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Dec 2020 · 104
Khanza Dec 2020
Say if you are happy
Say if you are sad
Say if you are disappointed
Say if you are angry

With your silence
Trust me it won't solve anything
You too will be confused
Likewise with your opponent

Should you cry if you are sad?
Should you cry if you're happy?
Should you cry when you get angry?
You are just an ordinary human

Realize all humans experience it all, so be happy
Show your feelings, everything will be fine
Dec 2020 · 92
Khanza Dec 2020

Are you happy tonight?
Are you happy this second?
Are you happy with your life today?
How about tomorrow and beyond?

The thing that you shouldn't regret is when you are chasing something without realizing that time flies so fast

Has your dream come true?
Have you reached your destination?
How are you feeling right now?
Are you really happy?
Dec 2020 · 125
Selection (Eng Ver)
Khanza Dec 2020
A consequence that must be faced when undergoing love.
If you don't want to feel deep pain don't love someone so deeply.

Trouble choosing when the long gone begin to come back as if the new ones were just a show for a moment

But your mind realizes that choosing is a difficult choice for the rest of your life is like separating a cactus from its thorns.

I hope you don't make the wrong choice, don't be rushed or late because all there are consequences that you have to face all your life.
Nov 2019 · 131
Khanza Nov 2019
Sebuah konsekuen yang harus dihadapi ketika menjalani cinta.
Jika tidak ingin merasakan sakit yang mendalam janganlah engkau mencintai seseorang begitu dalam.

Kesusahan hati memilih ketika yang sudah lama pergi mulai datang kembali seolah yang baru hanyalah pajangan untuk sesaat

Tetapi pikiranmu sadar bahwa memilih adalah pilihan sulit seumur hidupmu seperti sedang memisahkan sebuah kaktus dengan durinya.

Kuharap engkau jangan sampai salah memilih , jangan terburu-buru ataupun terlambat karena semua ada konsekuen yang harus Dihadapi seumur hidupmu.

— The End —