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 May 2016 Adaline
The sky is more blue
through the tint of my glasses,
and the grass seems softer
after the rain

You say you love the view
from this garden,
and I say so do I,
but I'm looking at you

You say that you can hear my heartbeat,
I say yes, for your head
is on my chest
and my breathing is slow,
we're both at rest.
And you tangle your fingers
around my neck,
and I tangle my fingers
in you hair.

And I"m looking down at you
your forest colored eyes,
and your lips, very pink
maybe more so through the tint of my glasses
but pink all the same.

I think I'd like to kiss you right now,
But it's not the right time, and I don't know how.
I don't want to let you go,
and I think I'd like to know your soul

— The End —