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696 · Jun 2018
JadaChristina Jun 2018
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “tainted”? Poisonous, contaminated, ruined? But what if tainted means the start of something new? When animals die or become road **** they start to decay, bringing foul odors from so much decay, yet the decay brings back life to the world. Flesh being eaten preserves life’s energy. The organs fertilize the seeds for grass to grow. The air whips away the smell of tainted meat rotting, as the sun grows hotter. Maggots feast until they’re flies. When nothing is left of the tainted carcass, they fly away. Blood feeds the soil which causes a new beginning of flowers, grass, and trees. The old tainted life can turn into a beautiful new start. In life, just because something is contaminated, or tainted, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is unusable, but it could be something greater than what was left behind.
153 · Jun 2018
The Lens of Unfocused Love
JadaChristina Jun 2018
They say love is blind. It can lead you to believe you can actually change someone or something. Love can make you wear the thickest bifocals, have the strongest prescription, and still be blind. Love is a feeling of deep affection. But when affection is not returned, it leaves unanswerable questions, doubt, and pain. They say time heals all wounds, but what about a torn soul? There’s no such thing as selective love. It’s either you love or you don’t. The thought of blurry, unfocused love sends you in a daze. A fog so thick not even the sharpest knife can cut. All so raw nothing in this world can disinfect it. The quickest shortcut sends you to the worst dead end. Love has a way of leaving you on a island with no way off. Boat but no paddle. Surrounded by beautiful water, beautiful enough to dive in but deep enough to drown you. Weighing down on you like an anchor, sinking you to rock bottom. But it doesn’t ever seem like you’re that tough. Love has you looking through scratched lens. Imagine reading a book like that. Can you see the words? Do you understand? Scrambled letters. EOLV ... You solve it.

— The End —