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Gabriel Mallory Nov 2020
Forget everything I said
I’ll be alone until I’m dead
The voice in my head was right all along
The bottom of this bottle is where I belong
It’s about time I stepped on the brakes
About time I gave my heart a break
My minds a dark place but I feel safe there
Sure it hurts but at least I’ll be aware
I know where the pain is hitting
I torture myself and it’s fitting
I deserve all the hate I get
Tried against my odds and lost the bet
When I hear your name part of me shatters
you’re happy and that’s all that matters
you made me feel whole again
but now my heart has hardened
i wish i wasn’t so in love with you
especially when you text out the blue
i get happy to know you still need to use me
and i’ll go wherever you need me to go
i’d tell you anything you’d want to know
i would do whatever it was you asked of me
show you the flaws of my history
i’d be there and i’d do that
do anything to have your back
but you’re better off without me here
no one cares to wipe my tears
i’ll only start to make things worse
and this is why love’s a curse
Gabriel Mallory Nov 2020
Some things are better left alone
some days i’m better off my phone
waiting for that text that’ll never come
back’s against the wall i refuse to run
i’ve run from so many problems in the past
i told myself that she’d be the last
and so she was, the last person i truly loved
can’t remember the last time i was hugged
i feel so empty and broken inside
last time i think i actually died
nothings been the same since that attempt
maybe that’s why i always feel contempt
tell me you hate me, hit me as i cry on the floor
don’t stop if you see blood, hit me some more
this is what i told you i deserve
there’s a part of me that you’ll always reserve
which means i’ll never be happy again
i’ll never feel the way i did when i was ten
once i turned eleven you showed up
i took you in like i would a lost pup
except you knew exactly where you were
you’re the cause of this pain i endure
you make me tired when i’m wide awake
you’re the reason i want to drown in a lake
i don’t know how much more i can take
even if i heal it won’t be long before i break
don’t you see old friend, i’ve given up already
shaking as i type there’s no way to keep steady
breathing’s uneasy
stomach’s feeling queasy
blade in my hand, i’m prepared for the end
congrats depression, you’ve won old friend
Gabriel Mallory Oct 2020
I gave you my damaged heart
Trusted you, but you tore it apart
In the corner thinking in the dark
Stabbed me deep, you really hit the mark
I don’t want you on my mind
Never knew love would be so hard to find
You put me in the mood to get wasted
I’ll never forget the way your breath tasted
The little noises you make while you sleep
Cuddling while we listen to Lil Peep
I know you don’t mean it but you tear me apart
We knew it wasn’t a good idea from the start
I’m sorry I caught these stupid feelings
Wish we could go back to the beginning
Avoid any complications and just stay friends
I hope it doesn’t but I’m scared of how this ends
I break my heart and you hurt my head
Can’t shake the feeling that I’m better off dead
The thought of losing you absolutely breaks me
Maybe that’s the way it has to be
I’m just not good for anyone
If only I could’ve gotten the job done
Maybe the world would be a better place
Hating myself while tears go down my face
I know this situation is all my fault
Think it’s time to just store my heart in a vault
Throw it in the cold bottom of a lake
Hope no one finds it for their sake
And here I am turning my pain into art
Don’t feel bad, I’m the one who tears me apart
Gabriel Mallory Oct 2020
Sometimes I forget how young you are
Crazy you’re my best friend yet you live so far
You meet people in the weirdest ways
Back on zombies on bo4 I’ll never forget the days
Friendship started cause of a YouTube comment
And it doesn’t matter where our dads went
You’ve been a huge part of my life
I plan to be there the day you marry your wife
Which lets be honest it’s gonna be Amelia
Hopefully she never becomes like Sheila
But seriously you two are perfect together
I’ve got no doubt you two will last forever
She knows if she hurts you I’ll be on my way
Never find the body far away from the bay
Or maybe 6 ft beneath the ground
Okay enough messing around
Thank you kris for always sticking around
October 10th a king was crowned
Might be an ocean away but you’re my bro bro
Even if you’re short and look like my big toe
You might not be the best player ever right
You’ll always be my dude for Dead by Daylight
It’s always a wave of emotions when we play
Like will we scream, laugh, or both today
I’ll be here to keep your playlist updated
You’re a human who will never be hated
Genuinely one of the best people I know
Even if sometimes you act like a (you know)
I hope today you have an amazing time
Like youngboy, boy you my slime
My brother you’ll always have my trust
Unless we’re playing among us
Swear you’ve stabbed me in the back too much
It’s okay cause sometimes you come in clutch
I don’t know what else to say
Except you ugly kiddo HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Gabriel Mallory Oct 2020
It’s dark and I can’t find your hand
I feel weak and I can hardly stand
You were the light of my darkness
Save me from life and it’s harshness
I’ve lost joy, love, and hope
Without you I’m not sure that I can cope
Said you stay but I can’t feel you
My heart is turning black and blue
I’ve bled all of my bathroom floor
Suicidal thoughts get to me more and more
Used to drink to let go of the pain
Now I take long walks in the rain
Played me like I’m some sort of game
I trusted you, so I’m the one to blame
I’m not perfect, sorry to disappoint
I try, but I don’t see the point
You gave up on me so easily
I’d love you for all of eternity
But you let me go, you set me free
Doing my best to be the best me
It’s hard cause the best part of me was you
Now I’m not sure what to do
I hate that you said you’d stay
Because I didn’t expect it would end this way
Gabriel Mallory Sep 2020
Life has its way of making you change
Sometimes it’s fun, other times it’s strange
We met when I was in my darkest chapter
Drank until oblivious, no worries of what’s after
You showed me there was hope
Gave me reasons not to tie the rope
We had quite the ride
I felt like a superhero with you by my side
I wish things didn’t turn out the way they are
You were my best friend although you live far
There’s no one to blame except me
Maybe if I wasn’t so stupid this isn’t how it’d be
So we’re slowly putting this friendship to rest
Looking at it now, it’s definitely for the best
You have your whole life in front of you
So go rule it all with that smile and eyes so blue
You deserve to smile and laugh everyday
I’m sorry if I ever made you feel any other way
Genuinely wish you the best life
One day you’ll make a great wife
Have some beautiful kids, a wonderful family
I wish everyday you go to sleep happily
As for me, I’m sure I’ll be okay
I’ve just been missing you a lot today
I still wish this wasn’t the end
Thank you dummy, for being my Best Friend
Gabriel Mallory Sep 2020
I love when I get to rest my lips on your lips
Pull you closer with my hands on your hips
Falling hard but we’re lying in bed
Play with your hair while I kiss you on the head
Singing love songs while you fall asleep
They say to have faith so I’m taking a leap
Sleeping on my shoulder and you start to snore
Times like these only make me love you more
I go home smiling cause I know I’ll be back
Only thing about home is it’s you that it lacks
Wish I could take you home to our own place
Stare into your eyes with my hand on your face
You kickstart my heart and get me out the dark
Pressed in deep inside my head she left her mark
I know sometimes I get on your last nerve
But I want to give you the love you deserve
I’ve watched you sleeping for a bit
I adore you and your eyebrow slit
I want to buy you things made out of gold
Wear these smiles on our faces til we’re really old
You can cry on my shoulder
Hold me close when it gets colder
I’ll try my hardest to keep you warm
Hold you down throughout the storm
I promise I’m here to stay
Wouldn’t want it any other way
Cause your smile makes my day
Hopefully one day you’ll be my bae
People come and go but you’ve been here
Last time I held you I almost shed a tear
But it was from joy
You make me feel like a happy little boy
I get butterflies
Count as the time flies
With you there’s so many things left to do
I’ve been falling hard for you
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