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When my youngest brother was born,
I was angry at him before he'd uttered a word.
I was as furious as a little six year old could be,
because he turned out to not be a girl.
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                            tweet tweet  EYE   tweet tweet
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                      beak beak  tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
             beak beak beak   tweet tweet  tweet  tweet tweet
  beak  beak  beak  beak  tweet tweet  tweet tweet tweet
          beak  beak  beak   tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
                  beak beak  tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
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                                    neck neck neck neck
                                       neck  neck  neck
                                        neck neck neck
                                        neck neck neck
© 2012 - giving this a try...
I’m letting you go
But this will be the last time
You see, I let you go once before
I did just like they said
If you love something set them free
If it comes back then it loves thee
You came back
You love me too?
I can’t answer that and neither can you
You returned to me, yet again
But she was still with you
You returned to me yet again with promises of love that would’t end
And I a fool believed in you
But can I really blame you?
I’ll let you go
One more time
For myself
So  can try to learn all over again to be happy
Without you…
I don’t think it possible now
But all my friends do
So this is my last piece of writing to you
This is goodbye
This is I’ll never forget you
This is you’ll always have a place in my heart
And this is...
I love you
for the last time
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
She doesn’t move
when she thinks about him.
His thoughts consume her thoughts and
render her motionless.
She can’t cry when she thinks
about the time together they will never have ,
because how can you miss
something you don’t even know?
How can you lose
something you never even had?
The distance so far
I just met you
These feelings for you
I just met you
I cant fight them
I just met you
But, i like you.
My soul is yellow
It taste like a burst of sunshine
It sounds like laughter of children
It smells like the sour taste of a lemon with sweet strawberry
It looks bright fireworks in the night
It makes me feel like running through a flowery field,
It makes me feel...FREE
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