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 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
My momma dont know that i have a secret
if i share are you gonna be able to keep it
just so you know i dont regret it
the pieces of this secret just seemed to fit

im on here with out my mommas permission
im on here to get a little recognition
i am here to receive my mission
to me writing is no competition

it is my love and compassion
this is how i sort out my depression
but if you ask me i have no talent
how do u like my confession
My mom doesn't know about any of my poetry accounts.
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
everything seems better when he is around
i would visit him if i was allowed
let him hold me when times are rough
hopefully no fights would erupt

he makes my day brighter
he is a fighter
he will be there to make you happy when you are down
there is no reason to frown

his smile lights up the sky
little kids believe they can fly
there is no doubt in my mind that i love him
the first day i met him... i have loved him ever since
It’s happening again,
someone is reaching up my arm
towards my sleeve.
Running her fingers over all
the scars and battle wounds.
Wondering why I even
keep it there.
I run my fingers though
her soft golden hair,
and whisper,
“Cause I was waiting
for you.”
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
A Machele
for every child that doesnt get hugged
for every wife that doesnt get loved
for every student who doesnt get praised
for every worker who doesnt get raised
for ever father who gets left in the dust
for every friend who turns into rust
for every girlfriend who ever gets played
for every pet who gets given away
for every grandparent who ends up forgotten
for every employer who the system has gotten
for every country who loses the war
for every citizen who fights for more
for every fish that gets lost in the sea
you're not alone, you've got me

fort myers fl
You make me feel
so small
so uniportant
with the words you yell at me
always swirling inside my head
telling me how much
i do not deserve
to be alive
to live this life of love
You make me feel so weak
so powerless
but i always run back to you
because of one thing
When a woman is *****
She hides from the cynical eyes.
I went to work
Made idle chitchat
Wrote copays.
Most women avoid ***
And cringe at the thought of *******.
I take part in *** compulsively
Crave male attention
I'm engaged nearly every night.
Some go to meetings
To share their struggles.
I don't want to hear your problems
Do not wish to share my own
I offer no support nor input.
**** victims are fragile
They break fairly easily.
I do not break
Nor do I crack
I just am.
I do not fit the description
Of victim nor survivor.
I question myself daily
Was it ****
Or an overreaction?
Most women cry
They seek comfort
They long for understanding
And justice.
I do not.
Am I a victim too?
A survivor?
Copyright 2010  Katie Doodle - All Rights Reserved
 Nov 2012 Sunshine Girl
Not so much vulnerability as
          wide-open hearts because
     ten years from now we'll look back at
                   where we are and note the
                                 change in what's around
                                                with a smile, if I have
                                                            ­     anything at all to
                                                                ­                 say about life

that's right.
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
     universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
     in the universe.
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