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77 · Feb 2021
Set in stone
So fluid too
Sometimes it flies
Some days drag on
But no matter what the day will do
Time is the same
And the difference is you
77 · Aug 2023
As close as it gets
You’re not perfect
But you know that
Which makes you more perfect than most
Guys who come close

Thus far
I haven’t noticed
That you’re not perfect
But reason and sanity say it must be true
The first one to tell me you are imperfect
Would most certainly be you
77 · May 2022
Life is tuff
Your biggest gripe with the world
Is that you’re not permitted
To walk your dog on the beach
And yet
There you are
77 · Jun 24
What it takes
How do you stay grounded and sane
When you’re the best
And it’s been that way
Barely a contest
Everyone bows
Tell you you’re great
Repeating every line you say
Going so far out of their way
For a sliver of attention
You may, or may not pay
But either way
They will say
A repeat of some fake fantasy
That you and they
Jammed and played
And now they claim to know you
And you’re like “what the heck is that one’s name?”
But you play the game
Smiling and nodding and many
Hand shakes
So much work
And Fuckery and Fakes
To build up a legend
But that’s what it takes
77 · May 2023
After I’m done
I’m seeking the staying power.
I’ve got blips of success
But celebrated
Maybe it’s thousands
Maybe it’s one
I hope something stays
After I’m done
77 · May 2023
Broken heart burden
You didn’t have anything to do with it
You’re not the guy she’s trying to forget
But you carry his burden, too
That broken heart he left for you
You’ve left a few burdens, too
Had a couple left for you
Burden chain
We’re all a link
Some more than a few
Each of those links
Have their burdens too
77 · May 2023
My weakness is people who feel sorry for themselves
I don’t like to see it in me
It annoys me in others
I also dislike those
Who don’t appreciate their blessings
When they are particularly
The particularity
Of it all
Blessings are not overly
About who they visit
77 · Aug 23
Cranberry Farmer
Beautiful human being
Too ******* yourself
Turmoil from every direction
Losing the will to cope
Let me offer you mine
Take some of mine
You darling person
You deserve it
77 · Jul 2022
The biggest questions
The age old questions
Upon which nobody can agree
Most always seem so simple to me
And probably everybody
It seems so obvious
That those who can’t see
Seem to be ignorant willfully
But they probably think
The same about me
77 · May 2023
What could’ve been
Would never apply to us
You’d have to be a different person
77 · Aug 2023
Device hogs
We’ve got Dino Dana on the big tv
For no other reason than to control me
And something only a kid wants to see
On every electronic there could possible be
One pad with Cocomelon
The other with some kind of ant cartoon
Two kids
Every device in this house
I’m hiding under the covers on this phone
Because there’s surely some princess show
The little one wants to see
For no other reason than to maintain
Massive control
Over me
77 · May 2022
Problem solved?
Racial tension and injustice
Answered by the internet
With hundreds of memes
Of old white guys
Teaching young black guys
How to tie ties
Well now
That makes everything all right
It’s not like they’re  really
Sending the message
Black kids have no father
Or social grace
And some white guy needs to
Step in to replace
77 · May 2023
I found me another muse
Gems upon this path
And I stay in his pocket too
77 · Apr 2022
At first
I thought writing poetry was personal
My feelings
Just mine
Written and brought out
But now I see it’s
Really got nothing to do with me
It’s the reader who feels it
That makes it poetry
77 · Aug 2023
Political disco pants
The political climate
Is unbelievable
It’s so filled with irony
And hypocrisy
And blindness to the nth degree
Some people….some real whack jobs
Say the whackadeeisticest ****
And a bunch of other people are
Egging it on, pumping up
Entertainment value
Like letting the village idiot put on a show
Everyone there knows it’s an idiot display
Except for the idiot
And the people cheer and turn it on
To watch the idiot prance and dance
In the shiny disco pants
77 · May 26
You and I
Fo Eva Eva
Via Via
This poemonia
77 · Apr 12
If I didn’t know better
I’d assume she wanted the pain
She keeps grabbing the hot ***
By anything but the handle
She uses her finger to put out the candle
Melted wax
Dries on her hands
Leaving it’s fake skin behind
And she picks it off
Complains about it
And repeats it every time
She wears flip flops in the snow
Complains her feet are cold
She refuses to freeze any leftovers
And ******* when they get mold
It’s hard to be around her
Her game is getting old
Her friends are looking at their hands
And thinking they should fold
76 · Mar 2023
Want to waste
I am the opposite of you
You use twenty words
When only ten would do
Free donut off the cart?
You will take two
Throw one in the trash uneaten
That’s what you like to do
You’d rather take too much
Than risk having just enough
Wasteful habits feel a lot like
Wealth to a show off
All your stuff
If you don’t need it
It is a luxury
But really, you’re just wasteful
And it’s something we all see
76 · May 2023
Bozo ascends
As she was
By all the things
He had commonly
Stood out about
He rose higher
And stood out more
Many an otherwise
Unimpressed girl
Brought about
In some bozo on the bus
Still on for the stop
The spark which started the fire in he
76 · Jul 2023
Tortured poet
The heartbreak
For me
In writing poetry
Is in loving poems
So much
That nobody else cares to see
I visit them
My underloved poems
Nobody else cares to see
I don’t suffer from writing them
I suffer from setting them free
76 · Dec 2020
Where you find it
Sometimes I forget
The difference between
The slip in a fortune cookie
And poetry
76 · May 2023
Busted wagons
Neglect precedes
Busted wagons mostly go downhill
And often driverless
But sometimes
Depending what passenger do
Busted wagons have been
Known to come through
76 · Jan 2023
Homage DeShane
I want to write you a poem
But I'm not up to the task
I can't come up with perfection
Just cuz I asked
You’re so amazing
You deserve nothing less
I can't give perfection
Only my best
The world should know
About your valiant soul
Your gentle nature
Yet down to roll
Loyalty, and honest too
I can trust it
If it came from you
76 · May 2022
New mom
I see you dangling there
At the end of your rope
Holding on for easier times
Holding on for hope
They will come
As they tend to do
I wish I could make it easy for you
But if you put the work in

I promise it's worth it
76 · Aug 15
He’s ***** deep
In all of this
Losing sleep
Looking at me
That is what I want to see
76 · Mar 2022
Revenge of the poet
I’ll use my words to cut you down
Behind your back
When you’re not around
I’ll give you anonymity
Which is more than you have
Done for me
My burns last longer
Hello sir
I am new here
Still learning my way
Can you direct me towards the
I’ve brought my **** and bull
Carrying the junk
My fuckit bucket
Is full
76 · Aug 17
Flight fight
On this journey with no end in sight
And I can’t figure out
Whether to turn left or turn right
Or turn back
On what may be a futile fight
Long, lonely night
Trying to see a little bit of light
With all of my might
I ain’t got the right
To ask you to help me take flight
76 · Aug 2023
Voodoo (by Godsmack)
I’m not the one who’s so far away
When I feel the snakebite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don’t remember why I came
Candles raise my desire
Why I’m so far away
No more meaning to my life
No more reason to stay
Freezing feeling
Breathe in
I’m coming back again
Hazing clouds rain on my head
Empty thoughts fill my ears
Find my shade by the moonlight
Why my thoughts aren’t so clear
Demons dreaming
Breathe in
I’m coming back again
I been through some ****
Soul crushing, unbelievable
“How the hell did you get through it?”
Type ****
But I did get through
Past and over
You won’t see or hear me
Use it as a sob story
Or a crutch
Or a “this is why I **** up so much”
I **** up plenty
Surely do
But each **** up is something new
Not because of damage to
My ego or psyche over what I’ve been through
All that made me stronger
Evolved courageous
Unstoppable baddass is me
No crying about what should have been
Or didn’t happen
Or how much better it used to be
It’s possible to go through lots of ****
And still wind up happy
76 · May 2023
It’s not the coulda woulda shouldas
That get to me
It’s the couldn’ta wouldn’ta and shouldn’tas
That I dwell on
76 · Mar 2022
Reluctant fans
Do we care about the people we hate
More than we care for those
We love?
We seem to pay them more
Particularly when we can find a
To hate with
And commence the circle ****
Of insults
That get increasingly crass
Or the stories
Increasingly daft
Before you know it
The one you hate
Is eating babies.
Or pretending to have them
And you don’t know
What your loved one
Ate for breakfast
76 · Dec 2023
Cut the shit, Bozo
My family will not participate
When I make excuses for myself
I love them for that
76 · Jul 14
It’s not a big thing
But it stopped a big thing
Which previously
I thought no thing could be
The thorn and the crown
The “**** girl, you let yaself down”
The “when and if he comes back around
He may listen, but he won’t believe”
The girl who apparently
Got cheap tricks up her sleeve
He ain’t missing nothing
Smartest to leave
75 · Jul 2023
As far as you know
As far as you know
I’ve forgotten you
And pay no attention
To whatever you do
As far as you know
I’m in non-you bliss
Glad you are gone
But bliss don’t feel like this
As far as you know
I’m beyond moving on
But the truth is
That road to healing is long
As far as you know
You’re a nonentity
No part of my life
And you never will be
But as far as I know
I miss the good times
When you were sweet
And loving and fine
As far as I know
You are a disease
That I just cannot seem to cure
But one thing I know
I’ll never tell you I love you
And of that, you can be sure
75 · Jun 2023
Swine before pearls
She said to me
“I hope his ex girlfriend is so ugly.”
That would not be my wish
To have stolen a pearl from a swine
I want my pearl to be
Pearl infused
A history surrounded
By beautiful things
And still
It’s my necklace he graces
Despite the choice
Of all those pretty faces
75 · Jan 7
I wear my desperation for him
On my sleeve
On my legs
On my chest
And all over me
I put up no illusions
Of how I hope it to be
Plenty of delusions
And nutty dreams
I carry with me
And show them to him
I am the “crazy”  lady
He knows he can believe
Lusting for him
And writing him poetry
75 · Jul 17
What will I tell God
What will I tell God
If He lets me in
To Heaven?
Should I apologize
For my worship of a mere man?
Confess all my sins
Which He already knows
Were they a part of His plan?  
And if that truth be
Shouldn’t He be apologizing
To me?
75 · Aug 2023
King me
I wanna laugh so hard til my belly hurts
I wanna order a sundae complete with the works
I wanna get tan lines on every inch of my skin
I surely wanna dance and sing
I wanna run to the top of the hill
And proclaim “I AM KING”
But since I’m a girl
I can’t do everything
75 · Mar 2022
Walkin’ the Beat
My dreams are not bigger than my abilities
But still out of reach
I am probably lying to myself
Maybe we all are
I like to think I could be great
If the opportunity arose
But greatness is likely
More drive
Than ability
And when driving
I tend to get lost in the music
Greatness gets found
I suppose
75 · Aug 2023
My muse keeps taking off on me
Now I’m writing bipolar poetry
When he’s around, it’s flowy and free
But when he’s gone
It’s stuff I don’t like to see
So I need a new muse
But how does one get one at will?
Is there some sort of muse application
To find a replacement
Or do I need to wait for a cosmic event?
Are muses found
Or are they Heaven sent?
I surely know they can be lost
No idea where mine went
Please apply for the job of muse
If you’re also perfect and smart
Clever and romantic
Full of grit, and also heart
And can speak right to my soul
You might be the person to fill this role
How do you tell someone
“That seems like the first draft”
When they feel like the thing is done?
75 · Feb 2021
Petty me
You have a power over me
The power to annoy
You just hit an
Uncomfortable chord
And as strange as it may seem
That whiny twang
Is still necessary
To remind the ego in me
That I am faulted, and so petty
75 · May 2023
I have yet to master the talent of
Holding my tongue
75 · Apr 2023
The last cockroach
What would happen if cockroaches suddenly became an endangered species
Rare and hardly ever seen
When the last cockroach infested house
Is found
Would that be the most celebrated
Place in town?
74 · Feb 2023
Great Weight
I wish I had it in me
To be great
And to shine
And create something memorable
On purpose
And to know it
The creation of something memorable
By memorable people
And what that feels like
But I don’t have it in me
The ability to bear the weight
Of being great
74 · Jan 2023
Right turns
Keep to the right
You know the way
Lonely night
Long day
When right is sometimes
The solitary way
74 · May 2023
Random bird outside
Amidst the chatter
Sings a glorious song
No other bird
Could’ve sung along
74 · Jul 25
We don’t talk
About the sweet spot
But we know that it is there
Hit occasionally
Like an ****** through the air
He need put in no effort to ring my bell
It’s just a matter of being himself
74 · Apr 2022
All of the stories are about the exceptional
Half are better
Half are worse
But nobody is interested
In the mediocre
Which is ironic
Since most of us can identify
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