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The room is dark.
Twisted, cold
and loud,
but then I realise...

I'm just in my head.
Sometimes I can't tell if the things I'm seeing are real,
Or just in my head.
Poems written by a mad man will be short and won't make sense.

Poems written by a genius will always connect to each other.

Poems written by a broken person will have a darker, underling meaning.

Poems written by a angry person will always blame someone else.

In the end, It will all fit together.
Something I haven't heard before.
You can get so much information from simple things people do;
How they walk,
How they talk,
How they write,
How they react,
And their art....

WhaT d O yo u sEe wHen yOu l o o k aT m E?
T hE y aRe sO LouD,
wHy wON't th E y ju St S h u t u p ?

iN th e E N D, i T wi ll al l Fi t to geth er.
For those who can't read the poem, here it is.

They are so loud,
Why won't they just shut up?

In the end, It will all fit together.
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