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65 · Dec 2021
Screw up
Your reply to my complaint
"I'm used to insults"
And you assume this will make me
Feel sorry
While you play the poor me
Song, dance, and shlup
As if I'm supposed to feel badly for you
Because you're always ******* up
65 · Jan 12
Really done
It was over
Their relationship hit the skids
Long before they got out of it
He was the one who finally vocalized
Tensely, concerned for her pride
He took the blame
And pretended to be in lots of pain
Crying and saying how sorry he was
But they have to admit they’re not in love
And so
On it goes
A couple of days
And then she shows
On his job sites
Front yard middle of the nights
Friends’ houses
Friends’ mommas’ houses
Bar he occasionally goes
If he was somewhere
She was likely to show
And he pretended she wasn’t there
While she sat in some corner chair
Seemingly extremely interested in the menu
Or a poor patron , to serve as her tool
Who just wanted an excuse to move his stool
And after a few months of this
He finally called and said “cut the ****”
But all she heard was the phone ring
And his voice on the other end
And now she’s telling everybody
“Can you believe he is still calling me!?”
And now he’s back at square one
Because she won’t accept he’s really done
65 · Jun 2023
Old roses
You are an old soul
Beautiful and gentle
Trying to appear tough
Comfortable with the macho
And just beginning to accept
Sometimes you are weak
And that’s OK
You are showing layers of yourself
You’ve always hidden away
Unfolding like a blossom
May be
The bush remains
Buds and blossoms
Old souls
Blossom unexpected
The ancient rose suddenly shows herself in
Mostly when nobody sees
Off on the side
The rose, hidden by
The snow caught in the breeze
65 · Sep 9
Thot deep in thought
I went after you pretty hard
I put what I had in it
I don’t regret one feeling
Spoken or not
I go in for you hott
The thot deep in thought
Brought what she got
I wanna see your ugly
I wanna smell your stink
Show me the dry, cracked heels
You walk upon
Present the dirt under your fingernails
Blackheads, zits, and straight up ****
Blow ya nose into a napkin and show ya boogasnots
Display the ***** q-tip pulled from your ear
Ingrown toenail, weird hair
There’s gotta be imperfection there
65 · Dec 2021
It’s refreshing to see you
Finally saying how you really feel
Because we knew it all along
You pretended superiority
Demanded it, even
And proved yourself to be
Superior people
Don’t need to demand
To be recognized as superior
They just demonstrate what superiority is
Without caring to be recognized by
Less superior people
As such
Truly superior people are aspiring to
Recognition from their superiors
Not their subordinates
65 · May 28
This is me!
This right here
Is the rarest commodity
There’s never gonna be
Another ME
One of a kind
All throughout history
So it would be foolish to
Pretend to be
Some commonplace personality
Seen online or on TV
Altogether too frequently
But there is only one me
And, it is also true
There is only one you
And another
There never will be
A uniquely precious rarity
So, ROCK THAT ****
And be the youest you can be
Never offer an apology
Let the real you wild and free
If the you you are
Doesn’t hurt anybody
Wave your you flag determinedly
And celebrate when you see
Someone else say “this is me!”
65 · Jun 2023
Non-smoking asses
Neglecting to like
Isn’t really neglect
Pretending to like is the real neglect
It’s saying
“I approve of the not good you
more than I have to.”
And yes, it’s true
Even the not good you
Will do
Good enough
Is ok
But I’m not gonna like it
When you go that way
Friendship requires honesty
I won’t blow smoke up your ***
And you don’t do me
65 · Apr 2022
Good day, sir.
I fail to see
What you want me to see
We only just met
We're like on second three
But you think I wanna be
Arguing with you
Over a political party
And some hero you have
Who lacks dignity
You're already wrong
When your vibe is ******
And all you can do is throw insults at me
I have no time for your perceived
I'd prove you wrong
But you'd never believe
65 · Mar 20
Sad poetry
Deserved or not
Maybe a lifetime of this
Set far apart
Missing almost from the grid
Sort of solitary
Sad poetry
Written by me
It must be
Alone with only me
Writing sad poetry
Bumming you out
What’s the use?!
Sad poetry
64 · Jul 2023
Piece of peace
To keep the peace
I let you have a piece
And you kept that, too
It wasn’t worth the argument
To proclaim it didn’t really belong to you
For all your posturing delusions
I’m pretty sure you knew it, too
64 · Mar 2022
Uniquely you
The enigma of you
Contradictory in all you do
Smooth and gritty
Dumb and witty
Altogether  way too pretty
Awake while I dream
Full and empty, too
Light and dark
Fire and spark
So uniquely you
64 · Jul 2023
Tease me out a sweet sip
Put me on my knees
Let me lap
Little strokes
Here and there
Let me tingle you
Entice your skin to give it’s dew
And perk your pores up
All anew
64 · May 2023
She wrote a thousand poems of
Never naming names
Each man she knew
Thought he was the muse
Her inspiration light
Unlikely as it was
There’s a chance that he was right
64 · Aug 2023
Time capsule
I cannot imagine a ten year old American
Excited to watch a 1970s episode of
“The Price is Right”
But the average American
From 7 to old age
Found that show riveting in the 1970s
It’s only fault was it priced average items
Way too high
People had to guess the price of a jar of
Peanut butter (or whatever)
And the “manufacturer suggested retail”
Was always way higher than what it
Actually cost at the store
It’d be a trip to watch those shows now
And see how cheap things used to be
In the seventies
Even when they were pricing it as high
As they could
If God really liked humans best
We would be able to fly
Yeah, we’ve got these incredible brains
But God clearly loves birds more than you or I
64 · May 2023
Poetry Revolution
My wish is to bring about a
Poetry Revolution
Where the fight is brought
To the eternal battle
Knowledge over ignorance
Poets have the particular task
Of polishing off
Ignorance hiding as knowledge
In the perpetual
Poetry Revolution
Maybe my wish has already come true
Poets are the type to sneak up on you
Then speak up on you
There is yet to be a defense
Through time
From a burn in a poetry line
64 · May 2023
In the rough
A thousand times a day
Taken for granted
Thank you
Fill me up
With life
Big breath
Sometimes breath is all we count on
That is enough
In the rough
64 · Jul 15
I may be
But it brought him no joy
To get rid of me
64 · Jun 2021
Weathering storms
The house is made of wood
The family made of stone
Chips may fall
It will grind down
It may be gone
Depending upon
The storms
Or lack thereof
64 · May 2023
Pretty boy
Too beautiful to look at
To stay so mesmerizing
Seeing doesn’t work that way
But getting used
To looking at you
Takes longer than anyone else
I ever knew
64 · Sep 21
Muted muse
How can he not sing?  
Deny the beautiful offering
The silent voice that used to ring
Oh the feels that man will bring
When he remembers how to sing
64 · Jun 5
Hard work
It is a mission
Just to get there
64 · Aug 14
Almost something
Do you feel the maybes, why nots and what ifs?  
Are you anywhere near catching my drift?
Maybe I see
From my skewed point of view
Almost something from you
Pretty privilege
Is ******* by ***** privilege
Which can make up for lots of
If you’ve got big enough *******
The rest of you can be a mess
63 · Apr 13
Virgin geek
Your tendency to overshare
You call “keeping it real,”
But there’s plenty we don’t need to know
Like how on your bio
You mention your fetish for cold steel
Between your **** cheeks
And call yourself a gun freak
Which in your case
Is just another way
Of calling yourself a ****** geek
63 · Aug 2023
Unbeautiful parts
I feel defeated
By my own need
To be noticed or readed
If I could settle for being obscure
I’d surely have a more peaceful world
But here I am writing this poetry
And it hurts my soul when nobody cares to see
I love these poems
They’re part of me
Not as beautiful as I wish they could be
63 · May 2023
Pride is earned, not won
A history of subjugation
Via impossible circumstance
Is not a negative
It is pride
To have survived intolerable
Brought about
Against your control
Having slaves for ancestors
Only means
You had some badass ancestors
Who thrived in intolerable
63 · Aug 2023
Spring time
He’s the type to encourage me
When I’m feeling all pretty and strutting my ***
He likes a proud woman
Filled up with cinnamon
And sassafras
Women blossom
Around him
He’s surely a worker bee
I feel my bud opening
Awaiting him to lay some work on me
63 · Apr 2022
They call her “**** tease”
Because she is flirtatious
For two seconds
Without wanting
A night long commitment
It’s her fault that they
Got their *****
Ahead of reality
“I was thinking with the little head”
They say
To excuse stupidity
But somehow she
Bears some responsibility
63 · May 26
However it goes down
It won’t be said
I didn’t try
While she lays sleeping
I stay out late at night and play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it's good when I finally make it home, all alone
While she lays dreaming
I try to get undressed without the light
And quietly she says, "How was your night?"
And I come to her and say
"It was all right, " and I hold her tight
And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night
If my song is right
I will find a way
Find a way
While she lays waiting
I stumble to the kitchen for a bite
Then I see my old guitar in the night
Just waiting for me like a secret friend
And there's no end while she lays crying
I fumble with a melody or two
And I'm torn between the things that I should do
And she says to wake her up when I am through
God, her love is true
And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night
If my song is right
I will find a way
While she waits
While she waits
For me
63 · May 19
It is alarming to see
How many unlocked doors
Are cloaked with invisibility
Hey, look me over
Tell me, do you like what you see?
Hey, I ain’t got no money
But honey, I’m rich on personality
Hey, check it all out
Baby, I know what it’s all about
Before the night is through
You will see my point of view
Even if I have to scream and shout
Oh baby, I’m a star
Might not know it now
Baby I’ll try harder
I don’t want to stop, til I reach the top
Hey, take a listen
Tell me do you like what you hear?
And if it don’t turn you on
Just say the word, and I’m gone
But honey, I know ain’t nothing wrong with your ears
Hey, check it all out
Better look now or it just might be too late
My luck’s gonna change tonight
There’s gotta be a better life
Take a picture, sweetie, I ain’t got time to waste
63 · Apr 2022
Disagreeable Stranger
Angry stranger
Who hates me
Because I don't agree
Coming from nowhere
Into my area
To attack me
Because I don't agree
But maybe it could be
If you bothered to look you'd  see
The problem for you is you
And not me
But you probably wouldn't see
Nobody wants to be
The problem
But you're so angry
You can't help but be
63 · May 2023
Spark of creation
Like honey
Does not go rotten
63 · May 17
Peas and carrots
She brings it to him
All over the table
Hodgepodge arrangement
Completely unstable
Yet true
And honest of what it be
No pretentions
Lots of dreams
When dreams, pretension seems
63 · Mar 2022
Busy God
She told me to pray
It is some kind of cure-all
At least according to some
Who suffer through whatever it is
While praising the one
They think gave it to them
Because He can take it away
If they only remember to pray
Wouldn't it be perfect
If it really worked that way?
Maybe if God was a girl
We'd get a lot more of what we're asking
Clearly we need a God
Better at multitasking
63 · Aug 14
Don’t you, though?
A glorious past
It’s certainly enough
To be great
And you don’t want to become what you
But I know in my heart you are better
Than that
Greater than a limit creator
Upon yourself
But all of us, too
You can’t be fresh and new
Get ova yaself, Boo
Youth fades
Wisdom  rains, reigns and reins
Don’t you got something else to say?
63 · Jun 2023
I pretend you wrote that poem for me
Though I know
It couldn’t be
But in my life
Maybe someday
I can inspire someone as special as you
To feel that way
63 · May 10
Cost of loss
Both in front
And behind
What you didn’t know you didn’t have
You never will find
What you had and let go
Lost throughout time
Before you had good sense to see
The treasure it be
Losing’s done so cheaply
But it is never free
63 · Jan 2022
He threatens with his absence
Torturous for you
When he's gone
You muddle on
Barely getting through
You obsess and cry all day
His insensitive social media page
Goes on, happily, alone
Leaving you to atone
Because you've committed some
Unknowable sin
Or maybe failed to worship him
You're begging now
To be let back in
So you can start it all over again
63 · Aug 2023
Slow suicides
I cannot answer your calls
You are no longer wild and crazy and fun
Now you are just wild and crazy
Looking for something to serve as a gun
So you can pretend you didn’t pull the
They are all around
And you pull every one
On all those imaginary guns
Slow suicide
Painfully slow
Sometimes I wish you’d just hurry up and go
62 · May 2023
Fluttering my eyelashes
He caught my attention
With honorable mention
I was looking the other way
But land sakes alive
I’m feeling his vibe
And I’m hoping he’s here to stay
Strangers in a crowd
Eyes to smiles
What if?
Or best if not
Not a nothing
Between strangers in a crowd
62 · May 2023
Lonely poems
What of all the poems I pen
Nobody cares to read?  
Dropped by me on airwaves
In the hopes to plant a seed

Abandoned to the mass

Do they matter less?  
Whether poems get lonely
Is anybody’s guess
I know it when I see it
Trust my own voice
Which means also
Trusting you
Fortunate signs
As read by a skeptic
62 · Nov 2022
Oxy Moron
How can it possibly
That you are so **** beautiful to look at
Yet so uninteresting to watch?
You ride in the middle of the road
Every direction you go
Takes you nowhere but coasting
All downhill for you
Which is probably why
You have not much to contribute
It’s enough, though to sail
The fair winds forever
Most of us wish we could
Uninteresting it may be
A life that is too easy
Would certainly be
The choice of me
62 · Aug 29
Hearing things
All the things you never said
Sit inside my head
Unspoken almost token
Of what should have been
Yet never was
Could it be the voices
In my head
Are broken?
Or is it the voice you speak with
That is choking?
Maybe both of us are the cause
Ain’t either one of us lacking flaws
But everyone with common sense and eyes to see
Can ascertain quite easily
The problem surely rests in me
With eyes that think they can hear,
And ears that think they can see
62 · Sep 2021
Mutha F***a!
I'm not ready to talk
Just yet
Still so angry
Wishing we'd never met
One day
Some day
I may be able to forget
Or at least forgive
But it ain't that day yet
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