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So you want to be rich?
                              You'd like to rule?
                                                     Nothing is better, nothing more cool.
It's really quite simple
Just ignore your heart
                                                Release your greed
March as though
                                      own the place
Talk as though
                                       know it all
When someone sobs
                                         someone shirks
Tear them.
                .  down

Or go berserk!

You know I'm right
You know it's true
Who needs
Being a ****
                                put you above
Girl after girl
                                  chase after you
Simply pretend
                                    know what to do
Want something done?
get THEM to do
                                      The world was made
                                       to be rearranged
Money. Wealth.
                                         and Power.
Will satisfy
                                       every hour
      You'd rather be warm?
                                  You'd rather care?
Good luck my friend.
                              The world is unfair.
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
Yeah, come over for dinner
It had been such a long time
Since I had seen other people
I have been a creature of solitude
These past months and I had
Wrestled in my mind with
Death and the fire

I was restless I guess
Not nervous
As I knock on the door
Your wife answers
She's hardly past twenty
Her hair is red and blue eyes

I could die there on the doorstep
But I enter and tell jokes
It is easy to make her laugh
I think She had
a glass of wine
before I arrived

You and I talk about
Nothing in particular
You play music and
I sit on the carpet smoking
a ciggarette
as your wife
picks up
my glass
and fills it to the brim

it has been a long time
Her shirt
came up the slightest bit

then suddenly the room
is smaller
and you pass me the pipe
Your wife sits across from me
I can't help but watch her breathe
The inhale is exquisite
Machined so perfectly
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
B cup
C cup
but D cup, the better.

A nip,
a tuck—
reverse the clock.

For beauty’s the past,
and beauty’s the young.

reupholster the fruit of the womb
and iron the sags low.
Recapture the past glow,
for after all,
the future is wherever you don’t exist yet.;=1353822133&sr;=8-1&keywords;=olaf+last+king+of+nothing
He is after us
We cant get away
We think we do
But he shows back up
He gets hit by a car
Gets up
Chasing us
He wants us dead
We want him dead
Cold steel enters my skin
Nice try
Not deep enough
I steal the knife
Living autopsy
I cut right down his sternum
****** fluids hit my face
Stomach acid
We run away
He gets up
Who is this man?
What does he want?
I am not dying today
She is not dying today
Another man shows up
Help has arrived
He pours water in my hair
Splash it on them
"The power of christ compells you"
He is weakened
Living autopsy yet again
I pour the water in him
He has been defeated
She is safe
I am alive
All are happy
I wake up
*It was all a dream
All started when I closed my eyes..

Not again

Walking back from school, from hanging with the guys..

Heard a noise, it was not good

A little frightened, as I should

Turned a little, looked in the corner of my eye

Cursed with all the french I could get by

I saw a shadow, I saw another, and another..


Continue to stare in front of me,

I start to walk faster,

Hopefully they don't become a bother..

Then, to my dismay

I heard them,

Oh god, I want to be okay

My pace then turned into a slight jog..

Footsteps I kept hearing, behind my jog..

Then their voices became louder



I then start to sprint, to run as fast as I can..

My backpack became a bog..

I turned a corner, all three following

I tripped, I fell..

Landed on my leg, it didn't hurt, but I screamed

The shadows were right above me now

I didn't get away..

But they just stood there, looking down at me

I was now amazed on how alive I became to be..

At this moment

I realized how important my life was to me..

The people in it, my friends

One shadow disappeared..

My family..

Another disappeared..

My world..

The third drifted away..

I am still alive

My eyes finally opened..

Laying in a hospital bed..

20 lacerations, one close to my heart

"This is such a miracle, you are still alive"
Think about it.
You build me up,
Then break me down,
Your nice to my face,
But a ***** behind my back,
You say your here to stay,
Then get up and walk away,
You say we are best friends,
But then you treat me like i'm dirt,
But over all i'm the stupid one for staying this long and putting up with all your moods, lies and plain old *******.
Now i don't give a **** what you say or think about me,
I don't care what you do,
Your not my mother and you certainly do not own me,
From now on i'm me and who I want to be,
And you can go jump in a lake if you think i'm changing for you ever again cos all it causes is hurt, pain and confusion!
The morning you left
You gave just one tear.
It didn't even make it down your face.
My hair was the catcher,
And there I will let you
Seep slowly into my brain.
Loving you, I see you shine through life everyday. i see you and your precious face, So pale and porcelain, but what i don't understand is how you could be so perfect and i could be so... not. Tragedy happens to the best of us but why does it happen to me? i understand why it happens to you, it is because no one, not even me, is as perfect as you, But what i need to know most is if you can hang on, i need you to believe, i am searching for that perfection within myself, i am so sorry that it took so long, I just don't want you to know me as someone who has wasted your time, i don't want things to end and i don't want you to feel like i am asking a lot out of you, i am so imperfect that i need someone as perfect as you to help me seek the better sides of me, my better sides have never shined around any one but you, even then did i lack the full ability to be your perfect, i can't seem to make things better but i really am trying, i have been trying so hard lately and you saw it, i knew i couldn't lie to you any longer, so i told you the truth, but i numbed you, i hurt you, and that is a side of me that i never ever want to see again, i want to make things better for you, and for myself, I see who you are, I know how fragile you have become, Even though i may not have been myself back then you still saw me, you had faith in me, you told me i was strong, but i wasn't, i was so weak to the point where only time could fix things. I am truly glad though, that i had the courage to tell the truth after so many lies, i was strong and you were stronger, I want to be able to tell you the truth from now on, because you deserve it, you deserve it more than anything in the world, You deserve someone to love you through everything, through thick and thin, although you don't make as many mistakes as i do, you still deserve it, In many ways you will always be more mature than I, but as you should know, I am much more mature than most my age. You will always be my perfection. I will always be  your imperfection.
My heart
Will be yours
The day i can hold you
Thats what i tell myself
I fear it will be before
I love that it may be before
You are so perfect
You are so sweet
You are so...
My feelings i can not fight
You are so amazing
I never know what to expect from you
Every day a new thing learned
As it should be
So many messages between us
So many more to come
The smile upon my face
As i see it is you messaging
Knowing you smile when you see its me
Could this be?
Can this be?
One day we will know
One day
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