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Jack Oct 2018
I wilt
Slowly perishing under my mask made of smooth silk. Grasping for control
To make peace
And let my ashes settle.
Condemned beneath my skin
Scorched by boiling blood.
Eager, yearning for acceptance.
My timid mind plastered by paranoia,
Ingulfed with fright and pitiful confidence.
Head spinning
People looking
Thoughts crazed.
The silence outside settles
And begins to deafen.

Jack Sep 2018
Indulged with serenity,
Slight conflict with peace.
Clear headed and no longer masked.
Clear visions on a non foggy path.
Walking hand in hand, one foot in front of the other, and making sure to help one another.
The path is windy and thin
But together we shall perform.
It's one day at a time, and just for today we live at bay but not astray.
Merely remember but do not forget:
Feelings dipped in sorrow, hence pain, hence regret.
Remember for today, tomorrow, and always.
Jack Aug 2018
I'm sorry I moved away, I'm sorry I left. Im sorry I dont see you anymore, I'm sorry we dont talk.
But I think about you all.
Not from time to time, but all the time.
I still care about you, even if you dont feel the same.
I would shoot you a text, but my fear of rejection overwhelms the urge.
And then I wonder, why couldn't you just stay?
Some of you mere miles away, some of you bound across the country.
Again and again,
Why couldn't you just stay?

Jack Aug 2018
Sad like blue,
But many shades of cool.
All I see is red,
Fire inside my head.
Luminescent like white,
Yet boring but bold.
Divergent in black,
Enthralling in the darkness.
I challenge the contrast.

Jack Jul 2018
Kis me in a bliss with your perfect seamless kiss.
This boundless unclouded feeling
Doesn't go unnoticed or dismissed.
I insist to kiss
Even when we untwist.
Jack Jul 2018
I tremble when you stare,
I quiver under your touch,
I melt beneath your heat.
We mold together like we are meant to be.
We orbit around the stars in sanctuary, we do not meddle for we are whole.
You turn my sky bright.
Oh how you torch my blissful heart.

Jack Jul 2018
A phantom kisser leans down to kiss my lips as he presses himself against my timid body, allowing me to let go.
Fear ingulfed fades away,
Replaced by peace.
Mind and body collide,
Set aside the hurt.
So far and distant,
But so close all the same.
A phantom kisser,
So far and near.
And oh so dear.

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