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2.8k · Apr 2019
I am a Cold Sunrise
Katelyn Apr 2019
Walking alone
In the early morning.
Thoughts clash around;
While the melodies of birds,
Never reach my ears.
I am a cold sunrise
I am a tranquil storm

Staring at my lifeless phone,
The scarred screen sullied;
No one checking up.
I trudge along aimlessly,
Contemplating, calculating.
I am a cold sunrise
I am a tranquil storm

The blinding ball of fire
Climbs higher,
Yet the warmth never reaches.
My bare arms become littered
With heinous horripilation.
I am a cold sunrise
I am a tranquil storm

The grainy sand
Beneath my fumbling feet,
Is course with broken shells
Poking and prodding,
Yet I am numb to the pain.
I am a cold sunrise
I am a tranquil storm

Because a cold sunrise always sets
And a tranquil storm destroys without a sound
This is an older one
601 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
Trembling lips
Shaky hands
Pale face
Broken eyes

Someone save me.
Hands reach up from below,
Clawing at my skin.
I can't breathe.

A fire lit within,
That cannot be extinguished.
I'm going to burn up.
Won't anybody save me?

282 · Apr 2019
Dancing with the Devil
Katelyn Apr 2019
He grabs me by the waist,
And pulls me in close.
He whispers sweet nothings to me,
Sending shivers up my spine.

He leads me round and round.
Demons play an upbeat melody
That is in rythmn
With my pounding heart.

His talons grip my dress
Threatening to tear it off.
No matter how much I protest,
There is no stopping him.

Bright flames surround us,
Casting wicked shadows
That follow us as we dance.
They are never out of step.

As he dips me one final time,
And I try to muster a smile,
It's a shame that all I see
Is my reflection smiling back.
262 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
Is this some sort of game?
My life in your hands?
It's always about you-
Never what I want.

Locked within my cage
And you tossed away the key.
Any sign of restraint,
And all Hell breaks loose.

I hate you,
With every fiber of my being.
Never forget it.
My wrath won't
239 · Apr 2019
Heaven on a landslide
Katelyn Apr 2019
The angels weep,
And God cries out.
The darkness closes in,
While the world begins to tremble.

Warriors fall from the sky,
With broken wings,
And shattered dreams.
A crimson cloud rains down.

It's all my fault-
There is no reversing this.
Corruption within my soul
Cannot be repaired.
237 · Apr 2019
Burnt out
Katelyn Apr 2019
Shadows slink over my shoulder,
Whispering in my ear.
They tell of promises,
Spoken by the wicked night.

Black tendrils slowly wrap around me,
Around my wrists, and my neck,
Squeezing and tightening.
I can hardly breathe.

Where did I put my candle?
My ethereal light in this cascading dark....
But alas-
It seems I have no flame left within
228 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
Hot embers lined the sky;
A blanket for the ground.
The world forever cold,
Yet flames churned endlessly.

Ashes on the playground,
Where the children used to play.
The echoes of laughter
Faint on the wind.

Ashes in the offices
Where the parents used to work.
Empty desks and broken chairs,
Crumbling to nothing.

Ashes in the cementary
Where all come to die.
All those in mourning
Have no one to mourn for them.

Blinding lights, sonic booms;
The Earth stops spinning.
Unfortunate, that their downfall
Was their own doing.
I wrote this after I went on a tangent about space and mankind and how vast/endless it is
227 · Apr 2019
Without thinking
Katelyn Apr 2019
How stupid of me-

I was a fool to think that I could ever mean anything to you.
Sorry for wasting your time.
218 · Apr 2019
Walking a tightrope
Katelyn Apr 2019
Be careful where you step,
For the fall will surely **** you.
Maneuver your way silently,
As to not awake the beast.

Be careful where you walk,
For the ground will surely crumble.
Tread slowly,
Since the cracks grow larger.

Be confident and sure,
For there is no going back.
The world has a spotlight on you,
One wrong move, and you plummet to your doom.
218 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
The blossom of roses and daisies
Flourished with the rising sun.
But how would they perish?
Would they wither slowly?
My throne would obstruct all,
Made from the ashes of petals.
The sun would set over broken fields;
A cementary of beauty.
Yet it matters not.
First come the flowers,
And then the world.
I would like to clarify that I am NOT planning to take over the world, this is just following a prompt from my poetry teacher and I based it off an evil character
216 · Apr 2019
Sleepless Nights
Katelyn Apr 2019
The clock strikes midnight
And my tears stream down.
No noise comes out,
Body heaving.

I try to pinch myself awake,
But it is no use.
I'm not living in a dream
But instead trudging through a nightmare
214 · Apr 2019
Judgement Day
Katelyn Apr 2019
Perhaps the world had been too kind,
Or not kind enough.
The reaper of judgement knows not,
Traveling from land to land,
Continent to continent.
But one thing stays the same:
How easy it would be.
To do what exactly,
Remains up to the gods,
The weight of their decision
At the tip of his fingertips.
The feel of electricity
Courses through his veins,
Untamed, unbridled,
Ready to be unleashed.
No one would dare stop him
When the time came.
Until then,
He waits in the shadows,
Hidden, safe.
191 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
Stumbling through the town,
Alone in the night.
Violent memories clash around,
Enticing for my past sins

My body crumbles to nothing,
Each grain of ash lifeless
174 · Apr 2019
Best Friend
Katelyn Apr 2019
To my best friend-

Words cannot express
How much I love you
How much you mean to me
How much I need you

Words cannot describe
How beautiful you are
How comedic you are
How creative you are

Words cannot express
How the world turns for you
How the sun warms for you
How the moon beams for you

Words cannot describe
How life is dull without you
How life is boring without you
How life is bland without you

Words cannot express
How much potential you have
How much ingenuity you have
How much love you have

Words cannot describe
How much your smile radiates
How much your eyes shine
How much your hair glows

Life wouldn't be the same without you,
My best friend.
To my dearest Rachael. I don't know what I've done to deserve you
169 · May 2021
Fragility of the Ego
Katelyn May 2021
The Mind, hellbent to win
Laughs in the face of illusion.
For it shall show you the way,
No longer shackled by that clouded fog

Wretched, cursed, carnivorous,
Insatiable, devouring, misery.
Succeed in all that you do,
No longer blocked from the beating path

Defeat is not an option
For It that is All-Knowing.
To think one may supersede me;
No longer the reigning force

Who am I, if not mighty,
Boasting with a puffed chest?
Shall I truly concede to those around me,
No longer the dictator of this prison?
164 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
You tease me-
With your playful winks and wide smiles
Looking directly at me.
As if it us just us two.
But your smile never falters,
As you avert your gaze elsewhere.

Do I matter not?
It feels like a game.
You the cat, and I the mouse.
Why do you torment me so?
Do you derive pleasure?

Should we be able to restart life,
Maybe things would be different.
Maybe there'd be a path for us
To follow along the moonlight.

You do not seem to understand
I would give the world to you.
Yet you would barely lift a finger.

Small caresses and gentle touches
Fuel the roaring fire in my soul

Yet your heart is only dull embers
**** it really be like that
129 · Apr 2019
Katelyn Apr 2019
Wings unfold like a sail
Stretching out to reach their ends.
Starry eyes peer into your soul,
A glint of mischief lying underneath.
That black abyss swallows you whole
No one to hear your shouts.

The mighty wings flap incessantly,
Impatient, ready to take off,
Their dark color consuming all light
That dares to pass through.
A mischievous smirk on that devious face
Makes your heart skip a beat.

A callous hand offered to you,
To leap into the eerie chasm below.
Do you dare take it?
His razor sharp black talons ready to claw anything,
That dare stand in its path,
Like a mother fighting for its young.

The sculpture of a man in front of you
His jet black hair almost a blue
Reflects the light of the full moon,
Which peers from behind the jagged mountaintops.
Splinters of rock loom beneath
Ready to swallow you whole.

The glorious wings of dark destruction
Ready to carry you home, weightless
Against the weight of the world.

— The End —