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Jun 2020 · 41
'Mind' frame's None
A Freedom Jun 2020
'...found its way and bred a 'game',
to undo the rules of mind and frame.
And nature laughed away as the voices grew,
washed out the field and buried 'their' crew.
So how does a 'twilight' paws!
Closer than a heartbeat, knowledge flashes out,
in every now 'abolished',
within 'a dream' it Is, as it Is without.
Hasn't walked 'for days' though It followed,
Human marks within Nature's empty trace is of little use...
for the Earth to swallow.
When 'mind' plucks it up in its of doom,
thoughts all have turned up into a choir of a glorious fool.'
May 2020 · 38
A Freedom May 2020
'I crewed 'today',
O thee,
have you puzzled me
with care,
in the land of the free?
May 2020 · 69
A Freedom May 2020
'dream's Being,
in Peace,
I, the glorious Ego,
Am a shape of a cloud.'
May 2020 · 57
Did 'I' know
A Freedom May 2020
'It calls 'me' good but I am ~ not.
It calls 'me' bad yet I am ~ not.
Being 'bad' by doing good and good by doing 'bad', Ego's fostered
bond within thought's prayer adorable trials, turned into 'God's fella
crowd's liberation, now's chipping its topography foundation.'
May 2020 · 35
'you' go now
A Freedom May 2020
'in pangs of hunger lost its cravings,
the truth alone is enough!  
within contentment,
all of its selves died,
for It to survive.'  
May 2020 · 31
A Freedom May 2020
is it intimate dear?

time's sacrament realises its abbess,
under the tongue, it moves 'near',
with no.frame to unfold.'
May 2020 · 67
...another of Its stories
A Freedom May 2020
In 'the' sacred pools, there is no.thing but fluid.
It has been floating there! Within a built of wood and bone is powerless while articulating loops! It knows it has been weeping inside the 'holy' books as nothing but words. Saw through their 'strength' one-time oblique then spoke, of what is only lived through! Breathed, It lit the eternal syllabi on fire. Now 'Kabir' and I, are enduringly excused.
Apr 2020 · 65
A time for a 'swim'
A Freedom Apr 2020
'Can you feel It!
Can you?
And as you do...Just wait!
Is not It...
The question within stars' reflection
Is reaping all you've got!
Unzipping Human uniform!
Apr 2020 · 46
'Do' wait
A Freedom Apr 2020
The death of human design and its nature...
Shredded my heart into a fortune!
Apr 2020 · 46
A Freedom Apr 2020
within life's eternity is just a pause,
a fragile moment's tiny punctuation in immortality,
as I,
in truth's strain trials
Am unfettered.'
Apr 2020 · 41
A Freedom Apr 2020
' shine bright it says,
  gone before its arrival!'
Apr 2020 · 43
A Freedom Apr 2020
'snapped its mind on an edge of a realm,
irrelevant 'two' marks from trial's earth,
now's an unfettered run.'
Apr 2020 · 52
A Freedom Apr 2020
'..human's patches
seeding undercover,
flesh merely's worth the effort,
in whatever I discover.'
Apr 2020 · 34
A Freedom Apr 2020
'It collides, in this master segment, records articulation's dead, therefore alive! The windsurfed purpose of those who didn't catch the drift is long gone, yet still beside, climbing downhill, consumed in praising for nothing in faith's genuine friend's infinite zeros of that, which has no self of its had.'
Mar 2020 · 35
'mind's Beauty
A Freedom Mar 2020
'Under roof's cracks,
reptile's guard's sleeping,
with exquisite earplugs.'
Mar 2020 · 55
Needn't tell!
A Freedom Mar 2020
'within peace,
human's narrative's pouches
of anguish,
empty of bliss.'
Mar 2020 · 56
nowhere 'as' me
A Freedom Mar 2020
'Being ready or not is irrelevant, when tissues are wearing off and bodies are quivering, in each storm, are swayed by the wind, as eternal peace of delivering.'
Mar 2020 · 59
ignorant as 'I' am
A Freedom Mar 2020
It guards been guarded while guarding the guard. Its stamina is nothing in plenty! Mind's twisting its neat undergarment, proclaiming it freedom's eagerly doormat.  
Feb 2020 · 86
'Rest' assured!
A Freedom Feb 2020
Intentions, a dreadlocked mind of a poor yet gifted creator, drawing rainbows in jail cells, visualising infinity of how soon is too long to comb its extensions. A freeman in a guardhouse is a hostage of a guaranteed glory's probation.  
Feb 2020 · 62
Love loves loving
A Freedom Feb 2020
'Comes a time', when it feels so good to be in a traffic jam or irritated on a top of a mountain, even jogging with snakes in freshly clipped grass! When there're no parts of me enslaving its labour, nor I being aground. Ah, Peace, whatever life's delivering, I don't mind.
Feb 2020 · 31
within Is born
A Freedom Feb 2020
'...round the clock!
inside ignorance's painting
'fishes' are dying,
dashing its blueprint on a rock.'
Feb 2020 · 42
Loop's brain
A Freedom Feb 2020
'I, in the land of the free ...
'where' would you be without me!'
~ Ego
Feb 2020 · 44
have I/You!
A Freedom Feb 2020
'broken bones!
joints growing judgment!
it beats,
but I feel strong...
dozing pulsation.'
Feb 2020 · 46
man's freedom
A Freedom Feb 2020
'Between brackets won't flee.
Comfortably in its pause, the obvious Is barking!
Yet impossible to hear nor to see.'
Feb 2020 · 71
none's sense
A Freedom Feb 2020
'... script's data,
typography's dead man's memoir,
inking vowels
of a barren mind.'
Feb 2020 · 91
'closing' Story
A Freedom Feb 2020
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that in me, there is a great summer, where silence becomes a symphony of a blind man's privilege to hear. I, pleased needn't be, as God knows I tried too hard, too long, too many times! I do not know, nor I belong. Freedom, so sweet, there's no flavour left in me for you to master.  
Feb 2020 · 57
karma's bliss
A Freedom Feb 2020
'falling for this Human form in which none is born ...
why altering belts!
this rollercoaster is glorious!
dodging the bullets
glancing now at its grin,
found later they **** from within.'
Feb 2020 · 66
roll in coaster
A Freedom Feb 2020
above ~
below itself,
indefinite lives,
ahead ~
behind itself,
rest needn't.'
Feb 2020 · 34
keeps quiet
A Freedom Feb 2020
'A search for having its quest.
'I' observe!
'You' endeavour!
'They' explore!
For whom is yet hunting?
Does One 'hole' swallow millions of rabbits...and Alice?
Who the __ is Alice!
Amidst snared gods,
conscious within a feeling of being empty
is already it.'
Jan 2020 · 34
A Freedom Jan 2020
'in the hospitality of its quiet ballad,
deaf's ears are resting.'
Jan 2020 · 30
A Freedom Jan 2020
'Within the stranger's insults,
It glows!
Within the ignorance of a loved one,
It glows!
Within the arrogant human nature,
It glows!
It glows within the darkest most peculiar places of friction
where minds have proclaimed its employment!
It glows within its nOne of a kind!
O, Love!
Only you can leave the spiders free to run off...alive.'
Jan 2020 · 48
A Freedom Jan 2020
'showers of Grace ...
route's flooding,
beyond surfaces,
I am free,
Jan 2020 · 40
universally 'Lost'
A Freedom Jan 2020
'I', seen,
eye's cataract ...  
the edge of an erratic router.'
Jan 2020 · 31
It is real!
A Freedom Jan 2020
'in-between breaths,
it dances its story!
within heart bathed in an everlasting union,
'I' needn't justify this joy,
nor its precious glory.'
Jan 2020 · 54
A Freedom Jan 2020
'lost exteriors, dehydrated inks splashed imagination over-flooded desert's recreational mirage, out of thin air perpetrated! its essence sank! it does seem to be watching over while observing the above... needn't saving, needn't anything love, without a trace was found when faded, inside 'this' fire, grew the heart of a courageous moth.'
Jan 2020 · 50
A story within A story
A Freedom Jan 2020
The olive branch!
An earthly representative of peace. Yet, 'olives' aren't everyone's favoured 'snack'. It wants to be treated, smoothed or cured before it is even remotely embraced, and even then, parts of its character still won't have it on a 'pizza'. Furthermore, blending mediations
accommodates high manners, and even when flourishing, aren't always appreciated. Chewing 'olive's spread is empathising, for it, Self needn't understanding in its eternal ignorance of being fed.
Jan 2020 · 28
I, freedom!
A Freedom Jan 2020
'bright and boundless,
with~out It
moons floating.'
Jan 2020 · 39
A Freedom Jan 2020
'the greatest 'surgeries' require sharp cuts,
within its natural invasion needn't anaesthesia,
nor 'patients'...
as a tool to operate.'
Jan 2020 · 33
A Freedom Jan 2020
'in its zest,
creator's jokes,
sleeping under moon tree!'
Jan 2020 · 44
Arrived within Leaving
A Freedom Jan 2020
'Loosen its grip while dragging a holy brick around personage's neck!
It is one 'hell' of a maker,
waving a finger in a land of  lost hands.'
Jan 2020 · 46
A Freedom Jan 2020
'for I ...
there are no diversions,
as no battle on diversion has yet been declared!'
Jan 2020 · 30
It knew
A Freedom Jan 2020
'playing themes,
grinning oblivious data of needn't grasping what it knew,
One author ~
buried alive within a few!'
Jan 2020 · 36
Too long, too many times
A Freedom Jan 2020
'The affairs of singular tales are living within its absence.
Once 'adopted', its alchemy evaporates.
Shiny tools for thee,
unbothered what it can not flee.
Through bland swells,
has aroused within a bubble it seems,
drooling out the flavours of its being.'
Jan 2020 · 38
A Freedom Jan 2020
'...and It made an artisan!
Seen by those who aren't born yet.'
Jan 2020 · 32
O, did 'It' go!
A Freedom Jan 2020
'infinite shelters...
where 'I’ am not,
neither in the city of god
nor in mine,
love, I am home,
within my absence.'
Jan 2020 · 37
A Freedom Jan 2020
'I hold no memory for things I've learned,
nor for what I've read,
nor for things apprehended nor heard,
neither for people nor displays,
weighing nothing,
acquired nothing,
'I' knows
child's ignorance!
its enigma is sluggish,
inexperienced in conceiving deliberately,
grasping silence,
incapable of sound's unbroken thinking,
I, within 'its' story...
am barely pronounced.'
Jan 2020 · 36
A Freedom Jan 2020
'behind dawn's eyelashes,
eternal light,
celebrates its decay.'
Dec 2019 · 50
Self of a Dream
A Freedom Dec 2019
'is not like it made a list of ways to assassinate itself!
expanded linear optics 'are' washing its canvas,
demolishing its Own existence
inside eternal preparation to understand,
near it will smear as 'It Is' Becoming stained,
traumatised landscapes,
embraced within a character's temptation to escape.
how epic have 'I' been my Self.'
Dec 2019 · 48
A Freedom Dec 2019
'enjoy your bliss,
dive in the affection of its goodies.
it shall pass.
enjoy your suffering,
Own it while you can!
sacred Humanity,
existing extremity within its thicket,
stretching its legs, listening to crickets,
searching for a winner of a 'golden ticket.'
Dec 2019 · 179
A Freedom Dec 2019
within spite of ecstasy and anguish,
won its Own contest amid transactions,
now feasting on immutable delight.'
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