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Sep 2017 · 389
Spanish Queen
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
The shadow fell,
and the cloud formed.
Cast me to hell,
and leave me thorned.

The masquerade,
and games of fate,
they all do fade,
and turn to hate.

The smoke cleared out,
and freed my lungs.
Left me with doubt,
with all my wrongs.

Please set me free,
and bring me back,
or let me beat,
my dying heart.

I saw your eyes,
entrapped in time,
they promised lies,
when they met mine.

She says forgive,
I say forget.
They come and leave,
and I regret.

She cries and asks,
what shall I do?
Just wear the mask.
"I'll miss you too."

You're not to blame.
It was too fast.
Our hopes were lame.
They could not last.

Your love is real,
but not for me.
Time all things heals,
so let it be.

Don't think me poor.
Don't ask for more.
Just lock the door,
on your way out.
And quiet still,
the violin,
the player's ill,
hurt from within.
"check mate".
Sep 2017 · 174
Luna Bella
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
If I got lost in your eyes,
would you help me find my way back?
If my hands held yours too,
could we dance a song or two.
Could you? Would you?

Tell me can you feel it?
The beating of my heart,
Tell me can you hear it?
The tempo of our feet.
Hear it. Feel it.

The lights shine brightly,
your lips seem to glow,
hold me darling a bit tighter,
let the dance floor grow.
Brighter. Tighter.

If I kissed you, would you forgive me?
And if you liked it, could I have one back.
If the camera's on us, let us be actors,
forbidden lovers for play pretend,
just hold me closer,
don't let this end.

So take this night and hold my hand,
freeze the whole world,
capture the moment,
for when it's gone and I awaken,
I know I'll miss you,
I hope you will too...
Sep 2017 · 517
Unknown Soldier
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
To the hero that fell with a sword in his hand,
and at the doors of Valhalla he made his stand.
To the tigress mother who for her cubs she fell,
and at the pearly gates she rang the bell.
To the unsung heroes who stood their ground,
a toast to them and another round.

This ones to you oh bravest knight,
who met his ending with a heart of might,
though they don't know you or sing your fame,
I know you well I speak your name,
may the gods grant you all your heart desires,
and may your noble deeds never expire.

Though you fought great you fell with honor,
and to the afterlife you went as donor.
Know well your actions were not in vain,
and on the map of history you've left your stain.
Rest for now you courageous defender,
for while the fight lives on we shall never surrender.
Spc. Dennis K. Samson
KIA 24 July 2006
"Rest easy soldier, well take it from here."
Sep 2017 · 227
Children Games
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
She said to me "Do you want to play races, or hide and seek?"
"Whichever one you want ***", I replied with a smile.
"Heck, let's play both". And she hugged me for a while, "you run and hide first".
So I did, and time passed, and we weren't kids no more, and as most stories end, she moved away, and never said good bye.
So even till this day, I'm still playing her game.
I've been running for so long, that I ran into myself.
I've been hiding long enough, hoping I would find myself.
Sep 2017 · 273
Unique Qualities
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
Funny how we're all so self - centered
and believe were special,
but all this catastrophe shows us how really we are all with no exceptions,
worthless paper men to the forces of nature.
And as I stand here on both my feet,
I can die just as easy as my enemies,
just as easy as the person I love,
and just as easy as the stranger next door.
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
What if Planet Earth was blue?
Not only the oceans but also me and you,
what if all the lies we've said became true?
And everything lost its color to a darker shade of blue,
tell me then, what would you do?

What if the mountains became plains?
Or we all shared but one name,
what if excitement became lame?
And we were all the same,
our good vibes would turn to blues,
I'd feel empty and you would too.

What if the rain came from the ground?
And your father was still around,
what if it was you and not a homeless dog going to the pound.
If the cards changed players would you laugh, or would you frown?
What if the dome above us wasn't blue
and this terrestrial choreography came down,
I would notice it, but would you?
Sep 2017 · 249
Demented Dementia
- JP DeVille Sep 2017
She walked into the room almost as quietly as the flies crawling in through the corners of my window, I would've not noticed her if she had not mentioned my name, or at least what they called me. I was sitting on my red recliner pushing back and forth with my legs imagining I was still rocking my old fishing boat at Lake Warren. I simply did not have a single care in the world for where I was, who I was, or why I was, as long as I could remember how to breathe I was fine, at least that's what the old woman that slept next to me always said.
I couldn't tell who the woman facing me was, but she looked a lot like a little girl I once knew, she held my hand almost as if transferring a calmness into me that I could only get from her, "Do you know who I am?", she said. Slowly I stood my neck out trying as hard as my vision would allow me to study her face. Those hazel brown eyes, I could almost make out my reflection in them, as if I were standing infront of a mirror looking into my very own soul, pointing out every single flaw within me.
That smile, that warm loving smile, I felt a small memory rising up in the back of my head, those same big teeth giggling at me many years ago in a now forgotten park, I could not remember who she was, but I could feel love sprouting from within her and into my old ragged heart, I knew she loved me, but still I admitted, "I'm sorry, I don't, you seem familiar, but I don't know you". Water began forming in her eyes but still she held that smile up, "its ok, don't stress yourself, you'll remember me sooner or later".
I hope I would, maybe if I guessed I might get it right and not feel so bad, but she had already began walking out of the room, and still I could not remember who... "I love you Isabel", I heard the door **** hold back for a second, then that same warm voice returned to my ears, "I love you too dad", then she left, and that's all I can remember.
Aug 2017 · 184
The Bukowski Effect
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Help me if you can I'm feeling down,
I can't seem to pick my pencil off the floor,
all my papers are scattered on the ground,
I can feel my magic talent walking out the door.

I was once the great Hemingway,
now I feel as alone and empty as Poe,
These streets are endless and I can't find a way,
now I realize that I am my only foe.

I could write like the romantic Neruda,
or narrate just as good as Thompson,
but I've been stranded on this beach Bermuda,
to inherit the kingdom of the long lost son.

Angel of poets please grant me more time,
give me enough inspiration to write once more,
just the right words to make her mine,
to let her know she's the one that I adore.
Aug 2017 · 319
Book Keeper
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Salesman what books do you sell,
if I got the chance to meet you,
salesman what stories could you tell,
salesman if only you knew how much
I need you.

Tell me salesman about your past,
the other loves you might've had,
salesman why does beauty never last,
poor old salesman why are you always
so mad.

Salesman sometimes I need you,
I need your wisdom so bad,
salesman sometimes I miss you,
salesman they say you're my...
Aug 2017 · 126
Words of Wisdom
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Ignorance and stupidity are both diseases,
ignorance can be cured with knowledge,
stupidity is terminal.
Aug 2017 · 125
Tea pot
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
I was drinking a cup of tea,
and distracted by what I saw,
I forgot the forces of gravity never stop,
and looking through the side of my cup as I drank,
I realized my tea didn't forget.
so now I sit here with a stained shirt,
wet pants,
and an empty cup of tea.
Aug 2017 · 201
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Your love is like an island,
and I'm an outcast in troubled waters,
your skin is the color of the sand,
but I don't think that matters.

Your hair is like the palm trees,
that stand tall against the tempest,
each one a warrior gliding between the breeze,
sharing a different story of loss and conquest.

Your eyes just like the ocean moon,
the ones I claimed were mine,
I prayed to see them soon,
sadly I never had the time.

Your hands were like the shore,
dragging me closer to your center,
and believe me you were all that I adored,
still I never dared to enter.

Your voice was like a mermaid's song,
that washed away my tears,
and although I was all alone,
it cleansed me from my fears.

You are the reason why I survived,
you were my ego you were my pride,
the only essence that kept me alive,
was knowing I had you by my side.

But when rescue came at last,
and took me back to bay,
I remained stranded in the past,
hoping to once more, be your castaway.
Aug 2017 · 92
Forget It
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Darling I can't forget you,
I promise you I try,
I pretend I don't care about you,
but the longer I try, the more that I cry.

Love of mine I can't walk away,
I'm unable to stop calling your name,
I cannot simply go day by day,
with a hole in my heart making me lame.

Princess I'm scared,
terrified of the night,
because without you I'm bare,
you and only you were my light.

Sweetheart you're fading from me,
but maybe I already faded from you,
and that's the worst place to be,
in the shadows losing you.
Aug 2017 · 108
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
"A life time in the cell", said the judge,
"you're going straight to hell!" said the jury.
Sentenced to pay for all my crimes,
to repent for my ***** life and times.
But I have always been a rebel,
some even called me a sort of devil.
I'm not the type to hang with the crowd,
I'm simply not the type to talk aloud.
Back in uni they threw me as an outcast,
even mocked me for my past.
But I have always been a lone wolf,
because there's other things I prefer to engulf.
It is fine for you to call me a renegade,
and watch as my opportunities slowly fade.
But when the lonely wolf comes back,
you better know that he'll be leading the pack.
Aug 2017 · 192
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
I awoke a typical summer morning,
with the clock on my wall marking past twelve,
the sun on my window reflected brightly on my face,
I could feel the acid in my stomach slowly burning,
making every bit of saliva in my mouth hard to swelve,
taking away from my appearance what I have left of my grace.
Slowly I dragged my aching body towards the bathroom mirror,
and resting my palms against the sink I simply stared at my reflection,
scanning my scars, my messy hair, and traits that no one will notice,
slower than steady my eyes start getting clearer,
and I begin to pay attention to all my perfect imperfections,
and the fact that the things that make me beautiful,
are the ones that nobody will ever see,
nobody but me.
Aug 2017 · 159
Forgetting to Live
- JP DeVille Aug 2017
Once upon a time,
there was a man who wanted to live forever.
So he set out to find a way;
he visited monasteries,
studied many religions,
countless beliefs,
he even spoke to many mystics and magicians,
elders and morticians.
He spent his entire life
looking for a cure for death,
but he never could.
He realized death is the cure,
not a disease.
We are bound to be alive,
prisoners of our living freedom.
He spent so much time looking for
a way to live forever,
he forgot to live at all.
Jul 2017 · 162
The Feet Under My Door
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
Never think you're old enough to handle,
lying awake at night past four;
don't scream, don't cry, don't cause a scandal,
simply beware of the darkness you adore,
for the man with the black candle,
always stands behind your door.
Jul 2017 · 140
Party Crashing Heaven
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
I was looking at the night sky from a hill,
feeling the fresh breeze kissing my face,
with nothing running through my mind,
except for the portrait of you;
the one I keep on the right wall of my heart.

The moon looked like a giant disco ball,
and the heavens were the dance floors;
the passing satellites were microphones,
you and I were the dancers,
and the stars our record players.

We danced through the constellations,
forming love hearts with our feet.
The minutes became millenniums,
and it was just you and I,
dancing alongside the angels.

But a morning light began ascending,
and the sun arose from the horizon,
burning through the portrait of you:
The music stopped playing,
and my stars were dying out.

My dream became a nightmare,
but it was just reality waking me up,
I was alone in the mountain top.
And it saddened me to see,
you'll be happier without me.
Jul 2017 · 177
Labios Partidos
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
Mi labio está partido,
y derrama sangre hasta el suelo,
de tanto que lo eh mordido.
Mi labio está herido,
porque extraña el toque de los tuyos,
de tus besos, tus cariños.
Mi labio como mi oido,
buscan el vibramiento de ti,
de tu voz y de tu aliento.
Mi labio seco y frio,
muere por las aguas dulces de tu amor,
y el cálido refugio de tus labios.
Jul 2017 · 140
Mailed to you
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
Baby I've met someone else,
she has gorgeous dark hair;
she likes to hear all my tales,
I think we make a beautiful pair.

Baby her hand fits in mine,
just like yours did back then;
but maybe I'm wasting her time,
comparing her to you back when.

Baby she listens to the same music you do,
she even likes the same singer as you;
her favorite song is the one we danced to,
Oh baby, I'm still loving you.
Jul 2017 · 261
Bird of Spring
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
They've cut your wings off or so you say,
to keep you trapped in this golden cage.
You've been a hostage day after day,
a prisoner of your fading age.

Oh bird of spring,
one day I'll set you free,
I'll pull that ring off from your feet,
and I'll write a melody for you to sing,
as you soar far above the trees.

Oh my sweet dove,
I promise you one day, but not today,
and some day soon, that I will say.
I'll loosen your string and change your tune,
and you'll fly so high towards the moon.

One day my friend you'll catch your train,
where you will find your love the third,
and Caesar's nephew to you will gird,
"But for the rainbow, first comes the rain",
and on that day you'll be a free bird.

I'll set you free my bird of spring,
it shall be just you and me.
But for now, keep on dreaming with the wind.
Jul 2017 · 219
On love
- JP DeVille Jul 2017
Love always ends in heartbreak,
be it a month, a year, a decade,
or a lifetime.
Love always ends in heartbreak,
one leaves, one cheats, one dies first,
but it will always end in heartbreak.
The point is how long we can prolong it.
Jun 2017 · 537
Before you leave...
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
Let me be the first to say that I was wrong,
that I'm gonna miss you for so long,
because I know you're not ever coming back,
and yet all I can do is play the same sad track.
I would never beg for you to stay,
so I'll just miss you another day;
the clock keeps moving and I'm running out of time,
sitting here wondering if you were ever mine,
and I'm dying for you to know,
just how much I love you so.
I could measure our romance,
if you just gave me one more chance;
I'd count the pebbles on a courtyard,
or the streetlights on the boulevard,
and you'd know I love you at that amount,
with strength so much more than I can count.
I see you on the reflection of mirrors on the walls,
and on the shadows, galloping down the halls.
Will you stay with me just a little longer?
At least until I can forget,
or until I feel a little stronger,
but not strong enough to regret.
Jun 2017 · 1.3k
I Can't Draw
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
My painter friend looked at me and laughed,
"I can't draw, I've told you that," I said.
"What a sad life to not be able to place your emotions on a canvas,"
he grinned.
"I don't paint but I write," I replied, "Want to know the difference?"
Intrigued he awaited for my answer,
"Your art is for the eye, but mine's for the heart."
Jun 2017 · 346
Unfinished Affairs
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
She walked up to him carrying pieces of his heart,
"Please say something, I'm really sorry." She begged.
"What else is there to say? I'm done talking,
what's been done, has been done for the best,
and from now on, you're just one of the rest."
Jun 2017 · 203
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
"Reincarnation is not real" I used to say,
You simply cannot come back from the dead,
I didn't believe it until this day,
seeing her standing there blew open my head.

God knows I loved that girl with all my heart;
I loved her for many centuries and I'll love her forever,
even the angels know that nothing can keep us apart.
I met her today in the park, we're entwined to be together.

I lost her many ages ago to her own hand,
her candle burned out by her own knife,
and I understood this world will never be her land,
so all I can do is wait for her in the next life.

She told me I love you then went away,
I couldn't stop her, I never would,
I simply smiled when I met her today,
and I know that although she's gone far away,
I'll see my love another day.
Jun 2017 · 557
Padre mio
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
Oh padre mío, ¿Qué ha sido de ti?
Qué te ha hecho la vida,
te miras tan cansado ya,
Con tus ojos tristes llenos de recuerdos.
Veo tus errores marcados en las líneas
de tu frente,
siento en el choque de tu mano
como tiemblan tus huesos,
Tú me abrazas, pero tus brazos ya no tienen fuerza.

Oh padre mío, ¿Qué ha sido de ti?
Te fuiste en un día soleado con tus hombros
amplios y llenos de poder,
-me dejaste sonriendote-,
mientras las lágrimas de mi madre caían sobre mí.
Y ahora has vuelto con tus trapos
empapados con lluvia fría,
tus pies cortados y quemados por los fuegos que has cruzado;
te escucho y me hablas con una voz arrepentida.

Oh padre mío, ¿Qué ha sido de ti?
Mira tus dedos, tu mano izquierda,
donde una vez guardabas ese anillo de aquel amor,
que tanto afirmabas tener por mi madre,
ahora reemplazado por una oración.
El reloj en tu muñeca,
congelado en el tiempo en que te fuiste.
Padre soy tu hijo, mírame padre mío,
que soy tu en el espejo,
te entiendo y siento tu dolor,
Siento tu miseria,
tu tristeza y tu rencor.

Oh padre mío, ¿Qué ha sido de ti?
Han sido diecisiete años,
muchas cosas han pasado desde ayer,
ya no soy el niño que te miraba golpeando a tu propia mujer;
ya no soy el niño que dejaste de querer.
No te odio padre mío,
porque tú y yo somos tan diferentes
y tan iguales a la vez.
Padre yo soy tu hijo,
pero tu no eres mi padre.
Jun 2017 · 407
Father of mine
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
Oh father of mine, what has been of you?
What has life done to you,
you seem so tired already,
with your sorrowful eyes filled with memories.
I see your mistakes marked on the lines
of your forehead,
I feel in the touch of your hand
how much your bones tremble;
you hold me but your arms no longer hold strength.

Oh father of mine, what has been of you?
You left on a sunny day with your shoulders
so broad and filled with power,
-you left me smiling-,
while my mother's tears fell on me.
And now you've returned with your rags
soaked with cold rain,
your feet cut and burned by the fires you have crossed,
I hear you speak to me with a repentant voice.

Oh father of mine, what has been of you?
Look at your fingers, your left hand,
where you once guarded that ring of a love,
a love you so claimed to have for my mother.
Now replaced by a prayer.
The watch on your wrist,
frozen on the time that you left,
father I am your son,
look at me father of mine,
for I am you in the mirror,
I understand and feel your pain;
I feel your misery,
your sadness, and your resentment.

Oh father of mine, what has been of you?
It's been seventeen years,
many things have happened since yesterday,
I'm no longer the child that saw you hitting your own wife;
I am no longer the child you ceased loving.
I don't hate you, father of mine,
because you and I are so different
yet so alike.
Father I am your son,
but you are not my father.
Jun 2017 · 286
Rosarita Beach Cafe
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
And as the curtain comes down,
and my show comes to an end;
as my unstrung ukulele finishes its last vibrato,
and with my eyes closed I can hear the sole spectator applauding.

I walk away covered by the smoke from my cigarette.
I exit the platform as the last candle remaining drowns on its own melted wax,
descending to the open arms of the bartender,
the wisest man one could ever meet, anyone's best friend.
He receives me with a welcoming smile, and without opening my lips he pours me my preferred nectar, awaiting for me to tell him my miseries for the small price of my weekly earnings.

Then it hits me, just as that candle burned out,
so have I, I have picked enough tulips to know that heaven has stood still long enough for me to make my way upstairs.
So I grab my instrument, light up another cigarette, and walk out the door,
to receive my sole spectator with open arms.
November 30, 1996 - August 6, 2009
Jun 2017 · 915
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
I wish my eyes were cameras,
and my eyelids the lenses.
I wish I was the photographer,
and you my lovely scenery.
So I could forever keep that memory,
and you wouldn't pose for it;
to catch you off guard,
with your true beauty so freely showing.
To snap a picture of your merciful eyes,
your innocent smile,
and your childish cheekbones,
with your hair freely flowing;
adorning the monument that is your smile.
That way I could truly freeze time,
and I'd have something to remember,
the day I made you smile,
and you made my heart worth its beat.
Jun 2017 · 245
Another Failed Attempt
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
I stood and watched,
as she said bye,
and away she walked,
saying goodbye.

I tried to talk,
to grab her hand,
I tried to walk,
to bring her back.

I couldn't move,
for I was trapped,
but it felt good,
trapped in her heart.
Jun 2017 · 152
Writer's Block
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
I stand behind a wall,
a mural,
a long stretched out, great barrier,
a monument made of bricks,
but no cement.
A border,
a wall I cannot cross;
for each brick
must first be removed,
but for every brick I take off,
two more blocks are put to take its place.
This is impossible,
when will I be able to continue on my journey,
if no matter how hard I try,
I'm still trapped
behind this huge block.
Jun 2017 · 247
If Only
- JP DeVille Jun 2017
She said bye,
but not in a sad way.
She said bye,
and it made my day.

I ripped my heart from my chest,
and wrapped it on this cover.
Keep it for me, it's for the best,
hold it until someone says it's over.

Her eyes met mine,
but mine couldn't be found,
for they were lost in her dark curls,
enchanted and trapped in the deepest part of her heart,
but I never wanted to get out.

I was too shy,
too scared to talk to you.
Too stunned to reply...
Too slow, to say I love you.
May 2017 · 152
Pill number 13
- JP DeVille May 2017
I'm addicted to pain.
Maybe cause I'm immune to it,
I suffer what three souls couldn't handle.
but no matter how many times
I put on the rope,
how many pills I swallow,
how many times I pull the trigger,
the **** bullet will not come out.

Death herself does not want me,
so I lay here, and suffer.
I go to sleep every night, wishing for death.
Hoping to never wake up again,
and I wake up every morning,
wishing I hadn't,
wishing I had died painlessly in my sleep.

In the night the demons follow me, during the day they wear masks,
"I am tired",
"I am fine",
"I'm just tired",
"I'm fine".
Well I'm not!!!
I am dying inside, I am miserable,
and I only spread misery.
I don't want to suffer through death, but I want to die.

I don't want pity,
I just want things to be different,
I don't want to fail at what I hope to do, because,
almost dying changes nothing,
dying changes everything.
I am screaming at the four winds, hoping my shouts will stop it.
I am begging for help;
but I don't want attention.

I don't want pity,
so I lay here and swallow another pill,
I reload the gun,
I grab the rope,
I'm miserable.
I'm lonely.
I'm dying.
I am,
but I want to be,
I was....
May 2017 · 216
- JP DeVille May 2017
In the Garden of Gethsemane,
alone while the world stood against me.
I was your shield while you cried on my shoulder,
yet to you I was only worth 30 silver.

You came and kissed me on the cheek,
stabbing the last knife on my chest,
Et tu brute? Why? You too?
May 2017 · 242
I love you
- JP DeVille May 2017
And how can I say I love you,
how do I put it in words,
when I draw my inspirations from sadness,
and for once I've found happiness,
in you.

I want to express my love for you in a thousand ways:
Claim I'll climb the highest mountain,
swim the deepest sea,
cross the biggest desert.
But that's a problem for me.

Like a god gets his powers from an elixir,
my ambrosia comes from sadness.
I'm not a happy ending kind of guy,
I write to death,
to losing,
to the defeated;
and for once you've changed all that.

But who cares if I can't write any longer,
who cares if I lost my touch.
I rather live happy having you,
than to write a million poems,
wanting so bad to hold you.

I'm happy that I have you,
and I just want you to know,
I love you.
May 2017 · 194
Happy Blues
- JP DeVille May 2017
The poet has put his pencil down;
the musician sat down his guitar.
He will no longer write with melancholy,
he will no longer sing the blues.

For he is too happy to be sad,
he's too free to keep the chains;
he's not sad and lonely anymore.
And she's the reason for his new hope.

He'll sing romance, he'll write sonnets.
He'll love and laugh and sing and cry,
but sadness will no longer meet his eye.
For he's too happy to sing the blues.
May 2017 · 140
Little Kevin...
- JP DeVille May 2017
Like a cold morning on a summer day;
as fast as the wings of a hummingbird.
Within the blink of an eye,
you gleefully traced a smile on my face.
Then you flew back to heaven leaving no trace.
Until I see you again my boy
May 2017 · 263
Tough Luck
- JP DeVille May 2017
Tuesday morning.
I woke up, to find my bedside empty.
There was a letter on the mirror,
I'd met someone else, "I'm sorry".
I decided to take a shower, but halfway through,
I remembered I forgot to pay the water bill.
I dry myself and decide to cook breakfast;
I also forgot to pay the gas bill,
tough luck.
I take off for work,
but forgot to gas the tank
yesterday night,
the car stops running by the interstate,
flashing red and blue lights stop by my car,
"License please" says the man with the funny shades,
seems though I also forgot my wallet in the living room table.
I begin walking to work with only a $250 ticket,
tough luck.
Great, I arrived to work ten minutes late, coincidentally
my boss was holding a meeting over low funds and
dismissal of some employees,
lucky me.
I'm the first one out, I gather my stuff from my desk,
and begin making my way out, secretary passing by spills coffee
on my "precious" belongings,
"Just trash them" I said,
tough luck.
Walking down an alley towards my apartment,
three creepy looking
dudes ask me for my wallet,
-as if I had it-,
"We'll just take the watch, and the coffee stained coat, great, we'll also kick your *** while we're at it."
Great, just great, fifteen minutes later I get up and walk home,
"Crap!" my keys were in my coat,
tough luck.
I tried going in through the window, funny, someone else did before me;
my house is missing anything considered valuable,
I walk into what's left of my living room, and find my wallet,
What a coincidence.
I just need some sleep, so to my room it is, great
it's also been sacked;
thankfully my back up phone was still under my nightstand.
15 missed calls brother, voicemail says my father died while I was at work,
tough luck.
Nothing else can surely go wrong, right?
I reach for the gun under the bed,
they also stole that, just great!
Tough luck!...
May 2017 · 105
...Of a Crumbled Newspaper
- JP DeVille May 2017
I'd like to think that's a perfect title
-after much, much, much thinking-.
I'd like to believe this will be the perfect poem,
so I wait here for the right words to appear,
hoping that eventually the right words
will lead me to the perfect poem.
Hoping to express what I must in a way to
captivate your eyes.
Hoping, but how do you hope when there's no hope?
How do you speak without any words?
How do you listen?
When hearing is the problem.
There's no such thing as a perfect poem--
much less a perfect title.
In my mind there's a whole world of letters;
an entire galaxy filled with verses and phrases,
yet like a puzzle that cannot be solved,
so is this poem.
And how do I say I love you in a different way?
When I know its been said enough times.
How do I say I miss you without being too cliche?
All the love songs have been sung,
all the nostalgic poems have been written.
I'm too late for romance,
too early for nostalgia.
There's no difference between this words and the next ones,
there's not enough words,
not enough languages,
not enough civilizations
to form the perfect phrase,
the perfect verse,
the perfect title...
I love you, Je t'aime, Te amo,
I miss you, Te extraño.
Darling, come home.
Apr 2017 · 142
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
I precariously prepare the play poetry,
patiently pondering the plane paper.
Part by part I paint the possibilities;
to pertain this performance perfectly
I pick P.
It is poison; I proceed,
precise predicates
I place, it's a paradox. Perdition.
To picture my pain the persona must
posture my part: I progress without
precipitating my predicament,
pursuing the proximity of an end,
puzzling, pushing, and punching without progress.
Oh please let my precedent come to pass,
prefacing the end.
The plague is over.
Apr 2017 · 89
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
I am but a shadow,
a walking corpse;
my insides are hollow,
with a sense of remorse.

My body is so tense,
this life I don't cherish;
this journey is so dense,
I feel I may perish.

I search for distractions,
to cover the pain;
I use mere attractions,
but nothing I gain.
Apr 2017 · 101
The Question
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
A book falls from a shelf,
but no one will ever read it.
A song is sung about love,
but it's never heard by its motivator.
A poem is written from the heart,
but it is never recited.
An I love you is trapped on somebody's lips,
but it is never pronounced.
A word like fire that never sparked;
a novel with no beginning.
Two lovers destinies called to be,
but distanced by sad reality.
An unsent message and a missed call,
an unsent letter, three swallowed words.
Does true love really exist?
or is it merely a myth...
Apr 2017 · 105
Dreaming lightly
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
I look down,
and stare at the dark pit
of all my lost hopes,
all my impossible dreams.
Depressed, I turn around,
I see a long hallway,
I believe it is my rescue.
At the end there's a door,
and suddenly I hold the key,
I run,
run as fast as I can
but I trip.
I stand up and realize,
I'm even further than when I begun.
But I keep running,
I keep falling and I getting up once more.
I cannot give up,
after all, if I make it,
I can finally find happiness.
At last I arrive:
My hopes, my dreams, my wishes,
all lie beyond that wall.
I rapidly rip the key off my chest
and unlock the handle.
Swinging open the door,
expecting the best and more,
yet there again, I stand staring down the abyss,
what's left to hope for?
Truly nothing is real,
my dreams are just that, dreams.
I let go,
spreading my arms,
flying free to a never ending sleep.
Happiness at last...
Apr 2017 · 143
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
I breathe in.
I breathe out.
I open my eyes.
I blink.
I hear a sound.
I listen.
A shadow touches me,
yet I don't feel it.
I cry out for help,
but no sound comes out.
The shadow walks away,
and I beg her not to leave.
But its all complete silence.
I try to reach for her hand,
but I can't move.
I am (e)motionless,
a statue,
all I accomplish is a single tear.
She abandons me, I'm left alone,
to the sound of my heartbeat,
slowly beating.
The night covers me.
I am but a shadow.
a memory.
I miss her.
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
She's like the wind...
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
She is like the wind,
meant to be free
She is a wild animal,
not meant to be tamed.
She is a diamond, hidden in coal;
unique in her own equality.
She though so wise,
is a playful little girl,
caged in the body of a woman.
She is not an object;
objects come with instructions,
she is not easily understood.
Mystery is her favorite game.
She lives to laugh and laughs to live;
but a mask she wears to hide her past.
Mysterious beauty open your eyes,
wake from your slumber and you will see,
you and me darling,
we're meant to be.
Apr 2017 · 143
And when...
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
When the sun rises from the west,
I will forget you.
When rivers run upstream,
I will let you go.
When spring comes in November,
and autumn falls in june.
When God himself tells me to stop loving you,
only then, and then will I go on.
Apr 2017 · 186
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
I love,
But not like others love;
I don't speak the words for the sound.
I love,
But not for a kiss.
I love
strongly and fall even harder.
I love,
But not simply.
I love,
Apr 2017 · 132
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
Her eyes,
Like warm caramel made in a Swiss candy store.
Her lips,
Like a puffy cloud on a sunny day.
Her smile,
A better masterpiece than the Mona Lisa.
Her face,
Sculpted by God's finest craftsmen.
Her voice,
A harmony of a thousand angels.
The forbidden fruit I can never touch.
Apr 2017 · 133
If I could...
- JP DeVille Apr 2017
If I could hold that second for a millenia,
and hold your warmth around my own.
If I could make those lyrics and that song last an eternity,
Trust me honey that I would.

If I could freeze that dance floor and make us the only dancers,
If I could only tell you the thousands words I should've said,
recite the poem I had practiced instead of dumbly staring at your hazel eyes.
If I could've kissed your lips at least once more,
Honey trust me that I would.
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