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If yourself
you don't own-
of all people
you are the most forlorn.
They say love never fails
But what if it does?
And when it does, it hurts.
I'm wondering and waiting in nervous anticipation for the day that it does.
I stood in the hallway,
the familiar scent of jasmine hanging heavy—
my mother’s perfume.

I called her name,
but it wasn’t the voice of my mother
that answered.

It was mine—
but younger.

I turned the corner,
and there she was—
sitting at the kitchen table,
but her eyes…
they weren’t hers anymore.

"I’ve waited for you,"
she whispered,
and the room went cold.

I reached for her,
but my fingers sank into her skin—
soft, pliable,
like wax—
too easy.

And I realized too late—
she wasn’t waiting for me.
She was pulling me in.

Then I felt it—
a slow, unbearable pressure in my chest.
I couldn’t breathe.

"You’ll never leave me again."
It's no wonder
at all
unless you are
in the picture
being an integral part thereof

all that is
is incomplete
just a distant view
of speculation
of conjecture-
without the grandeur-

we are each
part of others
and of nature-
only in coming together
is the oneness
the fullest realisation
the sublimest rapture
the matchless splendour!
I wake up early
with this poem in my pocket
and the sound of the sea
my arms stretched out
across a crimson sky
the sun rise of
untouchable love
I catch my
invisible breath
I see you smile only
in my memory
the waves of emotion
are reaching out for a
soft place to land
as the wild flowers bloom
in an open field of a
thousand sleeping wishes
I miss what I
decided to destroy
when the spring wind screams
at this world of broken dreams
I search for level ground …
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