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And I wish you would know that
I know how you feel.
How I know what you've been through.
And how I've been through it
Because then we might talk,
Shattering unscratched glass with the first sentence,
"What did you get for Number Seven?"
You would say, "Negative eleven, just factor..."
Maybe one day you'd text me and
Ask what the homework was
Because our teacher didn't tell you
From when you were sick.
And eventually, after tons of small talk,
After "How's the weather?"
Got old,
I could finally tell you
That I know.
I'd tell you that
I'm here, not the fake kind of here,
Which sounds like,
Not like that.
But the kind of here
That asks what ****** about your day,
And sends you links to cat videos,
And the kind of here
That texts you at two in the morning
And asks if you're alright
And doesn't take yes for an answer.
 Nov 2013 JAK AL TARBS
 Nov 2013 JAK AL TARBS
not really a poem idk*

His arms or yours
His mouth or yours
His bed or yours
His heart or yours

The thing is with him it doesn't feel right
I know it could, but I'm not ready
I'm not ready to be with someone just yet

He doesn't hurt.  I think it's weird.  I don't want someone that's going to ignore their feelings.. I don't want someone that isn't able to show me love

I don't want to be with someone where he can't commit.  I trust him, I do. I know he doesn't want to hurt me and I don't want to hurt him.


You, my old love
I miss you, I really do
Sometimes I lie down in bed and imagine you next to me, but then you disappear
I remember then that you're not mine anymore, the boy I've came to love is gone.  
I'm not willing to give you another chance either

You're curled up in bed by yourself, then there's that girl that you let use you. I don't know why, I thought you were better than that


The old us
We were great, we were amazing. But then life got in the way.  I loved you so much. I would do anything for you.  As much as I miss you I'm moving on too.. And leaving you behind.
You're always going to be with me.  In the way I talk, in the way I kiss, in the way I hold hands, in the way I cuddle, in the way I curl my arms around another boy.. You're always going to be here with me. You taught me so much.


As I'm lying in bed with him I start to cry.  He says to let it out, to cry.  He hugs me and comforts me.  As much as it feels wrong it does feel right...? I like him but I'm not ready for anything more

He's sweet to me and I'm sweet to him
He respects me, I respect him
He's there for me and I'm there for him

The way he kisses is different, not wrong
Just different from the way we used to kiss..

I'm torn I don't know what's best for me

So I'm going to keep my distance from these two until I'm sure what I want

I don't want to get under a boy to get over you.
I'm better than that and I'm strong
All I want is to be happy
When I am, I'll be back
And stronger than ever
 Nov 2013 JAK AL TARBS
Moon Humor
Dry brown cattails fall over one another in autumn
each year crossing on the forest floor,
waiting for spring rain.
Trees line the neighborhood street but true beauty
lives in the swamp down below.
We ran through branches, slicker boots in the mud
crunching through the tall grass and fallen leaves
exploring where the deer sleep. Graceful bucks
peruse the land. I try to catch a glimpse at dusk
when the silent fog begins to rise.
Forgotten streams dart through the reeds where
shallow water is perfect for spawning Northern.
Fallen tree trunks, ominous giants are the
only way to cross the creek
with dangerous swirling currents my daddy
always warned me about.
Poplar bridge is covered with graffiti and scars
the place I got my first french kiss
while the sun sank down into the swamp’s horizon
and the sky filled with precious stars.
The childhood place you yearn for
after the years go by
When every dark thought drives the car down the road,
ending up on that bridge just to watch the creek flow.
Stillness in the middle of a city
isolated from the corruption outside
The night had been pretty obnoxious,
twisting and turning sleeplessly,
various jagged up thoughts provoking me in,
i rubbed my eyes,

washed my face
to get a more clear picture of myself,
****,i still look the same,
the same old me,
weird cheeked,
abnormal finger shapes,ugh,
everytime i look in the mirror,
i hope to see an improvement.

but i fail,
all the time,
i mean,
just for once,if i could be
for a minute,
and still tell myself,
"phew,you did look alright than before,though for a few seconds, wow,"

doesnt happen ,now.
i try to  be  as positive as i can,
only if it could re-create my distorted face image
and i could confidently talk to guys or anybody else,for that matter,

if i could be confidently walk without hiding my scars from people,
who might just crack a joke
or prank up
or ***** on me

sick and tired of all of this

Help me now, or watch me leave.
that shall happen,v soon.
i'm pretty ******* up. the more i try to look good,the harder it gets and the more impossible it seems. i'm tired. i wait for miracles or i shall trouble myself more and more. :c

©Complicated charmer 2013
 Nov 2013 JAK AL TARBS
 Nov 2013 JAK AL TARBS
"i miss you" you say, but do you even know me?
we were friends for so long, but that's ancient history.
life's not about nostalgia or reliving our past,
it's all about now, moving forward and fast.
the moment is fleeting, so let's just move on,
i'll always love those green eyes and your favorite song,
but we've been holding on to those memories for way too long.

"i miss you" i say, as i think of all that we shared,
but what i really miss is having someone who cared.
i don't know who you are, our connection is gone
what we miss are the people we were before it went wrong.
i remember each tear that i shed and the lies that i told,
i remember that it was you who i used to hold,
and i remember that together we learned how to be bold.

"i love you" you said, but could you say that now?
do you remember the night in your bed when you made that vow?
you said we'd be friends forever, but that's a big word.
we still hadn't learned that you have to scream to be heard.
and we still shared everything, from secrets to food,
we whispered about your sister with the bad attitude,
we didn't know that within the year, our friendship would conclude.

"i love you" i said, and now i don't know who you are.
i miss the nights in your yard spent watching the stars.
you brought light to my life when i could only see dark,
i thought my fire was out, but you brought back my spark.
i tried to move on in every way that i knew,
but it's hard to forget the girl who helped you through,
i think that some part of me will always love you.

we've said our goodbyes again and again,
but it's so hard to let go of your very best friend.
you taught me the meaning of having a family,
and taught me about love beneath an oak tree.
we were just kids, had no idea of the aftermath of our actions,
we forged a friendship full of unnecessary attachments,
but now we have to grow up, there's no room for distractions.

"just try to move on" you whispered, leaving me in the dust,
"i don't know if i can" i said, "you're the only one i can trust."
but you left anyways, and now i know that it's not your fault;
we did what we could, but our love was brought to a halt.
so i'm taking your advice, i'm moving on,
everything that we shared is suddenly gone,
i shed my last tears over you last night in your old lawn.

"i love you" you said, and i know that you meant it.
"i miss you" you said, and i'll never forget it.
you've left your fair share of scars on my broken heart,
but now that i've let myself cry, the healing can start.
you never meant to do me any harm,
but oh, how i miss your smiles and charm,
and i still can remember being wrapped in your arms.

no words that i write can ever compare,
i'll always remember everything that we've shared.
but it's been a few years, and now i have to say goodbye,
there's no point holding on to our song and your green eyes.
i promise i'll keep every secret you spoke,
and i'll keep on laughing at all of our jokes,
so i guess this is goodbye to you and our summers under that oak.
Beyond a soil so old that serves a tomb,
And streams that run so sweet to flourish blue,
Next a wilderness loving like the womb,
There grows a tree, old patron solid true.
He loves his children much with winding root,
The charming birds band, number on him much.
Old witness pays his dues and reaps of fruit,
But is he always good to love and touch?
He withers like all things so good, he must.
His branches spread, so high and dry they die,
Wind brisk through his leaves fly, and so they rust,
As all the forest, all the sadness cry.
He stands, but dead, as all his children strong
Await upon his wake to look so long.
We have tried
To be together
Many times
And each time
Ended the same
In heartbreak
And fighting

We have tried
To be apart
Many times
And each time
Is the same
With jealousy
And loneliness

We crave each other
Yet we never work
We're attractive
And repulsive
This twisted electromagnetivity
Keeps me to you
And pushes me away
So I guess
We'll just pulsate
In a constant state
Of confusion
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