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Am I free?
Can I do anything I want,
and I'm still free?

Free is a big word,
it has been used since the
ancient times.

Still using in a
modern era of
free times.

But am I have
freedom in this

I want to travel,
But no means.

I want to eat foods,
But can't afford.

I want technology,
But I need a payment.

So, I must find a job first.
Become slave just to earned,
just to fill my needs.

Freedom is a must,
But cash is the needs.

My question is,
Am I free?
I dreams,
so far it's good.

It was a childhood
and it's good.

I'm always dreaming
of what I will become.

Untill I turned old,
My dreams become
just a dream.

I  do everything,
just to grasp it.

I study hard,
learned very hard.

And finally it's
within my hand.

The dream that I longed
before is wihin
my grasp.

BUT what is this?
Why is that?

Within a blink
of an eye,
my dream become
just like
a dreamed.
Not all will be,
but some might be.
it hurts me bacause I'm not.
Juan45th Feb 3
I'm so **** up!

I'm so tired!

I'm so depressed!

I want things to ceased.

I want to stop thinking.

My thoughts are killing me.

My heart is hurting me.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know what I'm going through.

Is it a rope?

Is it a knife?


Is it a gun?

I want to stop now.......

But thanks to you
my Lord.

I am saved from my evil thoughts.
keep in mind "Jesus love's us"
Juan45th Feb 3
I'm so lonely,
I stared at nothingness.

All I can do is remember,
Remember the times with you.

I'm like a pable stone,
sinking at the bottom of sea.

I can do nothing,
But let my self drown
of loneliness.

When I can see you?
How can I be with you?
All I can do but ask.

I know and I knew,
Is it to much to ask
to see you?

We're born differently,
You're the sun rise and
I'm the sun set.

HOW can I be with you,
If someone is attending you.
Juan45th Jan 31
I can feel it,
The end is near,
But no one sees but me.

It get darker and darker,
The lights is leaving,
But no one cares.

The few are the chosen,
And the other was left behind.

From which it is taken,
and whom that is hiden.

It is always like these,
from Womb to Tomb,
from Dawn to Dusk,
till death do us part.
be aware!
Juan45th Jan 23
My friend says thank you,
but I insist
and said thanks to you.

He says, you're the best
and I said,
but you are
the best.

Then I says,
you're happy my friend.
and he said
let's celebrate
and be drunk.

And he says,
you're not looking good
my friend.
I said, I'm good so let's

And then I said,
It's too good to be drunk
when a friend is by
my side.
But it's too bad when I'm drunk
because all I want is
to cry.
So, drink moderately. atleast twise a day. haha
Juan45th Jan 12
I see everything that
reaches the sky,
But limited only in
my eyes.

I hear everything that
travels in the wind,
But limited only in
my ears.

I feel everything that touches
the surface,
But limited only in
my hands.

I taste everything that
is tasteless,
But limited only in
my tongue.

I smell everything that
produce hardship,
But limited only in
my nose.

Everything is limited,
My words are limited.

Only my imagination
that makes my poem
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