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  Sep 2020 Izaak El Amado
Lingua Franca
A taste and scent I know

I look in the mirror
I wonder who I see
I perceive and see back the eyes of my ancestors
Who and how many
As time goes on. As I meet persons whom evoke and revive some.
It becomes clearer but more crowded
Who do I follow
Who do I remember
Who do I forget
How do I honour them
How do I respect

In my food
In my hair
In my skin and in my breath
All I know are banana leaves and how the smell and taste
Whilst listening to water by selah

Contemplating the culture of being a mixed kid. All I eat, all I say, all I do, I wonder where it came from. I wonder who else has done it before me and if there are ways unknown to me that may help me live out my life. One thing I have become more certain of is that I wish to be around people who enrich my culture and help me embrace where ever it is I have come from and what I can become.
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
The cycle we go thru is stupid,
love aint natural too me,
im too hurt
yet you struck me as my cupid
never have I been the one too end a rotation
let our smoke last forever
because with you im high up in heaven
too bad I aint enough
I aint tough
I aint it
Mami said the **** is bad for me but I replied
"Nah it's just life is ****"
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
Ever since i saw the colourism
ive been trippin
just like colonisim we been forced
thinking were doing good like propaganda
this is just all fan fiction
i think were forgetting what we should be demandin
everytime i look back i feel wrong
you let a dark skinned brother
plug his gram;
rejecting a mixed sister
talkin about the plight of
the black man
too bad we here looking dumb singing the same ******* song
in reality we all are in the ****** wrong.
So i went to the BLM rally.
In conclusion it was painful and the power struggle that is within all ****** up system's were apart of this "rally"

we are gonna be heard
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
He explained the rationale
of the change
she said
"Boy where did you lose you brain?"
he saw more worth
in loose change

Thats the curse of analysing pain.
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
You made me happy,
manifested from the fear
of self isolation
you had already trapped me.
so sorry you had me
i really wonder
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
I look at you and see eternity
you look at me and it confirms me.
burdened by the enviromental adversary
you'll never be a curse to me.
we come from nothing
had nothing
birthed too be trialed by trauma
we never thought this **** was fair
so i guess in the end
i just really want us to share.
i was with mj
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
I was born adopted too paranoia
My mothers touch was her only joy
and I dearly loved what
I could only destroy
for lifes ambition is too
seek what i create and
make it untold.

      For everyone else im a dumb brown boy.
I wrote this "quickie" just to try and understand them.
We all have trauma's and we all need to heal.

— The End —