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Kelsey May 19
Bow your head, sister
Clap your hands together
Hum melodies that only you and God can hear
Bow your head, sister
Water your body with sorrow
Pretend the night isn't cold
Bow your head
So you can sleep tonight
Kelsey Apr 6
To deal with this hurdle, I decided to write something to ease my worried thoughts
I visited you before the sun set and before the moon made its appearance
It reminds me of the time I’ll visit my grandmother and see her in her worst state, same with you
Seems as though I’m grieving already but I know you’ll be here long but till the universe calls your name, I admired you for who you are in my life
I love you, I love you after the universe calls me home
I love you after the world ends and I’m not able to stand on my own
You've taught me the best of the best, to keep fighting and pushing through but to see my hero on ground zero is detrimental to the soul
Till the universe calls your name, I’ll give the world to show that you deserve everything good coming your way
Things happen for a reason and the reason to be, shame how tragedy had to strike for me to appreciate you
I love you till the universe calls your name, I love you after the bridge has fallen down
I love you, I love you, I love you so much, there are no words in the English dictionary to describe how I feel about you

Till the universe calls your name.
Till the universe calls your name
Kelsey Jan 14
I’m afraid I’ll become another statistic
Another body hanging from a closet because I felt lonely
Another number, added to a presentation explaining why mental health matters
I’m afraid I’ll become a trigger
Become a warning
Become a body in a casket, birthday plastered on a gravestone
Broadcasting how young I was and how little I lived
I’m afraid I’ll become another story
Another body whose soul was taken a long time ago
Another face, with comments saying rest in peace and begging that people take mental health seriously
I’m afraid I’ll become a trigger
Become a memory
Become a body whose not present, making dinner conversations uncomfortable
Broadcasting the grieving of loved ones
I’m afraid
I don’t wanna be a trigger warning
Kelsey Dec 2023
Hands didn’t match
Deep, knew this wasn’t going to last long
We touched bodies
Didn’t tell any secrets
Neither of us trusted each other that much
We laid still for an hour or so  
Before one body left the other
That body felt hypnotized  
The other body felt satisfied
Those hands didn’t match nor did the intention
Body two thought it’ll last  
Body one admired the hope
Body one or body two?
Kelsey Aug 2023
Light me up
Connect your body  
Whisper words I’ve never heard
Mourn the emotions you miss
Close your eyes
Miss every skin touched
Every neck kissed
Light me up
With secrets you can’t keep
I promise you can trust me
Kelsey Mar 2023
I've shamed myself for giving a ****
Not realizing that was a gift
Still able to feel after all these years
I'm a sensitive being
Kelsey Feb 2023
I hope I'm alive in somebody's heart
Changing my mindset on my own worth
I hope I'm alive in somebody's heart
Keeping me alive with every beat in their pulse
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