not considering the mess in the
Has ruined her whole day
I didn’t get hit in the face
With the mess the kids had made
I got to really be gone
60 · May 2023
You’re better than me
I want to take credit
How does a parent resist
Looking at their amazing kid
And thinking
I had a lot to do with this?
But then I suppose
Parents would have to take credit, too
For all the stupid ****
Their kids do
Or don’t do
And so, my beautiful daughter
You being perfect
Is all from you
60 · Jul 2023
Unassuming feast
I look to you for nourishment
Your presence feeds my soul
You are like grain
So unassuming
Yet absolutely vital
Soul nourishment
I don’t think you even know
You’re doing it
60 · Aug 2023
Make out rock
I want to take you there
Trees and bee hives
Lakes and frogs
And even one ******
Circle in the woods
Campfire in the ground
Thin streets of colonial towns
Five inch panes of glass
Mosaic for windows
Creaky pewed churches
Groaning under the weight of
Thousands of prayers
The peeking rock
Just above the water line
Bubbles past
Rock remains
Birds land
Thankful for a spot
In the middle of the action
Tiny fish collect in the shadow
Hiding from the sun
And everything
Lowest on the food chain
Beneath the rock
Safe remain
Highest on the chain
Above the rock
Sit on top
Eating picnic lunch
Jumping off
The rock is the make out spot
Plenty in town will confess
The rock was the spot of their first kiss
Too hott off the press
The girl is a mess
Very selective
In whom she will
With her
Beautiful mess
That man is worthy of nothing less
60 · Dec 2020
Ill mannered
And lazy
Poets get a bad rep
Many don't smoke
And many work hard
But most are just crazy
As heck
60 · Aug 2023
Lucky companions
I wonder where you go when you’re gone
I hope it’s somewhere you want to be
But that thought is so silly for me
You’re not the type to be wasting your
Precious time
Doing something begrudgingly
Wherever you go  
The people around you are very lucky
60 · Jul 2023
I could get preachy
About cleaning out the trash
But it’s not my garbage
And nobody here is mess-free
Including me
It must be something
I can’t even name
Never before feeling
Makes me still want you
When you’re wearing that dorky hat
60 · Aug 14
My Adonis
It could potentially be
The stuff of myth and mystery
But you’ve achieved that
You’re in chill mode
And here comes an overload
Sustained, reckless, brash
To deliver a swift kick in the ***
Passing gas
Passing gas
My Adonis
Bring it home
In rhythm and rhyme
60 · Aug 2023
Not saying yes
My loss of virginity is not something I look back on tormented
But it’s not a big moment for me
It was more taken, than lost
A boy, who I’d never choose to have *** with now
But he was a cool 16 year old
He. Me.  
And he just started and kept going
All because I didn’t get angry
And say a forceful enough “no”
Maybe I didn’t want to say no
Or else I would have
I don’t think of it as ****
Because we did it without me saying yes
I didn’t feel like I couldn’t say no
And afterwards we snuggled
Not saying no
Is not really the same thing as saying yes
And I wish I would’ve said no
But there were a thousand
Parts of my body, friendship circle, and
Environment that made saying yes
The normal thing to do
For what it’s worth
I’m glad I’m not a ******
So I don’t dwell
60 · May 2022
Using words
Or two
At a time
Per line
Has it’s place
I suppose
But none of it flows
It’s choppy
Pitter and Pattic
Walking up spiral steps
To reach a low attic
Sometimes it’s yep
Most times it’s a nope
But when it’s a yep
It can be really dope
Easy to read
Is not usually
The goal of poetry
60 · Nov 2020
Forced to Untrust
My mind is always brought to you
Something you would say
Or something you'd do
Take me to the days
When I did them with you
How could you be
So fun and sweet
Which makes it such a crime
That you lie all the time
I fleet and flit
My attention
Not much to speak
Yet you
You captivate me
60 · May 26
Coming warmth
Summer rising
Tshirts outside
Something special every year
The first time
60 · May 2023
Dirty treasure
You are knight-like
In your soul
With too many parts
Out of control
Wicked wild
Crazy and fun
Seat of your pants
Hide your galliance
***** treasure
60 · Mar 2022
I used to blame you
For who you pretended to be
But now I blame me
For who I wanted to see
60 · Sep 24
Time limits
I want to say
One day it will be too late
But that wouldn’t be true
I cannot imagine
There will be a date
I wouldn’t go running to you
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