I'm yet done finding Me
The search wades through Eternity
Luckily, I've got your number
Exact coordinates and geometry
Is it the symmetry or dimensionality
that makes the majik seem just right?
In our little corner, the whirling dervish dance makes us 4th, including the Sun.
If we claim a Solar System, why not include the Sun, after all our daze have come.
From what we collectively perceive, the four dimensions let it be. Wrapping up a poignant point~pyramid mythology.
This subject being deep and vast, I'd prefer to leave it where it's at. Doesn't mean I won't come back...remember, I've got your *number.
Just about to sit down to write and glance at the clock turning 11:11, so I didn't need ponder the subject more...that definitively deciding what to write from.